
Uzumaki Vampire

A collection of Naruto x Vampire Crossovers. I DO NOT OWN THIS FANFICs. I REALLY RESPECT THESE AUTHORS THEREFORE I AM RE-POSTING THEIR FANFICS. CHECK THEM OUT AT THE LINKS BELOW. Uzumaki Vampire --> http://archiveofourown.org/works/28582083 Teen Hybrid --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/23478157/chapters/56427370#main Vampire in Rome --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/22311190 Vampire of Prophecy: The Originals --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11847619/1/Vampire-of- Prophecy-The-Originals No-Life Duke And His Queens --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13972002/1/No-Life-Duke- And-His-Queens Naruto: Rise of the Dark Storm --> https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8768530/1/Naruto-Rise-of-the-Dark- Undead Maelstrom --> https://archiveofourown.org/works/24424102

HersheyHeist · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
85 Chs

Chapter 14

To say Naruto was feeling a bit stir crazy would be a massive understatement. Shortly after their arrival to Suna, Temari (Who had been waiting for them at the main gates) greeted the Konoha team, and curtly ordered that they come with her.

And as they had walked through the village, they were able to see the disheartened expressions of most of the villagers. When Naruto asked why all the villagers were disheartened, Temari replied that everyone in the village were greatly worried about their Kazekage.

To hear that the villagers of Suna were worried about Gaara, made Naruto simile. Gaara had done it. He gained the villages trust, and acknowledgement. After all the pain Gaara wen through in his life, Naruto firmly believed Gaara deserved the title of Kazekage.

The amount of concern, and worry for their Kazekage was simply put, staggering for the blonde. And it made Naruto wonder what life would have been like if he had been born in Suna along with Gaara. And in the back of his mind, a small pang of jealously went through him.

However, he threw that thought out the window. Konoha was his home. He was born there, he bled there, and he made the bonds which he cherished there as well. He wouldn't trade Konoha for anything. Although he would like to trade some of the villagers in the village...

The blonde threw that though out the window.

When Naruto asked if there were any deaths during the Akatsuki attack, Temari had replied that two gate guards were killed, several wounded... And her brother Kankuro was in a critical state, and near death as he was poisoned. When the blonde heard that, he immediately demanded to be taken to Kankuro's hospital room.

The blonde sister of Gaara complied, and led them towards the hospital. There they made their way up the stairs, and into Kankuro's room.

When Naruto saw Kankuro's condition, he immediately ordered Sakura to do the best she can to cure him of the unknown poison in his veins. Sakura, deciding to not try and push her luck ever since her violent attempt to injure Shiroi. Obediently the pink haired girl wordlessly began examining the poisoned form of Kankuro.

In the process, the group met a village elder by the name of Chiyo. Who had mistaken Kakashi for the 'white fang of Konoha'. As a result, the elder woman attempted to attack the masked Jonin. Keyword being 'attempted' as another elder who was apparently quite familiar with Chiyo (Forgot the guys name) stopped her before she could do any to Kakashi.

Naruto asked Kakashi who the white fang was, to which Kakashi replied that the white fang was his father.

Naruto had merely arched an eyebrow in curiosity. Shiroi looked completely uninterested in what was going on, and she instead turned her attention towards the window. And gazed upon setting sun. Meanwhile, Chachazero pouted as there was no bloodshed whatsoever.

Kyuubi merely scoffed at the elder woman. Obviously the woman had a sort of vendetta against Kakashi's father. And it didn't take a genius to know that the woman was still holding on to that foolish vendetta. It only gave Kyuubi another reason on why he hated 'most' humans so much. With the only humans that he didn't hate were his father Rikudou, and (Though he wouldn't admit it) Naruto, his favorite Jinchuriki so far. (Shiroi didn't count as she isn't human)

And so on the blonde was forced to sit through waiting for Sakura to finish healing Kankuro as Kakashi quietly read his book, giggling at random intervals. Chiyo, who seemed to be sleeping... Though she looked like she was dead. Shiroi looking out the window, and Chachazero playing with his hair. After several minutes, a twitch developed on the blonde's eyebrow.

The fact that he could hear Kyuubi snickering... Did NOT help at all. The blonde didn't know about Altair, but he was sure he could hear the blade quietly rattling. Yeah... He was getting annoyed very quickly.

Fortunately, Temari had arrived, and she said that with Gaara's absence, the village's 'acting' kage had asked for his presence. That caught everyone's attention. When the blonde asked who was the acting kage. Temari replied that it was Gaara's girlfriend. Causing Naruto to choke on his own saliva, and the blonde looked at Temari as if she had just told him Orochimaru had admitted he like little boys.

Temari chuckled at the blonde, and said she had the same reaction when she learned that Gaara was dating the girl. When Naruto asked what the name of Gaara's girlfriend was. Temari replied that the girl's name was Yui. Causing Shiroi's ears to perk up, and the white haired girl glanced at the sandy blonde. Shortly after, Shiroi said that she would accompany Naruto in his meeting with their temporary leader.

Temari was reluctant, but gave in when Shiroi said she was going either way. And that it was 'preferable' if she let her accompany her fiance 'willingly'. While at the same time giving Temari her 'evil' eye.

Temari gulped at Shiroi's words, and her 'evil' eye. And the sandy blonde reluctantly allowed her to join in on Naruto's meeting with their acting kage.

So leaving Sakura in the hospital to continue healing Kankuro. Along with Kakashi to keep an eye on the pink haired Chunin, and elder Chiyo to provide whatever assistance she can give.

The trio of Naruto, Shiroi, and Temari quickly left the hospital, and headed directly towards the Kazekage building.

Which led to the reason of why Naruto was feeling a bit stir crazy. He had already been sitting in the waiting room for at least fifty minutes, and his patience (which had been dimming ever since Akatsuki's attack, and Sakura's violent outburst to Shiroi) was slowly becoming thinner, and thinner with each passing minute.

Chachazero was still playing with the blonde's hair. Giggling at random intervals when she seemed to tangle herself in the spiky mess that Naruto called his hair. Before she would then find a way out of her trap, and continue the process over again.

Shiroi however, had her eyes closed as she leaned back in her chair. To any other person, she would have seemed to be sleeping. However Naruto knew that his beloved was actually meditating. For what reason? He didn't know, but he wouldn't disrupt her meditation for anything. The last time he did... Let's just say getting blasted with a killing intent so powerful that it made even the Kyuubi whimper in fear.. Was NOT pleasant.

Ever since than, the blonde had made it a point to NEVER disrupt Shiroi from her meditation. For the sake of his health.

With nothing to do, the blonde sighed. And decided to meditate along with Shiroi as that will kill time more quickly. The blonde shut his eyes, and strangely enough. He didn't start meditating immediately. Instead the blonde found himself thinking back on the elemental nations history. Or to be more specific, the Shinobi clan wars.

However, two names echoed out to him the most.

Senju Harashirama, and Uchiha Madara.

Two of the greatest Shinobi's in the history of the world. Both of them being compared to that of the great sage of six paths. The god of all Shinobi. He didn't know why, but he admired, and respected both of them. In his trip with Jiraiya, the Sannin had basically forced him to sit down, and actually sat with him and told him of the history of the elemental nations in a non-biased point of view.

And as Naruto (Reluctantly) learned about the history of the other villages, two names came up almost every time Konoha was mentioned. And those names were of course Uchiha Madara, and Senju Hashirama.

The blonde admired the Shodaime Hokage for his ideals, and beliefs. Despite the age he lived in, he firmly believed that peace was possible no matter how far, or foolish that goal seemed.

The blonde admired Madar for his strength, and calm, and composed persona. It was said that nothing could ever faze the legendary Uchiha. That he was as calm as and composed as an eagle when it's hunting it's prey.

Also he respected the way Madara viewed the world. From what Jiraiya had told him so far, before the death of his brother. Madara firmly believed in protecting the Uchiha clan during the rough times in the clan wars. He fought, and bled along side his Uchiha comrades, and when his brother died. He lost his way, and his brother had given him his eyes as a way to obtain the Eternal mangekyou Sharingan.

Of course, others believed that Madara killed his brother to obtain the final stage of the Sharingan. However, that was never truly confirmed. Ever since than, Madara had made it his duty to protect his clan from any and all threats.

To Madara, if you threatened his clan, or his dream of protecting his clan. Than you were an enemy that must be destroyed with extreme prejudice.

Madara's outlook on life was simple, from what Jiraiya told him. Madara's outlook was: If you threatened my clan, then I will destroy every part of your being with no remorse.

True it was a bit dark, but strangely enough... Naruto actually respected that. Naruto didn't know why, but he greatly respected Uchiha Madara. It was... Like a deep urge to respect the Uchiha. True that everyone basically feared Madara. With the only ones not fearing him being Senju Hashirama, and Senju Tobirama. but Naruto didn't fear him at all, despite what he's heard from the stories about the Uchiha.

In fact... He felt something when he heard some of the insults that Jiraiya told him that many Shinobi had for the Uchiha... He felt a need to... Defend the Uchiha and his reputation. He didn't know why either. It was just... Instinct.

Strangely, he felt the same whenever he heard the insults that some Iwa nin had for Senju Tobirama. He felt a connection between those two... And he didn't know why.

Kyuubi knew why, but the giant fox decided to keep that to himself for awhile longer.

The blonde was shaken from his thoughts when he heard Temari's voice.

"Uzumaki-san, Yui will see you now." Temari said, poking the blonde in the cheeks.

"May I incline as to why you are poking my cheeks. Temari-san?" The golden haired blonde asked, a twitch developing on his eyes.

"... I was curious to know if those whiskers of your were real." The sandy blonde stated, still poking his cheeks.

"Please stop Temari-san. I'm pretty sure Chachazero-chan isn't liking what your doing."

Temari turned her gaze up towards the green haired doll on his head. Only to find the adorable little doll giving her innocent smile, as the doll twirled a not so innocent knife on her hands.

Temari gulped, she was fairly confident she could defeat a doll... But somehow, she knew that fighting that doll would very difficult, if not life threatening. And something tells her that eve if she would knock that doll around, it would be laughing like a child in a candy store. So, the sandy blonde stopped him poking of the blonde, and turned her attention towards Shiroi.

"Guess I'll wake up Shiroi-san." The sister Gaara said, moving towards Shiroi's meditating form.

"Wait! Temari stop you fool!" Naruto shouted. However it was to late.

The second Temari shook Shiroi for only a split second. Everyone within the room (Including some Shinobi who were in the room with them) was blasted with a killing intent so powerful, it made a bijuu's killing intent seem like a puppy in comparison.

Very eerily, and very slowly. Shiroi turned her head towards Temari. And the sandy blonde bore witness to the sight of the slit in Shiroi's eyes dangerously getting thinner. Her eyes flashing between blood red, and pink. And when the slivery white haired girl spoke, it sent Shivers down everyone's spines.

"Temari-san... Please enlightened me as to why? You interrupted my meditation?" The way she said was in a sugary sweet tone, and with a cheerful, and pleasant smile on her face. The killing intent seemed to increased ten fold as well.

If anything, it scared the shit out of everyone there. Some Shinobi fainted, some foamed at the mouth, while others broke down and began to mutter to themselves. Naruto was able to catch some of what they were saying. Even though he sat petrified in his seat. Things like 'Mommy? is that you mommy?' Or 'Takeshi is a good boy' could be heard somewhat.

Though the blonde was more worried about the Kyuubi inside of him. 'Hey Kyuubi you okay?'

"Kurama isn't bad! Kurama is a good little fox!"

That was the only thing Naruto heard. 'Kyuubi?... Who the fuck is Kurama?'

"No one! Uh... Uh... Kurama is just a really good friend of mine!"

'Uh... O... kay?'

The blonde wisely decided not to take the issue further, as he knew that Kyuubi was always affected the most when Shiroi released her killing intent like this.

Chachazero however, was giggling madly as she gave a type of predatory stare to all of the Shinobi in the room. Seriously, her masters were the greatest in the world! Now if only she were allowed to shed some blood.

Altair was rattling in terror in its sheathe, but it stopped rattling when Naruto placed his hand on the hilt. Man, he had the greatest owner in the world didn't he?

"Temari-san... I asked you a question. So please answer, before I decide to use other... 'Methods' for you to speak." Shiroi said, her sugary sweet smile still on her face.

Temari gulped "Yui will see you and Naruto now." The sandy blonde nearly squeaked.

"Oh? Is that so? Alright then, I guess I can let your interruption slide." Shiroi said, getting up from her chair.

And just like that, the killing intent faded instantly, allowing everyone in the room to breathe a sigh of relief.

Shiroi moved towards the door to the Kazekage's office immediately after she stood. Naruto stood, and moved towards the door with her, after all, he had a meeting with acting Kazekage to. And he believes the acting kage wouldn't take it to kindly if he was even a second late.

the duo (not counting Chachazero, or Kyuubi) entered the Kazakage's office, to find a black haired girl sitting at the seat. The black haired girl was slowly writing down on sheets of paper with a blank expression on her face.

Naruto was able to detect slight bags under her eyes, and her eyes seemed a little puffy, and red And Naruto wasn't sure, but he was sure that anger was burning silently behind her blank expression. Though that could have been his imagination. Also her skin seemed more pale then everyone else in Suna.

However, what really caught Naruto's attention was the large bat like wings she had on her back. Though one of them seemed to be heavily bandaged.

It was silent in the office, until Shiroi voice broke through the silence. "Well... I'm surprised to see you again after all these years cry baby Yui." The slivery white haired girl said, a grin tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Yui looked up with surprise lit in her yellow eyes "Shiroi? Is that you? I haven't seen since sensei died, and you told us it was time to go our separate ways." The black haired girl said, staring at the girl in front of her, while curiously glancing at the blonde beside her.

"Yeah it has been awhile hasn't it? what's this I hear about you becoming a girlfriend to the Kazekage?" Shiroi asked, a small smirk on her lips.

The light of life in Yui's eyes dimmed slightly, and her voice became soft spoken. "It has been fun, and the happiest time of my life... But now I can barely smile as is." She answered.

Naruto rose an eyebrow at Yui's response.

"The council has decided not to send to many Shinobi to go go search for Gaara as the last time they dd that, they were attacked. Not to mention we barely have any Shinobi who hardly even reach the level of S-rank. We mostly have high A-rank Shinobi, and they stand no chance against that of the likes Akatsuki." Here she released an annoyed sigh.

"Not to mention the council are all piling the paperwork on me since Gaara was kidnapped. Me and Gaara has told them time and time again, we cannot sign things such as these." The black haired girl picked up a document. "Listen to this. This is the same villager who has been asking for some funds to build a planting business. Ever since Gaara was taken, some of the villagers are taking advantage of Gaara's kidnapping." She released an annoyed grunt.

"Honestly, we told the village as a whole that we don't have enough funds. Teh, stupid villagers. I can't even believe that they would try to take advantage of Gaara's kidnapping." Yui grumbled, taking a stamp with the words DENIED on it. She stamped the document, and moved on to another one.

Shiroi blinked. This wasn't the Yui she knew. the Yui she knew was a bit cheerful, and likes to tease others as well. Especially people she loved. When she's depressed, she'll work twice as hard to distract herself, and she becomes more irritable. it seems that Gaara's kidnapping had hit her harder than she thought...

.. And Yui was dealing with it the only way she knew how, and that was overworking herself. However, in doing so she was starting to become more irritable. And when yui is irritable... Lets just say, that things tend to get... Reality bending. A succubus like Yui is able to have both charm like ability that allows her to have members of the opposite gender become her servants, and illusions.

Yui's abilities mostly revolved around illusions, her talent for illusions was to say the least incredible. She would be able to put you in a illusion so powerful, that it would seem as if years went by in the illusion, but in reality only several seconds would go by.

Shiroi should know, after all Yui caught her in a illusion like that. Despite Shiroi being very powerful, she never saw the need to learn illusions. As a result, Shiroi only learned how to identify, and dispel illusions rather than cast them.

Illusions were more of Yui's specialty. Because of Yui's specialization in illusions, it left her rather lacking in some other area's. Though Yui was still powerful even without illusions. Without illusions she would still be able to give a Jonin like Kakashi a good workout.

However, when yui is upset, then her illusions begin to run amok. Despite her specialty being illusions, Yui still has problems controlling certain illusion techniques.

Techniques such as Yui's own Illusions art: Hellish paradise fantasy was especially difficult for her to control. The technique involved her trapping you in a sunny beach resort, that seemed to be nothing but pure heaven. However that was all a deception, as only within several seconds does the illusion change drastically.

Instead of the sunny resort, it changes into a resort that seemed to belong to hell itself. The sky blood red, and alit with blood red flames. The sea changing into a blood red color with dozens of demonic sharks swimming in it.

The healthy trees withering, until nothing remained but black husk of death. And you would find to your own horror..

... That your own skin would be melting right off you, because of the contaminated oxygen in the air. Not counting the fact that no matter what you tried to do you couldn't break out of the illusion unless you had even better control over illusions like Yui had. Or you had someone there to help you break free from the illusion.

Shiroi only managed to break free from that exact illusion because her raw youki alone overpowered Yui's.

Shiroi lightly shook her head, and instead focused on Yui who was furiously writing on the various papers again. The white haired girl sighed in annoyance, and reluctantly kept quiet as it was obvious Yui was in no mood for a reunion. though she wanted to tease her and call her by her nickname dammit!

'Oh well, I can tease after we save the Kazakage cry baby Yui.' She thought, mentally snickering.

Naruto whose curiosity was burning with white hot intensity kept quiet as he was still in the presence of the villages acting kage. Jiraiya had taught him politics, and how to behave in front of a kage or any other political figure.

After several minutes of watching Yui continue doing paperwork, Naruto began to get stir crazy again. However, it was quickly broken when Yui spoke. "I'm sure your wondering why I called you here." She said, not taking her eyes off her paperwork.

Wordlessly the blonde nodded.

"The reason I called you here, is because Baki believes that you and your team will be able to save Gaara. Though I have a few doubts about that, as we are dealing with S-ranked Shinobi. So of course you understand some of my concerns." Yui explained, regardless if she knew the blonde understood or not.

"So now, a good majority of our Shinobi are depending on you and your squad to save, while we hold down the fort here." She gave an unlady like snort "I wish I myself could come with to save Gaara, but if Gaara were in my position he would do what's best for the village. and the best I can do for him, is continue my duties like he'd want me to."

She finally took her eyes, off her paperwork, and gave the blonde a hard stare.

"Lots of our Shinobi are placing their faith in you to save Gaara... Including me. Please... Save Gaara." She said, her eyes dripping in sadness, as her voice changed to a pleading whisper.

The blonde stared into yui's eyes, and a determined glint entered his eyes as he placed his hand on Altair's hilt. "Don't worry. You can depend on us, we'll bring Gaara back to you." He said, the determined glint never leaving his eyes.

'Maybe we can destroy some Akatsuki bastards as well.' A dark voice whispered in the back of his mind.

Naruto eyes narrowed slightly in confusion 'Kyuubi... Was that you?'

"What was me?" The king of the bijuu asked, blinking in confusion.

'Nothing... It was nothing at all.' Naruto responded, though he wasn't so sure.

Kyuubi merely rose an eyebrow in interest, before he shrugged and shut his crimson colored. Preferring to get some sleep before they fought with Akatsuki.

Yui stared at the blonde shinobi in front of her for several moments, before she gave a grateful smile. "Thank you Naruto-san." She said gratefully, bowing her head in respect.

Shiroi smiled at her dear friend, and she winked towards the black haired girl. Yui blinked, before she silently giggled. She returned Shiroi's wink, and turned her attention towards the blonde.

"Now than. It's not much, but here is the information we were able to obtain from the members of Akatsuki that we encountered. One of them, had long blonde haired tied in a high ponytail with a bang covering the right side of his face. From what we were able to gather, this Shinobi is able to utilize clay as his mian form of weaponry." She paused to make sure both Shiroi, and Naruto were paying attention.

Chachazero payed rapt attention... Using clay as a weapon? It sounded useless.

"He uses his clay by forming it into some type of animal, and when they are within a close proximity... They explode." She bluntly stated.

Shiroi and Naruto blinked owlishly for a moment, before in unison they tilted their heads slightly.

Chachazero blinked once, twice, thrice, and a fourth time before she began to giggle madly. The idea of having clay animals blow up! Was just so damn AWESOME!

Yui seeing their tilted heads, giggled silently. "The other member of Akatsuki... We don't really have any information regarding him as only Kankuro fought him. And since Kankuro is unconscious at the moment..." She trailed off.

"That means the second person is an unknown at the moment." Naruto mused. Yui wordlessly nodding at his assessment.

"Hmm.. So we have a unknown, and another whom we just can't miss." Shiroi confirmed, closing her eyes in thought.

"I heard from ero-sensei that to extract a bijuu from their host it requires three days at least in order for the extraction to be a success. And based on the time it took us to get here... We lost two days and a half, if we are to have any hope of saving Gaara we need to move now." Naruto stated, his voice taking on a serious edge.

Yui nodded "Yes that is true, and Kankuro must be healed from his poisoned state. From a report I've just gotten from the hospital, Haruno Sakura is currently treating him at the moment. However it would take a day at best, and by than..." She trailed off in slight depression.

"By than the extraction would be complete.." Naruto finished grimly.

The room was silent for a few moments before Shiroi spoke "Why not split up?" She advised.

Everyone turned to her for an explanation.

Seeing this, she continued "Why note leave sakura here to treat Kankuro, and we bring along another Shinobi of yours with some medical experience. That way we can kill two birds with one stone." she finished.

"Your suggesting..." Yui trailed off.

"Your suggesting that while sakura heals Kankuro, we can go and save Gaara with the assistance of another suna shinobi. that way we can save both Kankuro and Gaara at the same time." Naruto realized.

Shiroi nodded in approval, and a feeling of pride wih a hint of arrogance appeared in her eyes. There was no doubt they were going to go with this idea. She puffed her chest out in pride. It felt good being superior to others! (Excluding Naruto of course, as Shiroi already acknowledged that the blonde was stronger than her.)

"I'll go tell Kakashi-senpai our next course of action." Naruto stated, before he left through the door. Chachazero waving at the duo of girls as they left.

With Naruto now gone, Yui returned her attention back to her paperwork, though she glanced to shiroi from time to time.

Shiroi moved towards the window, and gazed upon the setting sun. For several moments it was silent, before Shiroi broke the silence with her soft voice. "Don't worry cry baby Yui... We will save your boyfriend. Naruto let anything distract him from saving him... Trust me."

Yui remained silent for a moment, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of a pen writing on paper. Soon that sound was joined by the sound of something wet hitting the desk repeatedly.

"... Shiroi... Thank you." Came Yui's soft voice, it was barely above a whisper.

Shiroi wordlessly moved towards Shiroi, and hugged her close (taking extra care to not aggravate her injured wing.) "Anything for my sister, now stop crying cry baby Yui." She said, taking a pen, and helping Yui with a few documents.

"Yeah... I promised myself I wouldn't cry anymore." Yui muttered, returning Shiroi's hug with her own. Though her generous bust was almost engulfing the white haired girl.

Shiroi twitched, but made no other movement other than tightening her grip on Yui, and resumed writing on some documents.

The white haired girl swore at that very moment, that she would completely destroy the motherfuckers who dared to make her sister cry. She would make them pay. By the time she was done with them, castration would be considered a gift given from Kami herself.

Tobi silently sat under a massive underground tree. The tree seemed to be flourishing quite remarkably given the fact that it was underground.

However, the most disturbing thing about the tree was the human face that was melted into the very tree itself. Upon closer inspection, the human face was eerily similar to that of the Shodaime Hokage of Konoha.

Tobi remained in the silence for several more minutes, before his voice echoed out throughout the entire hideout. "Zetsu."

There was tense silence for a moment, before a white Zetsu clone emerged from the ground below. "Yes?"

Tobi didn't speak immediately, preferring to stare at the face that was melted into the tree for several moments longer, before he spoke. "I want you to observe the Kyuubi jinchuuriki very closely when he moves to save the Kazekage."

"Why the sudden interest in the Kyuubi jinchuuriki?" Zetsu asked.

"... There has been a change of plans. Instead of extracting the Kyuubi completely, we will only extract a fraction of what is truly needed." the masked man answered.

"Why?" the Zetsu clone asked again.

"Because we will convert the Kyuubi jinchuuriki to our cause." Tobi answered, his Sharingan never moving from the shodaime's face.

"Are you sure 'he' will approve? When he is revived?" Zetsu asked, uncertainly.

Tobi didn't answer right away, and when he did, his tone was blank, but still cold. "'He' will approve of it. After all, 'he' gets two things out of it."

"What does 'he' get out it?"

"Not only will 'he' have the power of the Kyuubi jinchuuriki willingly... But 'he' will have someone of his very flesh and blood on his side." Tobi stated.

"I don't understand." Zetsu said in confusion.

Tobi finally turned his head towards Zetsu "you're joking... 'He' created you, yet you do not know of his blood being passed down?" He said, disbelief in his tone.

Zetsu's eyes narrowed in confusion, before suddenly his eyes widened in realization. "Y-You mean!?"

"Yes, Kyuubi jinchuuriki is of both 'his' descend. And that of the Nidaime's descend as well." Tobi confirmed, returning his gaze back towards the Shodaime's face.

Shock was the only thing Zetsu was feeling at the moment. To think that the Kyuubi jinchuuriki was of 'his' descend as well as the Nidaime's Hokage's descend is nothing short of unbelievable. However, confusion crossed his eyes in that moment. "Wait, how is he of the Nidaime's descend?"

"Tobirama was the grandfather of the Yondaime." Tobi curtly replied.

Zetsu's eyes lit up slightly "Ah so that's his connection to the Nidaime. Interesting. But I have to ask... How will you convert him to our cause? from what I observed of him, he doesn't seem likely to join us." Zetsu said.

"Everyone can be manipulated Zetsu. Take Nagato for example. I am manipulating him by using his dream for peace. I have a variety of ways to convert him to my cause. I can tell him the truth of Uchiha Mikoto, and what truly happened to her. After all, the Sandaime did lie to him when he asked where she went. I can spin a tail that the Itachi was ordered to execute the Uchiha clan, because the council feared the Uchiha." tobi paused for moment to stare at zetsu.

"I can get him to view the Uchiha in good light, while keeping the fact that they were planning a coup to overthrow the Hokage. I can tell him of Danzo's intentions with him, and that the Sandaime was very close to accepting Danzo's offer. And based on what you told, his fiance had a strong dislike for Konoha. I can even use that to plead my case. And finally..." He stopped speaking so that he could sit down on a rock.

"... I can show him a genjutsu of what happened during the third Shinobi war. I can show him how Kakashi killed 'her'. I can show just how cruel, and evil humans can truly be. I can show him other people's pain and misery. I can show him... the cold hard truth of reality, and that the peace his sensei has been dreaming of... Is nothing but a fantasy." Tobi coldly stated in a matter of fact tone.

"So you are really serious about having the Kyuubi jinchuuriki on our side?" Zetsu asked.

"Yes. I am dead serious." the masked man confirmed.

"Very well, I'll keep an eye on the Kyuubi jinchuuriki during his rescue attempt on the Kazakage." The clone of Zetsu said, melting into the ground below him.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at the figure standing before him.

Several hours ago, he, Kakashi, Shiroi, and a retired Suna Shinobi (Who was Chiyo) left the village of sand. When his meeting with the acting Kazge was over, the blonde had immediately left towards the hospital in order to tell the others what their game plan was.

Of course of when Sakura found out she was being left behind, she became upset and angry. However, one ice cold glare from both Kakashi, and Naruto easily stopped her in her tracks.

When the pink haired girl found out she was staying to heal Kankuro, she understood. And her medic instincts took over when a nurse told her Kankuro needed more treatment.

Satisfied with how Sakura would now be healing Kankuro instead of fighting S-ranked Shinobi, the blonde told Kakashi that to compensate for Sakura's absence. A Shinobi of Suna would be coming with them to assist them in their fight for Gaara. The only thing they needed was for someone to volunteer. That problem was quickly solved however when Chiyo volunteered herself.

Both he and Kakashi rose their eyebrows in scepticism, bui relented when she said she was coming no matter what they said.

Several moments later, Shiroi arrived saying she was ready to move out. With the help of Pakkun (Whom Kakashi summoned so that he may sniff a rag that was found on Kankuro's person.) The group set out, determined to reach the Akatsuki hideout before they finished the extraction of the Ichibi.

After several hours of non-stop running through the deserts, they finally stopped when the they reached the forest to take an hours worth of rest. After that, the group set out immediately once they were done resting.

during their trek through the forests, Naruto overheard Chiyo speaking with Kakashi about why they would risk their lives to save Gaara when they didn't even know him that well.

Kakashi responded that both Konoha, and Suna were allies, and that no matter what, Konoha sticks by its allies. Kakashi also responded that this mission was extremely important to Naruto. Chiyo asked why that was, to which Kakashi responded with: "Both Naruto, and Gaara understand each better than most people do... This is because they have a similar burden."

Chiyo was able to put two, and two together, and she solemnly lowered her head.

An hour later or so, Chiyo questioned on why Shiroi was helping when she looked as if she could care less. Kakashi responded that he himself didn't know much about shiroi, only that she was Naruto's fiance, and that she only came because she seems to know their acting Kage. He also suspected that she came because she didn't trust Sakura to not do anything with Naruto.

However, Kakashi kept that last thought to himself.

Several minutes later, Pakkun declared that a new scent was just ahead of them. The team tensed, and they burst into a clearing to meet a figure that two members of the group knew all to well.

They could never forget the person standing before them.

Long black hair tied into a low pony tail. Two vertical lines on the sides of his nose, a slashed forehead protector with the Konoha symbol implanted on it. A high collared cloak, with red clouds adorning it. And finally, a pair of Sharingan eyes.

This could only be one person.

"Uchiha... Itachi." Naruto uttered, blankly gazing at the Uchiha's impassive face.

"Hello Naruto-kun. It has been quite some time." The Uchiha killer impassively said, a small flicker of interest shining in his eyes before they dulled.

"That it has." The blonde responded, his form tense as he avoided staring into the Uchiha's eyes. "Shiroi-chan, whatever you do.. don't look into his eyes." He whispered.

Upon not receiving an answer, the blonde turned his gaze towards his fiance. Only to see her staring blankly ahead, her eyes glazed over as if she wasn't even there.

The blonde's eyes widened, and his head snapped back towards Itachi's only to have his fears confirmed. The former Konoha Shinobi's eyes were in the shape of pin wheel like design. The blonde clenched his fists, however his eyes (along with Chiyo's, and Kakashi's) widened in disbelief when the Uchiha suddenly stumbled back.

His eyes seemed to be... hollow and he seemd broken as well, and they were able to detect a slight shiver running through his body.

They turned their heads toward Shiroi, only to see her grinning madly, as her eyes held a dark glint in them.

Moments ago in Itachi's Tsukuyomi.

Shiroi blinked owlishly, as she looked around her new surroundings. She didn't know what the fuck just happened. One second she was standing beside Naruto, staring into... What was his name again...? Itacha? Itaga? Itachi? Yeah it was Itachi! Any who, she was only staring into his eyes, when they changed into a different design.

And suddenly she found herself in some type of world where the color was fucking inverted. She did not enjoy looking at a black moon. It just didn't feel right.

"Welcome to world of Tsukuyomi." A voice drawled out behind her.

She slowly turned her head towards the person behind, and would you look at that. It was Itachi, what a surprise!... Okay not really.

"Yeah I kind of figured I was somewhere different." The white haired girl responded, curiously looking at the red sky. Now THAT type of sky was simply beautiful!

"In this world, I am god." Itachi said, ignoring the girl before him.

Suddenly, Shiroi found herself bound to a cross, as several hundred spears began to pierce her body. She released a scream of pain, as the spears pelted her body for several minutes.

"This will happen for the next seventy two hours." The black haired Uchiha coldly stated.

Whatever response he was expecting... Was not one he ever expected. Instead having fear in her eyes, or crying out in fear. The girl simply looked at him with a dark, and malicious grin on her face. And she began to laugh. It was a type of laugh that could have sent a shiver down even Pain's spine. It was a dark, cruel, and sadistic laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" The Uchiha asked, unnerved at her cruel laugh.

"I did a bit of research about this Genjutsu of yours." Shiroi said, a manic grin on her face. the slit in her eyes getting thinner, and a silent feral rage was lingering underneath her pink eyes. HOW DARE HE!? The animal inside her demanded that she rip this FUCKER LIMB FROM FUCKING LIMB! HOW DARE THIS MOTHERFUCKER TIE HER TO A CROSS AND PELT HER WITH SPEARS!

She was going to break him slowly. His mind was going to be nothing but paste on the fucking floor when she was done with him. and she was going to keep him. Keep him as a fucking pet! A servant who can't even think for himself! By the time she would be done with him, the oh so dangerous Uchiha killer will be nothing but her slave for the rest of his miserable existence.

Just thinking about it sent her into another spree of laughter.

"Research?" Itachi asked in confusion. He wasn't aware that there was even information on the mangekyou Sharingan. It was a bit worrying as well.

"Oh yes. I did plenty of research on that stupid Sharingan of yours. Especially that disgusting mangekyou." She said in distaste.

"How... did you even get information on the mangekyou?" The second to last Uchiha asked.

"You'd be surprised how easy it is to just waltz into the Uchiha compound, and just dig through all the notes there." She answered, the grin not leaving her face. during her brief time in Konoha, she had taken the liberty of... 'Exploring' the Uchiha compound. And her 'tour' had 'conveniently' led her into the clan heads office.

Man, whoever left those notes out in the open were a complete dumb ass.

Meanwhile in Orochimaru's hideout, Sasuke suddenly sneezed. He scowled, and wondered if a fucking fan girl was thinking about him again.

Back with Shiroi, she continued her explanation, despite the fact that she wanted to kill something at the moment.

"And I must say those notes were indeed very helpful. I learned that the Tsukuyomi requires eye contact of course. And that it only works if your will is stronger than the person you castted your technique on-"

"I already know this." Itachi cut in bluntly.

"-But do you know what happens when that persons will is stronger than your own?" She asked, her grin becoming larger as her eyes gained a darker gleam then before.

Itachi rose an eyebrow in curiosity. "I have a few suspicsions why?" He asked.

His eyes widened in pure horror when he was suddenly mounted onto the very same cross he had tied Shiroi onto. The entire forest changed into a very accurate setting of Konoha, and it even had the villagers walking around in perfect detail. everything felt so real. the sounds, the smells, and children's laughter, and even wind blowing against his face.

However, that suddenly changed as the children's laughter was replaced with screams of anguish, and horror. Just outside the village, a massive bat like creature that seemed to have come from the very depths of hell itself suddenly appeared, and began to kill the villagers. Shinobi, civilians, even the children. He was forced to watch all of this proceed.

for someone who gave everything for the village he loved, this was simply terrible torture for him. And the white haired girl in front of him merely laughed as it all happened. Her laugh sounding louder with each and every death. Her eyes switching from her normal pink color into blood red. Those slitted blood red eyes gleaming like a beacon in the destruction happening before him.

The smells of burning flesh made his throat burn. The sounds of the villagers anguished screams tore at his heart. However, one scream sounded out more than all the rest. The screams of his little brother. He turned his fearful gaze towards his right, and to his horror.

There was his little brother, screaming in agony as the white haired girl herself tore her hand through his brother's chest. Directly into his heart. the worst thing about it, was that his little brother had a accusing stare as he screamed in agony. As if he were the one responsible for all his pain.

"S-Sasuke... N-No... S-Stop." He pleaded silently.

Shiroi merely tilted her head, as if she were thinking about actually stopping.

However, that thought was thrown out the window, when Itachi felt pain unlike anything he had ever felt in his life. It felt as if his entire body was melting right of his bones. As if he were dumped into a pool of acid, and and someone threw in fire style Jutsu just for good measure.

It was several moments later that Itachi realized that his skin was in fact melting off, and that his bones were on fire as well.

Finally after what felt like an eternity it all just suddenly stopped. It all just stopped, no more screams, no more pain. No more anything, it all just... Stopped. The Uchiha turned his hopeful gaze to meet Shiroi's grinning face.

"I-Is it o-over?" He hopefully asked.

His spirit was broken however, with Shiroi's next words.

"Seventy-two hours, fifty-nine minutes, and fifty-nine seconds remaining." She gleefully said.

All Itachi could do... Was scream.

Present time

"Shiroi-chan... What did you do?" Naruto asked, staring at Itachi's hollow eyes.

"He bit off more than he could chew." Was her cheerful reply.

Kakashi gulped, and he made a mental note to never stay in a room alone with the obviously evil girl.

Chiyo merely shiver slightly.

Chachazero giggled, and she wondered if she could get her master to teach her how to do that.

Meanwhile inside the seal, Kyuubi whimpered. It wasn't a whimper of fear! It was... It was... It was a manly whimper! Real men whimper in man like manner! when a man (or male of any species) whimpers, than it is automatically a manly whimper!

Naruto merely blankly gazed upon her cheerful face. He snorted in amusement, before he returned his gaze upon Itachi's still form.

Shiroi however, narrowed her eyes upon the Uchiha. 'Go and spy on the Akatsuki for me. Act as you normally would. Now go Servant.' She mentally ordered.

'Yes Shiroi-sama.' Was Itachi's lifeless mental reply, and suddenly, before their very eyes. The 'body' of Itachi morphed into an entirely different person all together.

"It can't be... H-He's.." Chiyo muttered, gazing upon the body in shock, and disbelief.

"Do you know him Chiyo-sama?" Kakashi asked, gazing upon the dead body before him. He couldn't fathom how it was possible. They were fighting Itachi he was sure of it... So how?

"He's a member of the Shinobi council of Suna. He was reported missing shortly after the attack on the village." Chiyo answered, Wondering what his involvement with Akatsuki was.

"Regardless of who he is, it doesn't change the fact that Itachi used some type of Jutsu that allowed him to possess someone else's body. Since Itachi tried to delay us, it only means that Akatsuki knows we are coming. So they probably set up a trap." Naruto mused, glaring into the distance.

"If that is the case, than we can assume they are expecting us to either come soon, or later. Since we just had a run in with Itachi. We can bet that they are expecting later rather than sooner." Kakashi added.

"That's true, that means we have the element of surprise. They won't be expecting us to reach them so soon. That gives us an advantage." Chiyo said, glancing at Shiroi. 'Such a mysterious young girl.' She thought.

"Let's move. We wasted enough time here as it is." Naruto ordered, his form blurring into the trees above them.

Kakashi sighed at Naruto's one tracked minded state, before he wordlessly leaped after him. Chiyo following not far behind.

Shiroi gave one last dark grin, before she schooled her features, and leaped after the trio.

Itachi opened his hollow like eyes, and he schooled his features into a more natural impassive face.

"Your back a lot sooner than I thought you would be Itachi." A voice behind him spoke.

The Uchiha servant turned his head towards his partner in the Akatsuki. Itachi mentally snorted, he was no longer apart of Akatsuki as far as he was concerned. He now followed the orders of Shiroi-sama.

The person before him had blue skin, short dark blue spiky hair. A gills that were on the sides of his face. Small triangular pointed teeth similar to that of a short. Small beady eyes, a permanent grin seemed to be etched onto his face. An impossibly large bandaged weapon was on his back, and finally like Itachi, he wore the robes of Akatsuki.

"Why are you back so soon Itachi?" Kisame asked in curiosity.

Itachi was going to tell him to not get in his business, before his master's words rang clear in his mind. 'Go and spy on the Akatsuki for me. Act as you normally would. Now go Servant.'

With that command in mind, Itachi responded normally.

"I underestimated the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and his team. And that cost me." He answered blankly, mentally glaring at Kisame.

Kisame shrugged "Oh well. A bit sooner than expected, but I guess I'll have to give it a turn." He stated, before he shut his eyes and made a single hand sign.

Itachi glared. It would so easy to wring Kisame's neck, and choke him to death. But his master did not order him to do such a thing. So he'll stay his hand, however once his master tells him to discreetly kill other members of the Akatsuki. He will happily fulfill that mission to order to please his master.

Quoting from Hidan: 'HAIL SHIROI-SAMA, AND NARUTO-SAMA!' The Uchiha mentally exclaimed.

The team consisting of Shiroi, Kakashi, Naruto, and Chiyo. (Including Chachazero) Stopped in front of a large boulder, that was blocking their entrace into the cave their main objective was.

"Looks like they have a FuinJutsu sealing off the cave." Kakashi lazily said, eyeing the seal with his Sharingan.

"Your right." Chiyo confirmed "I admit I'm no seal master, but this is one of the most well done seals I've ever seen in my life." The elder added.

Naruto grunted as he intently stared at the seal. 'That's a five seal barrier. Good thing Ero-sensei thought it was a good Idea to teach me FuinJutsu in our travels.' The blonde thought.

During the training journey with Jiraiya, the sannin thought it would be an excellent idea to teach the blonde FuinJutsu. the blonde didn't see the point of it at first. But shortly after the sannin had explained the advantages FuinJutsu held, the blonde took to it like a fish to water. Heck, Naruto didn't even know he could be so good at FuinJutsu.

To be honest, he had assumed that the art would be much to difficult for him as everyone had told him the art of seals was difficult to master. Yet he never had that problem to begin with for some reason. It was when Jiraiya told him that FuinJutsu was in his blood, did Naruto finally understand.

The Uzumaki clan was very well versed in the art of seals. They were so well versed in the art in fact, that Iwa, and Kumo feared the Uzumaki clan because of their sealing expertise.

When Naruto remebered that his clan was so well versed in seals, he felt like banging his head on the wall. He was part of the Uzumaki clan. Of course he would be a prodigy in the art of seals. He couldn't believe he had forgotten that. Obviously he had been much to busy with even thinking about trying out seals... Regardless, under Jiraiya's watchful eyes, and lecture, the blonde was proud to say he was a sealing master apprentice.

Basically a sealing master who had only a few things left to learn. Jiraiya said once he reached level ten, than he would be a sealing grand master.

Naruto was a level nine: A master apprentice.

"I can get the seal off without any repercussions they may have added." Naruto announced, moving closer to the seal.

However before he could get any closer to the seal, a massive Chakra signature made itself. Everyone barely had enough time to dodge out of the way, before a large figure crashed into the water below them.

"Well, well, if it isn't the little gaki. Long time no see huh? Gaki?" Naruto glared, as the water finally landed back into the river to show Kisame's smirking form.

"And you have the copy-nin as well? What happened to Jiraiya of the sannin brat?" When Kisame set his gaze upon the blonde's form, his grin widened.

"Well, I can't call you brat anymore now can I? You've gotten taller... But what the heck is up with that doll on your head?" Kisame asked, staring at the doll who was giving his sword a heart eyed expression. Why did he have the sudden urge to take Samehada and run like his ass was on fire?

"Hoshigaki... Kisame." Naruto uttered, fingering Altair slightly.

Kakashi moved to remove a Kunai from his pouch, but stopped when Naruto made a stand down gesture. Chiyo tensed, glaring at the shark like man. Shiroi merely rose an eyebrow at the man's appearance... What if she was fishing, and she ending catching that guy? Did that mean she could cook him?

Kisame shivered for some unknown reason. The shark man stared intently at the blonde's sword. Why did that damn sword look so... Familiar? Wait... Eagle like pummel... Eagle wings for the guard... A black leather handle, along with a black leather sheathe... His eyes widened slightly in realization.

"Gaki." He whispered in slight awe "Do you know what your wielding?" He asked/demanded.

"The blonde rose an eyebrow "Yeah, I know what I'm wielding Kisame-san." He answered.

Kakashi, and Chiyo exchanged curious glances.

Kisame, eyed the sword in disbelief, before a large smile overtook his face. "Well, I'll admit.. I wasn't expecting to clash with the legendary Altair. I hope you know how to use that sword Gaki." Kisame said, point his finger at the blonde. "Because I challenge you to a dual! No Jutsu. No fancy ninja techniques. Just straight up swordsmanship! What do ya say Gaki!?" Kisame roared, a manic grin on his face.

Naruto blinked in surprise, before he glanced at the others behind. Could he afford to waste such time? If his calculations were correct, than the extract of the Ichihbi will need at least one more day. Yet here they were... They could easily just team up against Kisame, take him down, and rescue Gaara with enough time to party.

So... Why?... Why was it so difficult to ignore the challenge Kisame sent him.

"The answer is because of pride kit." Kyuubi answered.

'Kyuubi... What do you mean?'

"Back than... When Arashi was still alive, I often asked him why he let his pride get the best of him when it came to swordsmanship... His answer was always the same: 'Lots of warriors rely on Jutsu so much that other arts are being forgotten as a result. I realize that there will come a time when KenJutsu will barely be used, and that true KenJutsu master will be difficult to find. The reason why I take so much pride in my swordsmanship... Is because I wish to prove that KenJutsu is just as powerful as NinJutsu' end quote."Kyuubi responded.

'...So the reason?..'

"Yes... Your pride as a swordsman... Is being questioned at the moment."

The blonde tightened his grip on Altair's handle. What should he do!? He knows that Kisame is just trying to buy more time for the Akatsuki to extract the Ichibi... But... His pride... His honor as a swordsman was being questioned! during his time in training in the art of KenJutsu, he found himself in love with the art.

The fluid movements, the graceful dance like battle it allows you to witness, and experience. To him, KenJutsu was an art. He enjoyed KenJutsu more than he did FuinJutsu, or even NinJutsu... To him... KenJutsu was a art that may never be perfected no matter what you did, because it was never ending. No matter how strong you got with the art... there would always be someone better than you with the art.

So... What should he do!?

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, the blonde glanced to his right. To see Shiroi face inches away from his. The white haired girl stared into his blue eyes with her pink ones. And she smirked, she gave him a deep kiss, and she nodded his head towards Kisame. Wordlessly saying to 'kick his ass already'.


The blonde turned his head towards Kakashi, only to find the silver grey haired Jonin giving him a cheeky thumbs up. Chiyo along side him nodding slightly.

Altair rattled in excitement.

Chachazero reached behind her, and pulled out a sign that read: GO NARUTO-CHAMA! The doll was waving the sign around as she danced on Shiroi's head. Making a small tick appear on said girls head,

'Everyone...' The blonde turned his attention towards Kisame, and he did a slight double take at what he saw.

Behind Kisame, an asterial figure stood. The figure cleared up slightly to reveal a male individual.

He had on a black pants with red streaks licking the bottom, a midnight black mesh shirt. Over the shirt he wore an assortment of black plates combined to together into armor plating. (Similar to the armor that Tobirama, Hashirama, and Madara has, only it's black.) On the front of the chest armor plating was a symbol, it was the symbol of a screeching eagle with two blades crossing behind it.

He had long ankle length spiky red hair that was spiked in nearly every direction, the bangs partly covered his left face. (Similar to Madara's hair style only more untamed.) He had green eyes with a blue tint to it. An empty sheathe was held at his waist by a red sash.

The unknown man gave the blonde a cheerful grin, and a wink before he disappeared.

'Who... Who was that?'

"Who was what?" Kyuubi asked, a raised eyebrow at the blonde's question.

'It's nothing.' The blonde responded.

He took a deep breathe, before he glared at Kisame. "Hoshigaki Kisame. I. Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto accepts your challenge." He declared.

Kakashi choked on his own spit.. 'H-He knows!?'

'Namikaze!?' Chiyo thought in disbelief. She looked at the blonde as if he had just declared himself to be a Bijuu in a transformation Jutsu.

Kisame's grin threatened to split his face. "Great! Let's do this Gaki! YOU CAN HAVE THE FIRST MOVE!" He excitedly roared! Finally, someone who can surpass him in swordsmanship! Someone to give him a challenge!

The blonde immediately blurred in front of Kisame's excited form, and the blonde quick drew Altair, in an attempt to bisect the shark like man.

Kisame only grinned, before in a blink of an eye, he held Samehada in front of him to take the full force of the blonde's quick draw. "Was that the quick draw technique. Impressive gaki! Not even most samurai know that move!" Kisame shouted in glee.

the blonde's eyes narrowed, before applied more force into the clash. Kisame gritted his teeth slightly, and he used his monstrous strength to push the blonde back slightly.

The blonde Jinchuuriki narrowed his eyes, before suddenly ducked underneath the Samehada, and thrusted his blade to strike Kisame's stomach.

Kisame laughed once again, before he flicked the handle of Samehada, forcing it to once again clash against Altair's steel.

The blonde brought his blade back, and went in for a horizontal swing. However, Kisame quickly stopped that with a counter swing of his own. The two stared into each other's eyes, and they both jumped back.

They ran in a circle around each other, before they met in a furious clash once again in the middle. The two swordsman engaged in fierce, and furious battle of the blades.

Altair clashing with the Samehad. Both blades unleashing their own killing intent, as the both swore to not let their respective masters down.

Altair was fighting for the purpose of helping his master achieve his dreams. For over hundreds of years, there has been others who believed they could claim him. Yet they were never worthy of him. They merely wanted him for prestige, and their own selfish wants.

And now, finally after hundreds of years. A worthy wielder had finally arrived. No matter what! It would not fail its current master!

Samehada was fighting for the simple reason of fighting. Its entire history is forged around betrayal, and blood. It has had over dozens of wielders, each one more blood thirsty than the last. And each one more violent as well. It was forged for the sole reason of death and destruction, and nothing would stop it from creating more!

It was a sentient blade. After so long of never ending battles, the personally of its wielders began to influence even itself. It craved battle, it carved for the blood of its enemies! It carved the Chakra of its victims! It was forged only for death and destruction. So long as it was able to battle, it was content. So long as it was able to enjoy the thrill of more fights in the future... Than it was more than happy to fight alongside it's current wielder.

As if hearing each others thoughts, both blades clashed, and furious grinding of metals was heard throughout the clearing.

Above both Kisame, and Naruto. The asterial images of a silver eagle with a black beak, determined yellow eyes, and a tuff of black fur on it's chest appeared above the blonde.

Above Kisame, a large blue shark, with scales of blue as Kisame's hair. Black beady eyes, that glinted with a gleeful gleam in it's eyes as it eyed the eagle in front of it.

The eagle screeched at the large shark, and the shark released a roar of it's own.

Kisame laughed gleefully as he continued to clash blades with the blonde in front him. FUN! It was so much fun! He hadn't had this much fun ever since... Well FOREVER! That look in the blondes eyes. It excited him! It made his blood boil with anticipation. He never thought he would meet such a powerful swordsman! Truly, this blonde would have been treasured by the seven ninja swordsman if he were born in Kiri.

Maybe, if he had met someone like this blonde sooner, he wouldn't have join the akatsuki. Maybe, if he had met this blonde before he had killed his comrades, he wouldn't have gone rouge.

But that was in the past. All he wanted was to enjoy this fight to the fullest!

The two swordsman reached a stalemate in the middle of the river. Kisame had a shit eatting grin on his face, while Naruto had cold determination in his eyes. He would win. For Gaara!

The blonde broke the stalemate by leaping above Kisame, using Samehada as a stepping stone, and shooting down towards the blue skinned man like a missile. He had Altair pointed in front of him, so that the blade would strike Kisame before his own body hit the ground.

Kisame proved himself to be a splendid Shinobi however, when he leaped back to avoid the blonde's missile like attack. The blonde burst from the water, striking at Kisame with a series of horizontal swings, along with vertical slashes.

The blue haired man countered those however, and struck out with Samehada's massive form, and performed a devastating downward vertical swing. The blonde managed to block Kisame's attack, however the water behind wasn't so lucky. As the pure force of the attack forced the water behind him to ripple, and scatter.

Kisame wasn't done with his attack however, as the shark like man planted his foot into the blonde's stomach. The blonde coughed lightly, before he gave Kisame a small smirk.

Kisame quirked an eyebrow, but his eyes suddenly widened when the blonde gripped Samehada's scales with his bare hands, and he struck out against Kisame with Altair. The silver blade aiming directly for his head.

Kisame was barely able to move his head out of the way, but he did. And he forcefully leaped away from the blonde, forcing Samehada out of the blonde's grip as he did so.

"Not bad gaki. Not bad at all." He said, a long, but thin, cut appearing on his cheek.

"I wish we could finish this fight of ours gaki. But alas, we can't." Kisame said, sheathing Samehada on his back.

Naruto quirked an eyebrow, as did everyone else. "Why is that?" The blonde asked.

"Let's face it gaki. Your holding back. I'm holding back. Your in a rush to save Gaara, and I couldn't use my full power even if I wanted to. Seeing as this isn't my real body." The blue skinned said.

The blonde's eyes narrowed "So your using the same Jutsu that Itachi was using..." He trailed off.

"Yep." Kisame confirmed "Wouldn't you prefer it.. If we fought at full strength, instead of this pansy ass fight we did just now. Wouldn't you want to test yourself against me... At full strength?"

Not receiving an answer, the shark like man gave the blonde a feral grin. "The next time we fight gaki... We will fight with our full power. Jutsu included." With that said, the S-rank Shinobi's body suddenly began to fade. And a entirely new body stood in his place, before that body crumbled into a heap.

The blonde stared at the body for several moments, before he made a single hand gesture for the others to form up. The others were quick to follow the order, and the blonde briskly moved towards the seal on the boulder.

"Shiroi-chan, I need you smash this boulder the second I release this seal. Once that happens, I'll charge in there, remove Gaara from whatever they have him, and Kakashi-senpai, and Chiyo-oba I need you two to provide cover. For both me and Shiroi-chan." The blonde ordered.

Wordlessly, the group nodded. And Chachazero found herself at one of her most favorite places in the world. Atop Naruto's head. The blonde placed his hood back on, (which came off during the fight) gazed upon the seal before him.

The blonde jinchuuriki placed his hands on the seal, and he made a counterclockwise spin. "Sealing technique: Shadow key of all seals!" The blonde shouted.

As he spoke that sentience, a vast array of shadow like hands spread out, and began to converge onto the seal. The seal turned black, and it simply was simply consumed into the shadow hands.

Of all the sealing techniques that Naruto knew, the Shadow key of all seals. Was his favorite. It was a sealing technique that could literally work on almost any seal. Almost... Being the key word. He tried the technique on the Shiki Fuin as a test run... Yeah that didn't work, as his father had placed several security pro-cautions in the seal.

Being shocked with two hundred volts, for a whole minute made him learn his lesson. Don't fuck with his father's seals.

Anyway, with the seal on the boulder now being removed, the blonde leaped back. Just in time as Shiroi smashed the boulder to millions of pieces with a single punch.

The blonde wasted no time, and charged directly into the cave, Kakashi providing support, while Chiyo stayed at Shiroi's side. Both the blonde and Kakashi came back not a second later, and unconscious, but very much alive Gaara. Being cradled in the blonde's arms.

And the group, glared directly into the eyes of every member of the akatsuki.

Chapter end. Now this is totally random, but all of of sudden I feel like giving you guys a teaser of whats to come. So Check out this teaser!

"Where am I?" The white haired man said gruffly, looking around the room of complete whiteness. His red eyes served the white room several more times, before his stern, and impassive gaze settled upon a man with long ankle length spiky red hair in a fashion similar to that of Uchiha Madara. And a blonde with seemingly golden yellow hair, along with sapphire blue eyes. And Whisker marks on his cheeks.

"And who are you two?" He demanded.

"N-No way... I-It can't be. Y-You want me to fight him!?" Naruto yelled out in disbelief.

"That's right Naruto-chan! In order to prove yourself worthy of my armor, you will be tested by none other than him!" The red haired man said cheerfully, pointing at white haired man beside him.

Red eyes glared heatedly at the red haired man before him "What insolence! I asked a question and I expect to be answered! Now tell me. Why am I not trapped in the stomach of the Shinigami at the moment? And just who is this young upstart beside you?" The white haired man asked, giving them both a stern glare.

"My, my. You are full of questions aren't you Tobirama-chan?" The redhead spoke, making Tobirama go red with anger at the suffix to his name. "As to your question, this is Uzumaki Namikaze Naruto of the Uzumaki clan! Dattebano!" He finished cheerfully.

".. I see, so your from Mito's clan hmm? Nice to meet you. I am Senju Tobirama, Nidaime Hokage. Though judging from your expression you already know that."