
Using The System To My Advantage

ZioLeoPic · แอคชั่น
11 Chs

Killing The Alpha

The Alpha stared me dead in my eyes. You could tell that it was a predator. It's fangs were razor sharp, it's ears were perked, and it's stance was absolutely majestic. This is impossible. I can't do this. I great at video games, but this isn't a game, it's real life. And I am going to die. My entire family is going to die. There's nothing I can do to stop it.

[Slime used Howl]

[Party has been Buffed]

[Mana Regen 3 Per Sec]

[Stamina Regen 3 Per Sec]

[All stats increase by +10%]

Why did it randomly give us buffs. I looked at the slime that seemed like it was staring right back at me. It's alive. I'm alive. My family is alive. And I'm going to fight to keep it that way.

We begin to rapidly fire the Alpha, shooting hundreds of shots toward it. It put a mana shield and started running toward me again. Baring it's sharp fangs. It opened it's mouth to bite me in half. I prepared my self with a magic shield but, I knew that it was futile. The Elizabeth came from the side and punched the wolf in the jaw, knocking out one of it's canines. The wolf backed up. And tried to recuperate itself, but we wouldn't let it. We all had gained hope. We can actually do this. We began an absolute onslaught of attacks not giving the wolf a chance to regain itself. We didn't stop until we saw...

[You have Killed Dire Wolf Lvl.20]

[You have leveled up 7 times. Reaching Level 14]

[Slime has leveled up 3 times. Reaching Level 14]

[Phillip has level up 5 times. Reaching Level 9]

[Nikki has level up 5 times. Reaching Level 9]

[Eliza has level up 5 times. Reaching Level 10]

[System has now EVOLVED]

Name: Leo Smith

Class: Magic Tamer


Experience: 400/7500

Heath:20/44 Mana:40/40 Stamina:40/40


Strength:20 Intelligence:20 Agility:20

Charisma:10 Endurance :10


Skills Active: Tame(Lvl.2), Magic Bullet(Lvl.1), Meditate(Lvl.2), Target Heal(Lvl.1), Absorb(Lvl.1), Analysis(Lvl.2), Mana Sprint(Lvl.1),Mana Bomb(Lvl.1),Mana Shield(Lvl.1)

Passive: Mana Recovery(Lvl.1), Magic Knowledge(Lvl.3), Photosynthesis(Lvl.1)



I guess I got the last shot. But it didn't stay on the ground for long. Unlike the other wolves that were unmoving after their deaths. The Alpha's body begins to shake violently, and then poof. It goes up into smoke. Leaving behind a book. I go in to get closer. I read the front of the book. Wind Manipulation. I pick it up. What if this was a once in a lifetime skill.

[Would you like to learn the skill Wind Manipulation]


Of course I would.

[You have learned Wind Manipulation Lvl.1]

[Understanding of Mana has increased]

[Wind Manipulation Lvl.1]

You can manipulate air like you do mana with ease

[Magic Knowledge Lvl.3]

Mana is needed to perform most types of magic. You can imbue mana into living or non-living things, improving their strength or agility. Mana can take any shape the caster needs. You can move things with mana inside them if you know the right way to do so or create your own way.

So I could figure out my own way to manipulate the elements. And the book stayed in my hand unlike I thought it would so I passed it to my brother who also learned it. Unlike me and my brother. My mom didn't like excessive violence. She wanted to focus on healing instead of attacking. So she passed on learning the skill My sister said she wanted to stay up close and personal with these creatures that came from the unknown.

Why are things like this? Today was supposed to be another day. Where I got to stay at home and play my favorite videogames. I didn't want to start fighting to survive today. My life was laid out in front of me. I had no worries. Where did all these creatures come from? So I can take them all back.

That doesn't matter now. All that matters is getting everyone to safety.

"Well, this just isn't fair," Phillip says, almost as if he could hear my thoughts.

"Life isn't fair," mom says. "I thought you would learn that given the situation we are in."

"We need to find a safe place to hide out." I say.

We all take a moment to think. Is there even a safe place to be? The world is going to hell. What are we going to do about the monsters

"What about the school," Eliza says "Since, it's Saturday, nobody should be there. " 

"And it's surrounded by a huge fence." I say.

"You actually came up with a good place," Phillip says condescendingly.

"I didn't hear you input anything," I say.

He paused at that. "That doesn't matter. Let's just go," Phillip says.

I healed the mother wolf and my family walked away. We left the mother and baby pup there. As we walked, I realized that I had some points to allocate. And I realized that being an all-rounder wouldn't really work for me. The best thing to do was focus on one stat and then go for the others. So I put all of my points in intelligence. I didn't know the exact effects of any of them, but I knew that intelligence increases my mana pool, and if I want to survive, magic seems to be the best bet.

[You have learned Observant Lvl 1]

[Observant Lvl.1]

You can figure out how to do a move that is done in front of you if your intelligence is on par or higher than what you are learning it from


Name: Leo Smith

Class: Magic Tamer


Experience: 400/7500

Heath: 44/44 Mana:100/130 Stamina:40/40


Strength:20 Intelligence:65 Agility:20

Charisma:10 Endurance :10



Active: Tame(Lvl.2), Magic Bullet(Lvl.1), Meditate(Lvl.2), Target Heal(Lvl.1), Absorb(Lvl.1), Analysis(Lvl.2), Mana Sprint(Lvl.1),Mana Bomb(Lvl.1),Mana Shield(Lvl.1),Observant(Lvl.1), Wind Manipulation(Lvl.1)

Passive: Mana Recovery(Lvl.1), Magic Knowledge(Lvl.3), Photosynthesis(Lvl.1)

