
Used But Not Broken

Chapter 1: The Beginning

The sound of laughter among friends fills the air. The smell of High School food that's just barely edible. The cool breeze flowing through her hair in the courtyard. It was like any other day, except with one major twist that was yet to come. Her phone buzzed as she was eating so she picks it up and sees a text from her boyfriend who was still in class. She smiled because she was expecting him to text her saying that he misses her like he always does. She read the text and her smile faded away. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach and she suddenly felt nauseous. Her friend said something to her but everything was muffled. "Katie, the bell rang. We gotta get going to ATC", Crystal said. Katie, however, was still locked in on her phone rereading the same text, tears in her eyes waiting to escape, for what seemed like the 5 millionth time, hoping in her mind and heart that it was some kind of prank. Suddenly, she felt her phone get snatched away from her and she looked up at Crystal, one of her best friends, the tears finally starting to stream down her cheeks. Crystal started to read the same text that Katie was so focused on for the last 15 minutes of lunchtime. "I'm sorry to say this over text but I can't do this anymore, you're too jealous and never let me hang out with anyone unless you are there. Have a good life, you can keep my sweatshirt if you want". Crystal looked up from the phone with an angry look in her eyes. "That bastard! Doesn't even have the balls to tell you face to face. I mean, you're not even jealous. You let him hang out with whoever". Katie wasn't listening to the rant that Crystal burst into. All she was thinking about was him. After a whole year with this man, he all of a sudden thinks that she is too jealous. Why couldn't he have said this earlier instead of resorting to breaking up? No. This story seems fishy. There has to be something else to it. With everyone around her making sure she was okay, she simply got up, threw her trash away, grabbed her bag, and started walking to ATC silently. Crystal was running to catch up with her. "Katie, I'm sorry this happened to you. You didn't deserve this". Katie was already suppressing her emotions like how she was taught to since she was just 6 years old. "I'm fine Crys, really. Just surprised is all." In her mind, however, there were so many thoughts swirling around that it was hard to concentrate on what her friend was saying. She took her phone back from Crystal and nodded her head all the way to her next class, determined to find out the truth of what happened and why Christian had a sudden change of heart. She had to find out. No matter what it took.