
Urban tycoon

An essential weapon of the nation, a fierce tiger unleashed! He, both righteous and wicked, destined for a fate of unending turmoil! Bearing the chains of life and death, he commands the wheel of destiny! Standing at the forefront of the tide, he sings loudly in the wind throughout his life! He only wears the most intimidating facade, only steps on the most ruthless of foes! His life is a brilliant saga, forged in fierceness, dancing in the vast sky!!!

DaoistlpXQ8U · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

prison for serious offenders

The Verdant Cloud Prison is located on the southwestern border of Huaxia, a prison whose name may not be as well-known as the Qin City Prison in the capital, but its significance is no less than that of the Qin City Prison.

In the Qin City Prison, perhaps only the corrupt and the wealthy are detained, as those without sufficient status cannot step foot in that prison before serving their sentences.

The Verdant Cloud Prison, on the other hand, shares a similarity with the Qin City Prison. This prison exclusively houses the most extreme criminals. Pull out anyone at random, and they would be burdened with at least several lives on their hands, either perennially roaming the borders of several countries as drug lords or arms dealers.

In short, anyone who resides here is either a heinous criminal or a condemned prisoner, either sentenced to life imprisonment or death.

This prison, situated in a desolate area in the southwest, brimming with malevolent aura, today received a few individuals who should not have been there in the first place.

A military off-road vehicle bearing the insignia of a military district abruptly stopped outside the prison's main gate. Two individuals alighted, a man and a woman.

Their pairing, not to mention in this remote place, would attract attention even in the bustling metropolis.

The man was dressed in a neat military uniform, his shoulder adorned with a shiny star, indicating a rank of at least Major General, despite appearing to be only around forty years old.

As for the woman, she was exceedingly beautiful and captivating. Clad in a professional suit, her figure was enchanting, the kind that could incite turmoil among the beasts within the prison.

As soon as they got out of the car, they followed the warden, who had been waiting at the prison gate for quite some time, into this terrifying fortress-like prison.

They moved swiftly, their faces showing anxiety and unease, especially the beautiful woman, whose lovely willow-leaf eyebrows were tightly knit, indicating a heavy burden on her mind.

"Where is he, Warden?" the Major General asked with a serious expression as the three quickly made their way to the warden's office.

"I have already sent for him. He should be here soon," the warden replied.

"Sent for? Warden, are you sure it's an invitation and not an interrogation?" the beautiful woman raised an eyebrow, slightly mocking.

Hearing this somewhat sarcastic remark, the warden smiled. He sat alone by the window, smoking, unwilling to explain further. He knew better than anyone else about the person they were here to see. The man's former glory and experiences were enough to be called a legend.

He never considered that man as a serious criminal.

"Wanyue, when you meet him, be sure to hide your disdain," the middle-aged man with the rank of Major General frowned, reminding her.

"Uncle Liu, can that person really save my father?" Su Wanyue asked skeptically. Even the elite special forces of the Southern Capital Military Region had failed, and she found it hard to believe that one person could turn the tide. Moreover, this person was a condemned prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment at the Verdant Cloud Prison.

If it weren't for her trust in Grandpa Zhao, the Chief of Staff of the Southern Capital Military Region, she would have wanted to turn around and leave.

"In the entire southwestern region, if even Chen Liuhe couldn't do it, then we need to prepare for the worst," the Major General said.

Upon hearing this, Su Wanyue shivered. "Uncle Liu, this is a matter of life and death for my father. It's not child's play."

The Major General pondered for a moment, looking at Su Wanyue, and said solemnly, "Wanyue, with the status of your family's Green Source Group, I believe you should know some of the blocked information. A year ago, there was a huge international diplomatic incident. Have you heard of it?"

"I know. A certain country's royal shrine turned into a river of blood overnight, with thirty-eight people dead or injured," Su Wanyue said, her eyes widening in disbelief.

The Major General nodded. "You're right. Chen Liuhe did that. If it weren't for the immense impact of this incident, Chen Liuhe, a man repeatedly referred to as a crucial asset to the country, would not have ended up in prison. Do you know how many people signed petitions to save him? Who is Chen Liuhe? He is a pride of the military, a true national asset, a man who has achieved great feats in times of peace. To this day, there are many legends about him in the military. His abilities are beyond doubt. If he can't handle this, then in the current situation, no one can."

"Why is he serving his sentence here? I always thought he would be in Qin City," Su Wanyue was surprised. She had heard rumors about the incident a year ago, which was a sensational event.

"Qin City?" the Major General chuckled softly, with a meaningful look. "How many people in the capital would dare to let him go to Qin City?"

Before Su Wanyue could ponder the immense implications of this statement, the office door suddenly swung open, revealing a tall and straight young man.

The young man was dressed in prison clothes, with a short haircut that made him look about twenty-four or twenty-five years old. He was not very handsome, but his sharp features were exceptionally rugged.

"You're Chen Liuhe?" Su Wanyue asked when she saw the young man. To be honest, upon seeing Chen Liuhe in person, Su Wanyue was somewhat disappointed. She did not perceive any of the martial spirit that a soldier should possess from Chen Liuhe. Instead, she felt a sense of laziness, as if this lax prisoner could not be as majestic as she had imagined.

"Oh, a rare guest. And even a Major General has come?" Chen Liuhe glanced casually around, not lingering on Su Wanyue, who was stunning enough to score over ninety points, before sitting casually in the warden's office chair, picking up the cigarettes on the table and lighting one, puffing away.

According to strict rules, the inmates here must wear handcuffs and ankle cuffs, but Chen Liuhe was an exception. He never needed to wear those things because many people knew they were useless to him. They were just for show.

If he really had any intentions, no prison in the world could stop him!

"You're not going to ask anything? Aren't you afraid I'll deceive you?" the Major General was curious.

Chen Liuhe smiled faintly. "You wouldn't dare. Unless those old men in the Southern Capital Military Region are not afraid of me dismantling their most prized airplanes and cannons."

"What support do you need, what weapons? We can fulfill them unconditionally," the Major General said.

Chen Liuhe waved his hand, weighed the strange moon-shaped dagger in his hand, and smiled. "No need. These are just a few small wolves. When they know it's me, even if they have some skills, they won't be able to hold their ground."

Watching Chen Liuhe drive away, Su Wanyue

asked worriedly, "Can he really do it?"

"Wanyue, a national asset is not someone you casually call upon. Trust him," the Major General said, also feeling uncertain.

"Uncle Liu, I'm curious. Why did he go and massacre that royal shrine? To cause such a catastrophic disaster," Su Wanyue was curious.

The Major General seemed to know something. He sighed. "For a woman, a woman who, after his mishap, abandoned him without a second thought, chose to protect herself wisely."

"A beauty often brings calamity, hateful, detestable, and pitiful!"