
Urban Mafia

"W-Who the hell are you?!" Glenn said, his face filled with terror. Jonah rolled his eyes. "I told you to shut up. You're hella annoying." _____________________________________________________________ Jonah Cane is a discharged marine turned mercenary turned student. After a traumatic experience that completely changed him, as well as a fruitful career as a one-man army, Jonah just wants to live a quiet, uneventful life in New York City, while providing for his mother. However, it seems that danger plagues Jonah, and he is forced to put his skills to use as he solves difficult situations, takes down criminals, kills rapists, and threatens entire organizations with complete annihilation. As an accomplished assassin and mercenary, Jonah has made a name for himself in all sorts of communities. Before they inevitably died, his enemies gave him all sorts of names. The Bloodhound. God of Destruction. Death’s Shadow. Yokai. But there is one more name, which is the most predominant name for him, and perhaps the most fitting. The Reaper. But Jonah has vowed to leave his days of contract killing behind him. Now, he just wants to get his education and start a business or something. He once heard that running your own company is a lot of work but can make you a ton of money. He could’ve used his extensive network of connections to set up a successful business, but he wants to do things the right way, get his degree and run a small unassuming business without the help of his “associates”. However, plans rarely survive contact with the enemy. --------------------~ Author's Note ~-------------------- Mr. Author here. I hope you're enjoying my book. This is a passion project and is not my main book. When I have time to write a chapter, I will. Once this book becomes my main priority, it will be undergoing edits. As of now, I am revamping the plot, characters, and basically everything about the story. Thanks again to my readers; I appreciate it. Twitter: @WilliamAPendra1 Instagram: @williamapendragon ----------------------------~~--------------------------- I don't own the cover image; I just edited it. If you want it down, contact me.

William_Pendragon · สมจริง
3 Chs

The Reaper

"Hey! Wakey wakey eggs and bake-y, sunshine!"

My eyelids felt heavy and refused to open. "Leave me alone Marc, my sleep is important."

"Hah! Come on, man, I gotta show you something while I still can!" Through my half-opened lids, I could see him smiling brightly, already dressed in his fatigues and a matching fleece.

"Don't talk like that Marc, we both know that tomorrow is going to go off without a hitch. By the way, what time is it?" I began to push myself up before I felt Marc grab my shoulders and help me to a sitting position.

"Technically, you mean today. It's 3 AM! Come on, old man! You move as slow as a damn snail! I've already gotten your uniform ready. Just meet me outside." As I watched him leave, I smiled slightly. I wasn't that much older than him, maybe a year or two. Despite that, Marcus was always making offhand comments like that. I think he wanted to get a laugh out of me, and usually, he did. But today was different. Today we had a seriously dangerous op that could go sideways quickly if mishandled.

"Dammit, Hill. Why 3 AM?!"

Marcus Hill and I are US Marines, currently living in a tent. We didn't know where we were at the moment, as this entire operation was classified. All we knew was that we were somewhere in the Al-Anbar Province of Iraq.

As I stepped over small rocks and my feet sank into the soft sand, I pulled on a pair of gloves and a fleece cap. The first thing people think about when I say 'desert' is the blistering heat. During the day, heat is all I can think about too, but tonight, the frigid air had me wishing that I had at least a fraction of that sunlit heaven.

I spotted Marc sitting on a rock, looking out over the gently sloping dunes. I went and sat beside him, lending him my warmth. For a few moments, we sat in silence, watching our breath turn into mist.

"Jay. You know that there's a good chance that only one of us is going to be walking out of this desert on his own two legs, right?"

I sighed and studied him for a second. His usually care-free features were bunched up and tense. Eyes that always seemed to sport crow's feet were now hard, concentrated on the horizon. I wanted to put my hand around him and tell him that it would all be okay, that no one was going to get hurt. He was so young, barely 19. But I knew better.

"I know, Marc. But let me tell you one thing. If I ever see the Reaper creeping up on you, I'll make sure to keep you safe. It's my duty as your superior to make sure you get home to your parents okay."

Marc's lips curled up slightly. "And the same for you, Jay, I'll keep you safe!"

"Not if I save you first!" I shot back.

Marc laughed a hearty laugh from his diaphragm. Marc stood up suddenly now, his smile returning to him in full force. "Come on, man, I wanna show you something."

We walked for a while, the cold biting into us. We had to keep our eyes open as many predators move about at night. The silence was somehow reassuring, the cold breeze like a wisp breathing on our cheeks. As we crested the sand-swept dunes, I could see a giant boulder standing like an obelisk in the desert.

"Marc - what in the world is that?!" I gasped, having to look up to see the full height, even from my elevated position on a dune.

"Honestly, Jay, I have no idea. I just wanted to show something on it to you. It seems to have some sentimental value to the locals."

As we approached the towering sandstone boulder, I could see scratches on its surface, and I realized it was writing.

"Jay, I can't read this, but I think you can. It's Arabic, isn't it?"

"Yeah, some of it. Gimme a second."

As I studied the writing, I could tell that the scratches got newer the higher up they were. It hit me, but this writing could be ancient. I couldn't understand the lower writings, but I could make out a few at the top.

"Marc, I-I think they are names,"

"That's pretty cool! That reminds me of something my mom used to tell me all the time!"

"What...?" I said, somewhat sarcastically.

Marc ignored the jab and continued, "Mama used to tell me that even if life sucked, and nothing was going my way, always to keep smiling. She said that people remember how you made them feel, and nobody would remember you if you were always gloomy."

I looked at him for a second, a little skeptical.

"And.. what does that have to do with a giant rock with a bunch of names on them??"

"Everything, man! These people could be long dead, but for their names to be here, that must mean that people remembered or wanted to remember them! You know what... I bet that they all were super happy people!"

I laughed at what I thought was foolishness. "Well, Marc, I think we should go. We have been out here with this boulder long enough."

"Nah, Jay! I want to write my name on this rock!! That way, people will remember me forever!"

"Dude! This rock could be super old! Plus, you don't need to write your name on a rock for that. Your stupid grin does the trick fine enough."

"Haha! You bet it does! Alright, let's get out of here."


A shrill note rang out, almost in my head. Marc didn't react at all; he even talked through it. I looked around, looking for a source, but I couldn't find anything.


I could hear voices in my head. I couldn't make out the words.


I shouted to Marc. The sounds in my head were getting unbearable. He hadn't reacted at all. He kept walking away from me, his back to the now rising sun.


I could start making out voices now, only bits and pieces.

"....patient..........critical condition.........dead, all dead........."

Marc kept walking into the distance, and my vision began to get blurry. I was crying. The scene in front of me shifted. Marc was on top of me, and I could see him smiling. There was blood caked on his face and trailing out of his mouth. He was holding me down. I could hear the low rumble of jets on their way.

"Stay down, Jay! Stay down!"

I was crying, trying to get him off me.

"D-Dammit, Marc! Get off me! You'll die! GET OFF!!!"

Marc only smiled wider. The tears were free-flowing, leaving tracks on my face.

"Looks like I won, Jay! I saved you first! Remember what I told you, Jay. Always have a smile on your face."

The rumble of jets was getting louder, and with them, impending doom for my only friend. It was my job to keep him safe, so why was he doing this?!


There was suddenly a brilliant flash of white, accompanied by the awful screaming of the jets overhead. I saw him then. The Reaper with his scythe, grinning at me.

Hey, Mr. Author here. This is a passion side-project, so I appreciate every one of you for reading my work.

Have a great day, and I hope you read the next chapter, whenever that'll be out.

With love,

Will the Watermelon Man

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