
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · สมัยใหม่
92 Chs

Chapter 80: The Upgraded Twin Swords of Eternity

Reese, Dwight, Jasper, and Chloe arrived at the Ramirez Residence just before 5 p.m. They were greeted by the attentive staff, who ushered them inside with polite nods. Reese led the way, his senses alert despite the familiar surroundings. They walked through the expansive hallway, their footsteps echoing softly against the marble floors, heading towards the living room, where Mr. Ramirez awaited. 

Mr. Ramirez stood as they entered, his expression a mix of concern and relief. He was a tall, imposing figure, his presence commanding respect. He walked forward to greet them, his eyes scanning each face intently.

"Welcome back," Mr. Ramirez said, his voice deep and reassuring. "Are you all alright?"

Jasper, looking weary but relieved, was the first to respond. "We're okay, Dad."

Chloe nodded in agreement. "Yes, we're fine, Dad. Thank you for your concern."

Dwight, his bandages still visible, added with a grin, "I've had better days, but I'll survive."

Mr. Ramirez's eyes finally settled on Reese, who gave a nod of assurance. "We're all here, and we're safe."

Mr. Ramirez sighed, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. "Good. That's a relief. You all have been through a lot."

Jasper and Chloe exchanged glances, their exhaustion evident. Mr. Ramirez noticed and gave them a gentle smile. "Jasper, Chloe, you should go to your rooms and rest. You've earned it."

Jasper looked like he wanted to protest, but the weight of the day was too much. "Alright, Dad," he said with a tired smile. "Thank you."

Chloe nodded, her eyes already drooping. "Yes, thank you."

As they made their way upstairs, Mr. Ramirez turned to Reese and Dwight. "Follow me to my study. We need to talk about what happened."

Reese and Dwight followed Mr. Ramirez through a side corridor that led to a more private section of the house. The study was a large, well-appointed room lined with bookshelves and dominated by a sturdy mahogany desk. Mr. Ramirez closed the door behind them, ensuring their conversation would remain private.

"Please, sit," Mr. Ramirez said, gesturing to the leather chairs in front of his desk.

Reese and Dwight took their seats, their expressions serious. Mr. Ramirez leaned against his desk, arms crossed, and fixed them with a penetrating gaze.

"Now, tell me everything," Mr. Ramirez began. "From the moment you arrived on Bantayan Island to your return here, I need to understand exactly what happened and what we're dealing with."

Reese took a deep breath, exchanging a brief glance with Dwight before beginning the recount. "We arrived on Bantayan Island without any issues. Everything was smooth until after Alex's birthday party."

Mr. Ramirez nodded, urging him to continue.

"Chloe was kidnapped by Mr. Fernandez and the men of Councilor Michael Villanueva," Reese continued. "They wanted to force me to admit the location of a treasure."

Mr. Ramirez's eyes narrowed. "A treasure? Did they explain what treasure they were referring to?"

Reese shook his head, maintaining his lie. "I told them I didn't know anything about it. I don't think they believed me, but I held my ground." Inwardly, Reese knew he had to keep the truth hidden. The knowledge of the treasure was something he couldn't afford to reveal, not even to Mr. Ramirez at this moment.

"I managed to rescue Chloe from Mr. Fernandez and Villanueva's men," Reese said, his tone steady. "You don't need to worry about them as of now. I've taken care of the situation." 

Mr. Ramirez's face softened with gratitude. "Thank you, Reese. You've done an incredible job rescuing and guarding my children. I can't express how grateful I am."

Reese shook his head modestly. "It's my job, Mr. Ramirez. Protecting them is my responsibility."

Mr. Ramirez nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I appreciate that, Reese."

Reese hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Mr. Ramirez, there's something else. Jasper found out that I'm his personal bodyguard."

Mr. Ramirez sighed, nodding in understanding. "I see. It was bound to happen, especially in times of crisis like these. He'll understand why it was necessary." 

They talked for a while longer, the conversation shifting to lighter, random topics. After a while, Mr. Ramirez glanced at the clock and noticed it was almost 6 p.m. "It's getting late," he said. "I think it's best if we all get some rest. Thank you again, Reese, and you too, Dwight. You've both done exceptionally well."

Reese and Dwight rose from their seats, nodding respectfully.

"Thank you, Mr. Ramirez," Dwight said.

"Yes, thank you," Reese added.

Mr. Ramirez smiled, a sense of relief and trust evident in his eyes. "Good night, gentlemen."


Reese and Dwight nodded and followed Mr. Ramirez out of the study room. When they made their way towards the exit, Reese turned to Dwight. "If Jasper decides to go out tonight, make sure to call me."

Dwight nodded. "Will do, Reese. Take care."

"You too," Reese said, giving Dwight a firm handshake. "Good night."

"Good night," Dwight replied, watching as Reese stepped out of the Ramirez Residence and called for a taxi.

Reese arrived at his rented home a short while later. Now that he was alone, he could finally focus on the news about the Manananggal sighting at Fuente Osmeña. Reese knew that Manananggal had something to do with the League of Shadows, but first, there was something he was eager to do since he received the Twin Swords of Eternity.

Reese entered his room and went inside the Amethyst Orb. Stepping inside, he found himself in a vast, serene space filled with the treasures and artifacts he had stored there. At the center stood the statue of Lakan, glowing faintly with spiritual energy. 

"Lakan," Reese called out, his voice echoing in the vastness.

The spirit of Lakan materialized beside his statue in his ethereal form. "Reese, is there anything I can do for you?" he asked, his voice resonant with ancient wisdom.

Reese smiled, relieved to see his spectral ally. "I was just checking to see if you're alright, Lakan."

Lakan nodded, a faint glow illuminating his features. "I am well, Reese. My soul grows stronger by the day, thanks to the Amethyst Aura."

Reese nodded in satisfaction and turned to walk toward the Twin Swords of Eternity. But before he could pick up the swords, his eyes were drawn to a pile of accessories—necklaces, pendants, and earrings—gleaming enticingly in the dim light.

"Are these accessories charmed to prevent danger and bring good luck to the wearer?" Reese asked, curiosity piqued.

Lakan followed his gaze and nodded. "Yes, they are. They were crafted with protective and fortunate enchantments."

Reese's face lit up with delight. "Which ones have the charms in them?"

Lakan stepped forward, his ethereal hand moving over the collection. He carefully selected several pieces: a silver necklace with a phoenix-shaped pendant encrusted with tiny rubies, a delicate gold chain with a small sapphire teardrop pendant, an intricate bracelet adorned with emeralds and intricate carvings, a pair of diamond-studded earrings shaped like stars, a golden anklet with a series of small, intricately designed charms, a platinum ring with a large, luminous pearl, a dragon-shaped pendant with emerald eyes, a simple yet elegant chain with a moonstone pendant, a ruby ring set in an ornate gold band, and a pair of sapphire earrings each surrounded by a halo of tiny diamonds.

Lakan handed the pieces to Reese, who accepted them gratefully.

"Which of these are charmed for protection and good luck?" Reese asked, examining the exquisite pieces.

Lakan smiled. "All of them carry the charms of protection and good luck. Additionally, each piece has its own unique enchantments. The silver necklace with the phoenix pendant offers rebirth and resilience. The gold chain with the sapphire teardrop brings calm and wisdom. The emerald bracelet enhances strength and courage, while the diamond-studded star earrings improve clarity and focus. The golden anklet protects during travels, and the platinum ring with the pearl brings serenity and peace. The dragon-shaped pendant symbolizes power and protection, the moonstone pendant enhances intuition, the ruby ring boosts strength and vitality, and the sapphire earrings promote wisdom and calmness."

Reese's face lit up with delight, realizing the immense value of these enchanted accessories. 'These will be perfect for my family, friends, Jasper, and Chloe. Each piece can offer them protection and luck in their own way,' he thought.

"Thank you, Lakan," Reese said, his gratitude evident. "These will be invaluable."

Lakan nodded, a serene smile on his face. "Use them well, Reese. They hold great power."

Reese placed the jewelry carefully on top of one of the blue barrels, then turned his attention back to the Twin Swords of Eternity, ready to begin the process of upgrading them. 

He picked up the twin swords, their weight familiar and reassuring in his hands. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and began to execute the technique he had learned: Amethyst Astral Forging.

As Reese focused, the Amethyst Aura within him surged, enveloping the twin swords in a radiant, purple glow. The energy pulsated around the blades, infusing them with transformative power.

Lakan watched with curiosity, his eyes widening as the process unfolded. The Twin Swords of Eternity began to change, the Amethyst Aura merging with their essence. The blades shimmered as the purple light intensified, their surfaces shifting and evolving. The once-plain metal now gleamed with intricate patterns and runes, glowing with an ethereal light.

The elements of the swords seemed to harmonize with the Amethyst Aura, enhancing their sharpness and resilience. The hilts, once simple and unadorned, now bore ornate designs that radiated power. The transformation was swift yet profound, a testament to the ancient technique Reese had mastered.

Lakan was shocked, his thoughts racing. 'What incredible power... This technique is beyond anything I have ever seen. Reese is truly remarkable.'

After a few intense moments, the light began to fade, and the transformation was complete. The Twin Swords of Eternity now stood as formidable weapons, their presence commanding and awe-inspiring.

Reese opened his eyes, a satisfied smile on his face. "It's done," he said, his voice steady and filled with a quiet confidence.

Lakan nodded, still in awe of what he had witnessed. "Incredible, Reese. You have unlocked a new level of power within these swords. They will serve you well in the battles to come."

Reese nodded, feeling the enhanced energy coursing through the swords. He knew that with the upgraded Twin Swords of Eternity, he was better prepared for the challenges ahead, including the investigation of the manananggal sighting.