
Urban Knight

In the vibrant streets of Cebu City, Reese Urban leads a double life as the enigmatic Urban Knight. When a wave of strange occurrences threatens the city, Reese must confront these evil beings, uncovering dark secrets that challenge his resolve. With the help of his friends, Reese embarks on a perilous journey to save his city from destruction, facing danger at every turn. Urban Knight is a thrilling tale of action and adventure, where courage and strength are put to the ultimate test in the fight against evil.

SoLaR89 · สมัยใหม่
92 Chs

Chapter 32: Invitation

As the evening sun cast a warm glow through the dining room window, Mr. Ramirez and his wife, Mrs. Maria Ramirez, sat at the head of the table, flanked by their three children. Mrs. Ramirez was in her early 50s and still exuded elegance with her gentle smile and poised demeanor, while Mr. Ramirez radiated authority with his presence, commanding respect.


Their eldest daughter, Sofia Ramirez, sat to Mrs. Ramirez's right. At 28 years old, Sofia possessed a quiet grace, her dark hair cascading in loose waves around her shoulders. Her eyes sparkled with intelligence as she engaged in conversation with her parents, a sense of excitement evident in her voice.


Beside Sofia sat Chloe Ramirez, 26 years old and full of youthful energy. With her vibrant personality and infectious laughter, Chloe added a touch of liveliness to the dinner table. Her easygoing nature endeared her to everyone around her, making her a beloved member of the family.


Seated across from his sisters, Jasper Ramirez, the youngest of the siblings at 22 years old, exuded a sense of youthful enthusiasm. Jasper, who just graduated this year from USC Main, had a future brimming with promise, with his dreams and aspirations yet to unfold.


As the family enjoyed their meal together, conversation flowed freely, ranging from lighthearted banter to more serious topics. Amidst the laughter, the topic of Sofia's recent engagement to the son of a prominent businessman in Cebu arose.


"So, Sofia, when's the big day?" Mr. Ramirez asked, a proud smile gracing his lips as he glanced at his eldest daughter.


Sofia's eyes lit up with excitement as she shared the details of her upcoming wedding plans. "We're still finalizing the details, but we're aiming for this December," she replied, her voice tinged with happiness.


Mrs. Ramirez beamed with pride at her daughter's happiness. "I can't wait to meet the rest of his family," she remarked, her eyes twinkling with anticipation.


Chloe chimed in with a mischievous grin. "I heard they have a private island," she teased, earning a playful swat from Sofia.


Jasper, ever the joker, couldn't resist adding his own quip. "Just make sure they have good wifi," he quipped, eliciting laughter from the rest of the family.


As the Ramirez family finished their dinner, the atmosphere in the dining room was relaxed and content. Mr. Ramirez's assistant, Josephine, approached him discreetly, her expression solemn as she delivered the message.


"Sir, Mr. Lopez has returned," Josephine whispered, her voice barely audible over the gentle hum of conversation.


Mr. Ramirez nodded, his brow furrowing with concern. "Thank you, Josephine. Please, ask Mr. Lopez to come to my study," he instructed, his tone serious.


Minutes later, Mr. Lopez entered the study, his expression grave as he approached Mr. Ramirez's desk. "Sir, I have some news," he began, his voice tinged with urgency.


Mr. Ramirez listened intently as Mr. Lopez relayed the information from his contact, his heart sinking at the realization that they might not find a suitable candidate to protect Jasper.


"I'm sorry, sir," Mr. Lopez continued. "My connection informed me that they don't have anyone with the capabilities we're looking for. However, he did show me a video of a young kid who's marketing himself as a personal bodyguard. His abilities are impressive, but they need to be verified."


Mr. Ramirez's eyes narrowed with skepticism as Mr. Lopez played the video on his phone. As they watched the footage, Mr. Ramirez couldn't help but feel apprehensive about entrusting his son's safety to a young and untested individual.


"I'm not sure about this, Lopez," Mr. Ramirez admitted, his voice tinged with doubt. "We can't afford to take any risks when it comes to Jasper's safety. We need to thoroughly investigate this kid before we make a decision."


Mr. Lopez nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Of course, sir. I'll start the investigation immediately and report back to you with our findings." Then he left the study to investigate more about the kid.


-Present day-


As the week drew to a close, Mr. Lopez returned to Mr. Ramirez's study, a sense of anticipation lingering in the air. With a grave expression, Mr. Lopez cleared his throat before delivering his report.


"Sir, I've completed my investigation," Mr. Lopez began, his voice steady as he met Mr. Ramirez's gaze. "And I have some remarkable news to share."


Mr. Ramirez leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Go on, Lopez. What did you find?"


Mr. Lopez's eyes gleamed with excitement as he revealed his findings. "The video we saw of the kid, it's all real. His name is Reese Urban, and he's a sensation in his home town, Bogo City."


Mr. Ramirez's brow furrowed with intrigue. "Continue."


Mr. Lopez nodded, eager to share the rest of his discoveries. "I spoke to the youths in Pantalan, a place where the fight happened, and they couldn't stop singing Reese's praises. They idolize him, sir. They said the video of Reese fighting the thugs doesn't do justice to his skills. Seeing him in person is even more impressive."


Mr. Ramirez's eyes widened in astonishment. "Incredible. What about his family background?"


"Sir, Reese Urban's family background is rather ordinary," Mr. Lopez began, his tone matter-of-fact. "His father, Robert Urban, works as a security guard at BDO, while his mother is a housewife, and Reese's younger brother, Ryan Urban, is a student and a varsity athlete at St. Louis De Marillac," Mr. Lopez continued. "He's involved in sports, but beyond that, there's nothing particularly noteworthy about their family background."


With a nod of understanding, Mr. Ramirez acknowledged the unremarkable nature of Reese's family background. 


Mr. Ramirez said, his tone appreciative. "It seems Reese comes from a humble background, which can often be a testament to one's character and values." 


A sense of determination flickered in Mr. Ramirez's eyes as he processed the information. "Thank you, Lopez. You've done excellent work."


With a nod of acknowledgment, Mr. Lopez stepped back, allowing Mr. Ramirez a moment to reflect on the revelations. After a moment of contemplation, Mr. Ramirez made a decision.


"Call Reese Urban," he instructed, his voice firm with resolve. "I want to invite him for an interview. We may have found the perfect candidate to protect Jasper."