
Upside Down and Inside Out

Gabriella Frost and her brother get the biggest shock of their life one winter morning. With nowhere to go, they are put in foster care and get separated. With no one left, Gabriella must figure out how to be herself, and who that is, without listening to the voices in her head. It all needs to be done while trying to get back to her brother and learning how to trust again.

JMR1998 · วัยรุ่น
16 Chs

Where to Read

Hello, my name is J. If you enjoyed reading this book, then you can find it on Amazon in a few months. The name will be shortened to Upside Down, and the author will be JM Smith, instead of JM1998

I'm sorry for not completing this on Webnovel, but the site is hard for me to use. There are too many hoops to jump through, and I need to find something better. Thank you so much for reading. It honestly really helped me in ways that I couldn't have imagined.