
New City

Han Bi had just arrived in Xing city. Her best friend, Yi Zhengzhou had been at the train station to pick her up. "It's so good to see you." Yi Zhengzhou who she fondly called Zheng Zheng said and both hugged each other. "I'm really excited to see you too." Han Bi said and both took a taxi to Zheng Zheng's house.

"Zheng Zheng your house really looks beautiful." Han Bi commented. "I'm glad you like it." Zheng Zheng replied smiling. "Just make yourself feel at home." Zheng Zheng said and left. Han Bi opened her bag and unpacked it, she took a shower and changed. After changing, she lied on the bed and her mind drifted to the purpose for her coming here, to find a better life.

Back home in Li Dong, Han Bi had not been the luckiest child. Her mother had died immediately after her birth and so she was considered to be bad luck. Her father remarried, a viscous woman who hated Han Bi with everything in her. Her step mother did anything and everything to punish Han Bi.

If not that she was a survivor and refused to die at a young age, Han Bi would have died an infant. She was not taken care of and neglected yet,she never fell sick, It was actually a miracle. After years of marriage, Han Bi's stepmother finally conceived and due to her own carelessness, she lost the baby after two months but that wicked woman blamed it on Han Bi. "That child is bad luck, I'm sure she's a witch. She killed my baby and I won't spare her." Her stepmother kept ranting.