
Unwilling Protagonist: Trapped In A Game As A Male Lead

After a strange occurrence, Kai finds himself trapped inside a popular game as one of the useless male leads. But there's one problem: he never wanted to be the hero. As Kai struggles to navigate this new reality and figure out how to escape, he soon realizes that his actions may have a bigger impact on the game world than he ever could have imagined. With danger lurking around every corner, Kai must decide whether to embrace his role as the reluctant hero or find a way to break free from the game's grasp. --- 100 PS FOR FAST UPDATES!

Enigma0 · แฟนตาซี
54 Chs

Status Screen

I sat on my bed and glanced at the dark crystal that I had obtained from Morgana's broken staff.

"I wonder what grade this is," I muttered to myself, summoning my status screen to identify its grade and name.

[Status Window]

Name: Caius Valerian

Level: 10

Experience Points: 250/1000

Mana Points: 50/50


Strength: 40

Agility: 30

Endurance: 35

Intelligence: 55


Fire: Level 1


Completionist's Insight: Max

Sword Mastery: Level 2

Fire Magic: Level 1


Iron Sword (Attack: 30)

Obsidian Shard of Morgana (A-Grade)


As I summoned my status window, I felt a sense of familiarity wash over me. It was just like the one from the game, displaying all the stats and information that I had grown so used to seeing.

"The status window resembles that from the game," I muttered, taking note of Caius's above-average strength for his age, though he would cease to level up beyond 15.

On the bright side, his fire element was considered quite valuable.

In this world, it was the norm for individuals to possess a single elemental affinity at birth. However, there were a few rare cases of individuals born with the ability to harness two or even more elements simultaneously, as was the case with certain playable characters in the game.

'Nevertheless, Caius's status window and skills are similar to what they should be, except for the skill Completionist's Insight. This skill actually seems to originate from me, Kai, my previous self who played the game I have transmigrated into.

The skill has already reached its maximum level and cannot be leveled up any further, but it proves to be quite useful as a search engine for me. It will help me to recall the Knowledge from the game,' I reflected before asking, "Could you show me the description of the skill Completionist's Insight?"

And immediately, the skills description came before me.

[Completionist's Insight - This skill grants the user a deep understanding of the game's mechanics and systems, allowing them to easily recognize and navigate through complex parts of the game they have already completed in their past life.

The user can remember the details of various quests, puzzles, and hidden features of the game, and can use this knowledge to their advantage in their current playthrough.

Additionally, this skill allows the user to quickly identify any errors or glitches in the game, making it easier for them to exploit them for their benefit.]

"I have to say, that Completionist's Insight skill is going to come in super handy. I mean, I'm only human, y'know? I can't remember every little thing I did in the game. But with this skill, I can easily recall stuff I might've forgotten. Talk about convenient, huh?" I grinned.

With that thought, I shook my head and turned my attention to the description of the Obsidian Shard of Morgana.

[Obsidian Shard of Morgana is a dark crystal fragment that was once part of the staff of the powerful witch Morgana. The shard is small enough to be held in the palm of the hand, but it radiates a dark aura that can be felt by those nearby.

The shard can be used in various ways, but its most prominent use is to enhance the power of dark magic. When infused with the shard, spells that involve the use of shadows, illusions, or curses become significantly stronger and harder to dispel.

However, using the shard also comes with a risk. Its corruptive nature can slowly consume the user's mind, leading to an addiction to dark magic and an insatiable hunger for power. Those who become too reliant on the shard risk losing control and becoming a danger to themselves and those around them.

Despite its risks, the Obsidian Shard of Margana is highly sought after by dark magic practitioners and collectors alike, making it a valuable and dangerous artifact.]

As I delved into the description of the Obsidian Shard of Morgana, a brilliant idea struck me. I knew that dabbling in dark magic in this world was frowned upon, as it was often associated with evil villains. But the potential benefits were too great to ignore, as it could help me become stronger and aid me in the most challenging of times.

Nonetheless, I knew that I had to prioritize leveling up before embarking on any dangerous quests.

"Open Quest Window," I commanded, and the window appeared before me, suspended in the air.

[Quest Window]

[Quest1: Enter The Starlight Academy!]

Reward~ +500 EXP

As I stared at the familiar quest, I realized how crucial it was for me. In this game, every character's starting point was the Starlight Academy, where they began as Level 10 and they are all geniuses.

But Caius's growth had stopped at Level 15, and with time, even the extras would surpass him. So every bit of EXP counted for me.

This quest was my opportunity to easily gain a significant amount of experience points.

I needed to level up as much as possible before planning anything dangerous. It was a basic rule of gaming: the more you grind, the faster you level up. And in a world where strength meant everything, leveling up was crucial.

"And I'm also aware of the way to break free from the level cap as the story progresses, but now that I was living in the game, I had the power to do it whenever I pleased. The only hurdle is that I needed a certain someone's help," I muttered.


Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answered.

"Young Master, your new clothes have arrived," the maid informed me.

"I'll be there in a moment," I replied as I got up from the bed.

With my departure to the Starlight Academy scheduled for the next day, there was no time to waste.

'Now that I think about it, I recall there being a written examination for class allotment at the Starlight Academy,' I thought to myself, pausing for a moment to reflect.

"But, well, with the help of my skill Completionist Insight, I don't think I need to worry about it now!" With a casual shrug, I left my room.