
unveiling the moonlit mate

"You're mine!" he roared, possessive fury darkening his eyes. "If I have to brand you with my mark to keep every other wolf at bay, so be it!" Tears welled in Annie's eyes. "This marriage isn't love, it's a lie!" she screamed back. The room fell silent. "Maybe once," he conceded, a dangerous edge to his voice. "But things have changed. Now, you belong to me. You're mine, forever." Annie, the adopted daughter of a powerful pack, craves acceptance. Unlike other wolves, she lacks the full shift, a constant reminder of her difference. Then, a fated mate arrives, but instead of love's embrace, he brings a web of royal deceit that threatens to tear everything apart. Annie harbors a hidden secret, a burden that complicates everything. Can love blossom amidst manipulation and lies? Will she succumb to the alpha's possessive claim, or will she fight for a love built on truth and acceptance? In a world where loyalty is tested and alliances crumble, can Annie carve her path? Setting: it's a modern fantasy world with a focus on werewolf society and the political intrigue within it.

DaoisthXb09m · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

chapter four

Chapter 4

The familiar scent of woodsmoke and pine announced Cody's arrival. He squeezed under the trellis, his concerned gaze meeting mine. Words seemed to fail me, a dam holding back a torrent of emotions. He understood. Without a word, he enveloped me in a hug, the warmth offering a fragile comfort. Tears streamed down my face, a release from years of pent-up grief. I cried for the lost little girl who never found her pack, for the sting of rejection from other pups, and for the gaping hole in my past. I cried for the burden I seemed to be, for the looming encounter with a mate I never dared to dream of, and for the pain of rejection I felt inevitable.

"He won't reject you," Cody murmured, his voice laced with a conviction I didn't quite share. How could anyone want a clumsy, unconventional wolf like me?

"I need to change," I choked out, wiping at my tear-streaked face.

He nodded, his gaze lingering on my mud-caked dress.

Taking a deep breath, I mind-linked my father. "I'm going to change. I'll be there in a few minutes. I'm sorry." Shame gnawed at me for disrupting the ceremony.

"It's alright, Annie," his voice soothed. "I'll let him know. He's a good man. You'll be okay." His words offered a sliver of hope, a lifeline in the storm of emotions.

Back in my room, the hot shower washed away the dirt, but the emotional grime clung stubbornly. Cody assisted me with a makeover, the silence between us eloquent. The realization of causing delays – the ceremony, the dinner – intensified my guilt. A dress materialized from my closet, a deep emerald shimmering in the afternoon light. It wasn't long before Cody stood before me, brandishing my shoes, miraculously retrieved from the kitchen office. His critical eye scanned my appearance.

"Good as new," he declared, a hint of pride in his voice. Nervousness fluttered in my stomach, but I knew Cody wouldn't let me face this mess. Taking my hand, he began to lead me away.

"No running this time," he admonished, his gaze unwavering. "You have to face him."

He was right. But fear, cold and sharp, gripped my heart.

The walk to the Alpha's office felt like an eternity. As we neared the door, the scent of my mate hit me – a heady mix of orange and cinnamon, almost overwhelming. A primal pull tugged at me, a yearning I couldn't explain. If this was the bond of a mate, then maybe, just maybe, it would be strong enough to bridge the chasm of insecurity. Clutching onto that sliver of hope, I reached for the doorknob, my hand trembling slightly.

Inside, the room buzzed with an unexpected tension. My father leaned against the desk, arms crossed, his expression unreadable. Beside him, Samuel seemed strangely subdued. Mom, ever elegant, sat in the opposite chair. But it was the presence of the Wolf King that truly surprised me. Questions swirled in my head, but they were swallowed by the sight of my mate standing tall by the window.

His image from the garden mirrored itself here, except now he wasn't gazing at the landscape; his gaze was fixed intently on me. Our eyes met, and a wave of dizziness washed over me. Cody's hand on my back offered a much-needed anchor.

"Go say hi," he whispered, his voice a lifeline.

I nodded, my throat closing up. Taking a tentative step forward, I closed the distance between us. My mate mirrored my movement, his gentle hand landing on my shoulder.

"Are you okay now?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. His eyes, a startling shade of blue, held a warmth that surprised me.

I managed a shaky nod, feeling my brother's presence out of the corner of my eye. Shame burned in my gut for ruining his day.

Breaking free from my mate's gaze, I walked towards Samuel. He pulled me into a tight hug, his scent of woodsmoke and pine offering a familiar comfort.

"I'm so sorry I ruined your ceremony," I mumbled, the enormity of my actions finally hitting me.

"You didn't ruin anything, kiddo. Just delayed it," he chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

Letting go of me, he took my hand and led me back to my mate. "Prince Damian," he addressed him formally, "it's a pleasure to finally introduce you to my sister, Annie. Annie, this is Prince Damian."

Prince? So that explained the King's presence.

"Hi," I squeaked, feeling woefully inadequate next to this regal figure. Towering over me, he seemed built like a warrior, his smile both charming and slightly dangerous. My gaze darted to his hand, where a silver ring with a wolf crest adorned his strong fingers. He was royalty, completely out of my league.

"Hi," he returned, his voice a warm baritone. He extended his hand, and I hesitantly placed mine in his. Unlike the calloused hands, I was used to working alongside in the kitchen, his were smooth and surprisingly warm. To my surprise, he didn't just shake it; he raised it to his lips and brushed a light kiss across my knuckles.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet the famous Annie I've heard so much about," he murmured, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Heat flooded my cheeks, and I stammered, "Umm, maybe we should get the ceremony started soon?" The attention was suffocating, all eyes fixated on me and the prince.

"Yes, quite right," my father interjected, stepping forward. "Let's head down and give Annie and Damian a few moments alone to get acquainted." He gave me a reassuring pat on the shoulder before kissing my forehead.

Mom followed suit, her usual playful smile replaced with a gentle one. "He's cute," she whispered, squeezing my hand.

My cheeks burned even brighter. Cute? He was breathtaking – a prince out of a fairy tale. Stealing a glance at him, I saw him watching me with a kind smile. A million questions swirled in my head. Why a prince? Why me? Did he hear good things, or was this just royal politeness?