
1: Entrance

Don't listen to the music.... Don't listen to the music...

The squirrel like head bobbed next to me in the car as we are moving to our new place. My body groaned in irritation as my stupid brother Peter sings very loud with his headphones on max.

I couldn't be certain, but to punch that cheek of his! Due to annoyance I aggressively purloin his phone and turn the music off to stop him from singing. He yelled at me angrily which causes a flinch on our cliche' evil stepmother Penny, telling us that we are useless pieces of horseshits.

Silence fills the car as dad never really cared about us. I heard little sobs on Peter, so I lean in and hug him awkwardly because both don't like clingyness. During the whole ride to our new home I just comforted him and play musics of Stray Kids to help him calm down. He wasn't always the weak one but when Mom died he became sensitive.

After a six hour haul drive to our new home. We starter unpacking and moving our things to our home. Penny made us carry all their stuff thinking that we are her slaves, I burst in to anger and threw her stuffs away. Dad became angry of this sudden actions and hitted me non-stop as Peter catches sone of the hits to make him stop. After moving all the things, I did not go out of my new room so Peter went inside and comforts me. Why did he turned out to be like that? WHY? WHY?

Don't Listen... Don't listen... Don't listen...

I heard a loud thud, heard arguments of my dad and Penny. All the things, I hate the most is shouting and fighting. I heard my dad that she's the reason why he turned out to be a monster to his children but interrogated it; their useless, they are like their mother a weak person. The fighting stops, I was disappointed; he never said any back when the witch degraded my mom. My puffy eyes went heavy and suddenly went into a slumber.

Morning came and I was greeted by Peter we both make breakfast. Silence fills the room when my dad came and said that we are going to pur new school tomorrow. Hope fills me, I wanted a new life and I thought "I think I can find myself once again in this new school because this is my new escape rope." The day past by just hanging out with my brother until suddenly we heard a beep and it was dad's phone indicating a text message from his boss. We went to read it stating: "Mr. Ashton Grey I need to go to Indonesia and become the Vice President of our companies branch there." Fear and anxiety fills us because we will be left alone with that witch.

The next day went by, dad had accepted the offer but before he went to the airport, he drop us into our new school Sarang University. My brother excitedly went inside as I was staring at it, Hoping to find myself as I stand in front of the school's ENTRANCE.