
Generous Pay

I really should start reading up on the myriad books related to the cultural advancement of this world instead of cool and actually practical subjects like Motor Science just to clarify my situation and to find the difference between the cultures of Homosapiens and Horned Sapiens. Even if my memories guided me to take in the sight with no ripple in my hearts, tsunami erupted within the depth of my consciousness when Maa came in with an extremely proactive bright red lingerie that faded into translucency down her breasts while her equally red panties stuck tightly on her grey thighs.

Not gonna lie, I think, a boner is on its way for the Horned Sapiens in one or two days max.

"Honey, have a good night. Mom isn't going to be around tomorrow, I have to awaken my second chakra.

You be a good boy and don't leave the house, alright?"

Mom is a beautiful person with inhumane, but the culturally appropriate curves. The pair of grey horns that emerged from her forehead parted her long, lustrous black hair into a lock of strands in between the gap of the horns and then twin locks that framed her oval face as her icy blue eyes holding a definite swirl of crazy observed me from head to toe.

While the previous Lamork may have seen this as a loving expression, I, on another hand, who has actually experienced an appropriate motherly affection, know much to understand that my current Mom did not merely hold motherly affection when she gazed at me.

But even if my tiny body failed to produce any chemical reaction downwards to the attractive dress mom sported her body in, my ears perked into concentration when I registered something unfamiliar even to the previous Lamork.

"Maa? What is a chakra?"

Mom's eyelids jumped in surprise, maybe, she did not intend to let her intentions slip and even if she did, she may have not expected to get questioned by me. After all, I have never once questioned her even for the sake of curiosity.

"Nothing, honey. It's a yoga thing. Sleep tight."

Oh, she is getting nervous? Why? Is this 'Chakra' supposed to be some sort of secret? Surely it cannot be something related to a particular blonde with a thing from pinkettes. No, if that were to be true, I would be seeing kids running on the walls of the neighborhood.

So, if Chakra is something different in this world, I can only theorise the Hindu Mythology that described seven chakras in the human bodies.

But... there is just one thing though...

I am not a human anymore.

Oh, and from what I can remember, Mom never did Yoga. She just strangely never needed it. How strange...

"Yoga? Can I join?"

I smile and grip on Mom's hands expectantly. Of course, it wasn't for Yoga. I couldn't care less about the exercise. Using Mom's weakness, apparently— me, against her and softly gripping her surprisingly tough palm, I look at Mom with my own large blue eyes and paired with two small horns, I looked anything but unattractive to Mom's eyes.

At least, that's what I would have loved to believed since Mom smiled with her eyes thick with craziness and something else, an emotion I am not familiar with.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Be a good boy and study. I'll be back by lunch."

Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Snacks, Dinner, Supper.

With an increase in the hours of a day and the fact that Horned Sapiens need more nutrition to pump blood from two of their hearts, it is only natural that we ate more. Six times in 28 hours. At least, this is the general intake.

Of course, Lamork had to push his limits of knowledge up a notch and go in-depth on the biological thesis on calories and the proper intake so that Horned Sapiens don't actually go into dual cardiac arrest just because of pumping more blood.

"But, Maa..."

That's right, I'll push my luck. I am the type of child that will keep trying his luck to get his way in the house until my mother picks up her utensils or slippers to scare the crap out of me.

"No means no." Mom's eye blue pupils finally showed a generic heart shape while her lips grew closer to mine with her heavy breaths assaulting my face as she grinned maniacally, "Later, I'll make it up to you later. Is that alright?"

Oh... this shit works, too...

I'll have nightmares about this.


The best thing about having an obedient past is that parents trust you easily. After all, I took an entire night to browse the 'Search.com', not for— Hot Horned Girls, Cute Alien Nurses and various hot fantasy porn— I search for the norms of the society and colour me surprised.

— Should the husband die, the wife shall marry the next male kin—

— Should a man be already married, the suitor, at the man's consent for marrying him, would challenge the spouse to a competition previously agreed by a contract.

The opposite holds true, too—

And this is just the beginning of many laws that would be heavily frowned upon in my previous society.

All in all, my mom is my fiancée.

Pretty sick. My seventeen-year-old mind feels awesomely sick to be happily engaged to a woman right after my reincarnation, talk about being lucky, right? Meanwhile, my tiny prepubescent body understands nothing about this kind of stuff and its implications.

With the sound of Limousine driving out of the house, I jump up from the bed to freshen myself. Brushing my teeth through... toothbrush...

Quite anticlimactic, if I must say.

Finally, putting on fresh clothes, I start to search for the word 'Chakra' and once again, I got results in a single search.

According to the Draconic Mythology, an entity has a total of three chakras that holds the understanding of the three aspects of the being— Body, Mind, Spirit.

That is it. The same explanation is shown at every single website and even the Unipedia had nothing else to offer. So, I search for the word Draconic and finally, I get to understand that the concept of religion has once again wormed itself deep into the Planet Ash Deer.

Apparently, in the ancient times, Dragons and Draconic lineage we're as true as sun and moon. They were praised, blah, blah, blah, a meteor struck them and Horned Sapiens cultivated themselves to where they are now while still holding the belief of the existence the Dragon Gods through the fossils.

Not so different from human society, just that, I did not pray any dinosaur and I sure as hell aren't going to pray any other lizard.

The rest of my day is spent on researching other religions while the housemaid, a rather pleasant... eunuch cooked for me and got the food delivered to my room.

Just like me, my father and mother carefully cultivated Biman, an orphaned Horned Sapien. Well, from what I can recall from Mom's grumblings, my late father wished for an actual maid, uniform and stuff, but one death threat from Mom slowed the man down as Mom found Biman through illegal channels and got him castrated just to make use of him and train him as a housemaid.

Why illegal?

Because there are no orphanages in the city and the slave traders steer clear from a top-notch city like Shade City. Aside from that... well, Mom let it slip out just one time during supper when she was grumbling about the past.

Oh well, not that I can do anything about Biman's situation...

He got a good health insurance, though.