
Untold Dreams

AviendhaVoid · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs


I wake jolting to the sound of a harsh beeping to my side. Reaching over, I hit the side of my alarm clock, stopping the awful sound. Lying back down, I stare at the ceiling with my hand on my head, trying to remember the dream I was having

Running was all I could remember. Feeling cold beads of sweat drip down my face, I wipe the off and slowly sit back up. Looking at the clock reads 8:30 - the only time that really matters. Rolling my shoulders back, I stand up with heavy legs and look into the mirror across from the bed

I run my fingers through my long brown hair fixing the slight knots that accrue along the way and fixing my night shirt. I glance at my face once more counting the freckles, and looking into my soft blue eyes. I stare at the dark color under my eyes from many restless nights of the same dream....Running, Running is all I can remember every morning I wake.

I stroll over to my dresser taking out my usually outfit, a pair of black leggings and a oversized hoodie, putting them on and forcing my hair into a high pony tail and open my bedroom door. Watching the dust float around the hallway through the sunbeams coming in from the windows. I see the door to my mothers room open and the fresh smell of warm pancakes creep into my nose and I smile lightly entering the kitchen and grabbing myself a plate,

"Good morning Mom"

"Good morning Layla, how did you sleep". I give my mom a slight eye and she shakes her head "the same dream again". I nod looking down at my plate. She hands me a warm cup of coffee, a light brown color, and gives me a smile.

"One day we will figure out what that dream is about"

"Yeah", the sound of doubt in my voice makes her smile dim slightly as she sits across from me and starts to eat.

"What are you plans for today", I could tell she was trying to start conversation so I look up giving her a slight irritated look. She knows I'm not a morning person. I take a sip of my coffee feeling the warm liquid run down my throat, the sweet taste puts a smile on my face.

"I am probably going to run into town see what work I could do today, maybe even find some nice sales going on". I watch her eyes look me over and she nods returning to eating her food. The rest of the time we sit in silence.

I finish, placing my plate In the sink and taking one last sip of my coffee I put the cup in there as well and grab a to-go cup making myself another cup of coffee and look back at my mom walking over and giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"I'll be back later, love you"

"Stay safe Layla, and be back here before dinner, I love you to", I walk to the door taking a deep breath before opening it and walking into the outside world.