
until the end of time

08emily · สมจริง
2 Chs

the beginning

"Are they gonna come back""Sure baby they will"*sods fade away*... * knock knock knock * "coming" running down the stairs "take it easy" said a woman in her early 30 * open the door * "here is your package" * sign * "it's just a delivery man" "thank you" she collect the package "sign okay here" "okay" "bye" "thank you" closed the door

"What's inside let me see" said a boy with grey eye

"Let's see" she smiled while opening the box but a few minutes later her smile starts to fade and turns towards a confused face

"What's Wrong Sister Jade"

"Go to your room right now"


"Just go"

"Ok sister z"

Since then I wish I never cheated that Bix I should have just left the box the way it was


" welcome to today tv new today the news a serial killer strikes again in ....



"Who would it be around this time where are my glasses" Walking straight to the door

" a night striker be careful" the tv playing in the background

*door unlocked*

" Good evening young man how are young man"

" his fine " a girl will blonde hair replied

" his he deaf or something " a woman in her late thirty replied 

"No , he is just more of a less talker"

" what's your name young girl and his name"

"Good evening ma my name is kira and his name is ...."

"Why do you need to know my name " chris interrupted 

"You are right how rude of me , hi my name is Maria and am a journalist from Fkl company and am here to further my information concerning the murder case taken place in the neighborhood do you guys mind if me and my camera man take a rest at your place our car seems to have a break down and we see no other safe place to sleep "

"Hmmm let me ask my mom"



"What dear "

"Someone is looking for you "

" oh hello maria how are you"

"Am good and you"

"Fine " she replied

" whats wrong "

" our car broke down and we have no wgere to stay"

"Oh don't worry you can stay in chris room"

"Will he be comfortable "

"Hahaha he as no other choice"

"Okay if you say so "give signal to her camera man"

"So you too know each other that's weird" kira interrupt

"Where is Chris" kira mum asked

"He was right here some seconds ago , okay go and inform him"

"Why!!! , i dont even have a clue about his wereabout "she replied

"Well i don't care find him , maria!" Walked away

"I swear if i find you chris!!!!"


"Where have you been "

" why"

"My mom said that i should inform you.."

"I know and tell her am leaving and give her this letter for me "

"Wait what , why , who will do all thise chores"

" none of my business "

"You ungrateful brat why will you just leave like that with your blind eye it creeps me how are you even seeing"

" bye " drop the letter and thorm off

"Wait !!!"

"Where his going chris !!"

"Mom stop him"

 " chris wait!!"

( voice faded)

*sometimes I think life isn't fair , while sometimes its just the word of karma th hit me , I guess , I was abandoned years Back ago by my parents the only person that I see has family went missing years ago



"Go to your room chris"

"Okay sister jade" why does she look so worried I will find what it inside that box ....


Snicking down stairs

"Why is the box still their the sister I know would have hid it "

"Sister jade !!,sister jade !!!"

Ran upstairs to sister jade room

"Sister jade "


The box fell down a lot of pictures fell to the ground 

,"huh what is this"

Pictures of this family with abroad

"Wait i thought they went to visit grandma"

Took a letter on the table

* dear sister jade thank for taking care of Chris for me , but I could like to inform you that we aren't coming back for him we use his grandma as an excuse to get ride of him , and if I was you make sure you leave him I went to a fortune teller and she told him that he is cursed , so I sent some money to your account for you to get ride of him finally before he curse you darling take care of yourself , you now know the right thing to do, its left to you*

 love. Stella

Tears roll down to his cheek


" i guess is true am cursed"

Standing On top of a bridge

"Kid what are you doing"

*horning *

" kid get down this instance everything is going to be okay "

Faced back

"Yes come down"

" daddy is he blind"

" I don't think so"

"Dear come down" A woman said

"Honey go near him" she spoken again

"Okay young boy"

* should I jump or not why is my head aching why are they wearing the same cloth why are they up to 20 why am I going down*

"Honey !!!! Catch!! Him!!!!" 

(Voice fade into background)