

Kevin and Joy both experience an unexpected and painful end of their first loves at the tender age of 17 because of the accident that happened. Eight years later, they meet again as adults by playing the game of love hide and seek. Will Kevin lose his first love twice in his life, or does fate have other plans for them? ~*~ This story is a work of fiction. All the places, events, businesses, characters, etc., are the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to the real person, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form, or by any means without the prior permission of the author.

SHENAXX · สมจริง
8 Chs



Gosh, she's annoying. As if we will imitate his jewelry designs. We can make better designs than them, argh!

But anyway, the bracelet is very beautiful. I've really wanted to purchase that.



When I arrived at Nathalia's condo, I first took off my coat and put it on the sofa. Then, I walked toward the kitchen. I went to the fridge and got a drink. I wanted to drink a beer but there is no beer so I just got banana milk.

I went back to the living room and sat on the sofa. Since the event is still a long time away, I'll chill here first. I took the remote and turned on the TV. I'll watch a movie.

When the TV turned on, a piece of news showed up to me.



I walked in Pierre's direction when I found him. "Hi," I greeted him, and the woman he is talking with looked at me. It was then I realized that the one he was talking to is Miss Fontevilla.


She's Kevin's mother. But why is she not with Kevin here? Shouldn't he be with Kevin here?

Ah, never mind. It's good that he is not here. I don't want to see him.

"Hi," I greeted her with a smile and I approached Pierre. He places his hand on my waist.

"I'm glad to meet you in person. You are more gorgeous in person."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"And I am a big fan of Laurent's Jewelries. I hope we could work in the future."

What does she mean to say?

Never mind. I am not in a mood to talk to her long right now because I have something to discuss with Pierre right now.

I just smiled at her. "Could you please excuse us? I need to talk with my fiancè."

"Sure. Sure, of course. I'm going to meet the other investors anyway. Nice meeting you two again." She said then she walk away from us.

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?" Pierre asked me. I look at him.

"I really need to talk to you."


"Why did you include the bracelet?" I asked him in a serious tone of my voice. Here we are at the hotel's horizon cafe.

"Thank you," he said to the waiter after the waiter delivered our food to us. "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you."

"Why? Because you know I won't allow it? I thought we had already agreed on this?"

"Okay, I'm sorry. But believe me, I was about to tell you about this so, don't be angry. But I don't understand why you don't want to sell the first bracelet design you made. Look, many people like that bracelet, and they wanted to make a purchase. If you will sell that, we will get more sales, and investors, and your name will be more known, Zai. I want you to shine more... "

"Still..." I cut his sentence. "I don't want to sell the bracelet I made."

Pierre heaved a sigh.

Yes, that was the first ever design of bracelet that I made and I am happy that everyone likes it. However, I don't want to sell it.


I don't want. That's it.

"I don't want to shine more, Pierre. I'm okay with what I have now. I hope you understand that."

"Okay. I understand. I'm sorry."

"No. It's okay. Just tell them that bracelet is not for sale."

"Sure. I will tell them."

I nodded my head. "Thank you," I smiled.

"Um. I'm sorry again," he apologized to me again, holding my hand. I just nodded my head.




I park the car when I arrive at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza hotel where the jewelry exhibit event is taking place. Immediately, I got off from the car and hurriedly walk to the entrance.

Why am I here?


I went back to the living room and sat on the sofa. Since the event is still a long time away, I'll chill here first. I took the remote and turned on the TV. I'll watch a movie.

When the TV turned on, an advertisement popped up in front of me.

Zaira Lou first made her appearance at a jewelry exhibit in France five years ago.

Oh, this woman! She is the woman I saw earlier.

Her debut piece in jewelry design was her first ever made bracelet, which has a unique design that made a lot of people interested and want to make a purchase, however, for an unknown reason, Zaira is not selling the bracelet.

I was stunned as I watched him on TV. And the feeling I felt before when I saw her, I feel it again. It's weird and I don't know why am I feeling like this.

"A lot of people like the bracelet, but why are you not selling it? Could you give us your reason?"

"There is no reason. I just don't want to sell it and I don't have a plan on selling it. I apologize everyone."

"Your fans must be so sad. But we understand that. I'm pretty sure you'll make beautiful jewelry that your fans will love more."

"Of course. I will."

Her interviews keep going, and I don't listen, instead, I am focusing on looking at the bracelet.

That design of her bracelet... It is familiar.

I looked at the bracelet on my wrist. It's similar to that handmade bracelet I have, that Joy made for me.

No way...?

I looked at the TV again and I stared at his face, her smile and I listened to her voice. She is so similar to Joy.

Could this be possible?

My heart starts to beat faster.

"First love? Oh, that's a cliche question." She laughs a little. "Well, I do have my first love but sad to say he abandoned me. But it's okay. I have found my great love now."

/Well, I do have my first love but sad to say he abandoned me/

/Well, I do have my first love but sad to say he abandoned me/

/Well, I do have my first love but sad to say he abandoned me/

Those phrases she said keep on echoing in my mind. And my heart is beating so fast, feeling that this woman is the person that I am searching for.

Her voice, her smile, the sounds of her laughs, her eyes, and the way she moves are like Joy.



When I entered the Sofitel Philippine Plaza hotel, I immediately went to the fifth floor where the exhibit was taking place. When I got to the fifth floor, I saw so many people around, I think they are business owners and some of them are investors, roaming around, talking with each other.

All of a sudden, I saw mum so I quickly hid. I need to be careful. We shouldn't have met while I was searching for Joy so I went to the other room. I naturally roamed around while wandering my eyes to search for that woman.

Fortunately, my eyes hit her. And suddenly, my heart beat strangely again. I stared at her for a while and while I was staring at her I saw Joy who was my best friend, the Joy that I loved so much.

Oh god. I found her. After a long time of searching.

Deciding not to stand here longer, I walk in her direction.

I have found her. I will never let go of her again.



I was talking with Mr. Borrison when my eyes caught Kevin. He's here. Wait, what is he doing here? The event isn't over yet. And I thought he didn't want to come in here because of his mum? Jeez.

But it looks like he's looking for something. Is he looking for me? Obviously. Jeez. He should have texted me. He might bump with his mother.

"Please excuse me, Mr. Borrison."


I followed Kevin into the other room. I was about to call him when he stop walking and he was like staring at something in a distance.

Who is he looking at?

I followed the direction where his eyes were looking and I saw Zaira.

What? He is staring at her? Really?

I looked at Kevin again and followed the direction of his eyes again to confirm where he was really looking and yeah, he was looking at Zaira.

But why is he staring at her? Eh? What is going on?

This jerk ... How dare he look at another woman? How dare cheat with Joy?

I was about to take a walk in his direction when he walked toward Zaira's direction.

Eh? What will he do?

I look at Zaira and she walks away after a conversation with someone. However, before she could walk away, Kevin held her right hand and I saw his surprise at what Kevin did.

Gosh, this crazy man!



"Then, please excuse me." Mrs. Sy said and walked away. I also walk away and suddenly, someone grabs my hand made me startled.

"Who are..." I couldn't continue what I was about to say because he suddenly pulled me away.

What the hell? Who the hell is this person?

What is he doing?

Until we got to the spot where there is no people but only the two of us.

"Excuse me. Who are you?" I asked him as I pulled out my hand from his grip.

"It's me." His eyes even spoke to me. "It's me, Joy. Kevin." It was as if my world stops turning. He smiled and his eyes has droplets of tears. I didn't speak right away. I can't speak. I am speechless. And my heart starts to beat so fast that I could even hear the sound of my heartbeat.

Ke... Kevin?

Is this really him?

I looked at his left wrist for a moment and I saw the bracelet. The bracelet that I made for him a long time ago, when we were both kids.

'Kevin ...' I only uttered in my mind, trying to help myself not to teared up.

No. No. Go back to your senses, Zaira. You are not that kid anymore. You are not Joy anymore. You are Zaira Lou. And remember he abandoned you. He left you. He did not look for you.

"Okay? Do I know you?" I asked, pretending not to be confused, but deep inside, I am feeling the weight of pain in my heart that my past had caused me.

All in all, I thought I had forgotten, but suddenly came back. Especially when I really need him but I can't find him. He abandoned me and that kills me.

He was left speechless and the expression on his face changed immediately as if he realized that he had made a mistake with the person he pulled.

"Don't you... remember me? It's me..." He wasn't able to continue his sentence when someone called me.


I looked at the one who called me. It was Pierre. He walks in my direction and looked at Kevin.

"Hi. I'm Pierre. Do you have any problem with my fiancee?"

Kevin looked at Pierre, a little bit of shock traveling his face but it suddenly changed.

"Uh ... No ... Nothing." He stuttered, shaking his head. "S... Sorry,"

"Kevin!" Someone also called him and it was Nathalia. She walks in his direction. "I'm glad you're already here. I was about to text you. Oh, hi, Zaira. Hi Pierre." Nathalia greeted us and then look back at Kevin. "Shall we go?" Nathalia wrapped her hand around Kevin's left arm.

Are they close? Since when?

Ah, right. Many years have passed so it is not impossible for them to change the way they treat each other. But whatever, I don't have to care about that anymore.

"Yeah." Kevin nodded his head then they both walk away.

"Are you okay?" Pierre asked me. I just nodded my head and let out a breath.
