
About Me

OH SHIT !!!!

That's the first that came out of my mouth this morning when I checked my phone and realized the time is 7:30 and I haven't gotten up from bed (thanks to my spoiled alarm clock). what a bad way to start my day.

Your probably wondering who I am .

well HI I'm farylin koala ,I'm 24 years and i am a mixed breed from Hawaii and Brazil. well my mom is a Brazilian and my dad is a Hawaiian.

weird Combo right? that's what I taught.

Growing up I wasn't always one of the pretty girls and i didn't really draw the attention of boys but I guess I had a good glow up as I'm a girl with a loose curled dark brown hair and blue Bambi eyes which I got from my dad always made me to stand out ,full brows , full round lips and around face with a little chubby cheeks and my skin is the perfect tanned complexion which made me look like the younger version of my mom.

I have basically lived all my live in Miami,Florida before I left for college in New York (NYU to be precise) which I graduated with a business administration degree and decided to move to New York where I now live in my little condo in the core of New York City with my best friend azalea ,she's basically like a sister me and we both known each other since high school and went to the same university. we both work at a restaurant in the city which is azalea's part time work . she actually works as an assistant manager in an upcoming company that is own by one of our course mate in the university with a very good pay.

I have been looking for a job which I could actually get to use my degree and luck hasn't really been on my side but the sun finally decided to shine on me as I saw a job vacancy in one of the largest companies in the business aspect in city with multiple branches across the world Vicenzo Halter Cooperation (VHC) as the assistant to I think the general manager,I really wasn't sure but whatever it is I'm still equally very excited for it as I wouldn't be home on the weekdays and can finally make a good income for myself and since I graduated university ,it has been my dream to work in a company where I can actually get to do real paperwork.

I actually got the the job and I was really surprised because I wasn't confident as I had no experience and it will be my first time doing something like that. I got home feeling really excited and I told azalea about it and we decided to celebrate by going to our favorite club . I got home that night feeling slightly drunk but still conscious as I didn't drink much cause someone will have to take us home and laid down on my bed as reality struck me as I really got the job