
Until i fall inlove again

UNTIL I FALL INLOVE AGAIN Romance, Comedy, Drama, Modern (Graphic Warning: With Mature Content) SYNOPSIS: Laurice Ledesma Azul Had an artistic temperament. A shrewd femme d'affaires. With a sheltered past. A broken home. Thwarted passion. She possessed an unrivalved beauty that is envied by women and coveted by men. An exquisite woman of her youth with a vulnerable character. ... With her sanity on the line, will Laurice eventually succumb to the temptation of the gorgeous stranger with a son playing as his wingman? Sid Walsh was relentless. Another Walsh however came in play. Laurice's interest is perked up. Will there be rivalry between brothers? An old flame returned as well. It was the most disturbing one. But if an ex-boyfriend's appearance wasn't chaotic enough, a tenacious fiance revealed himself claiming his rights as the future husband! The battle among lovers is on! Laurice was somehow caught in between. But she still had a missing person to find and a career to foster. Will she ever find the courage to be free from all control, abandon herself to her desires without reserve and trust wherever fate leads her to be? ... 20th of March, Year 20XX At that serendipitous moment, Laurice was certain she saw something in his cognac eyes - something akin to love. ... Extra Scene: "I like you." The man was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the words. It was almost inaudible. Like a careless whisper. "Y-you like me?" He uttered. "W-well, i don't h-hate you." Laurice stammered. The man arched his eyebrows in amusement. He grinned at the woman who was being defensive. A playful glint flashed past his eyes. "Can i kiss you, then?" Sid asked. Laurice: " ...???!!! " A kiss?

msgel · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
90 Chs

Chapter 44: Where am i?

The moment Sid entered the restaurant, recognition flashed across his handsome face. His gaze deepened when he saw the woman seating from a distance having conversation with another woman. He need not guess the other person's identity since he knew about it from his personal assistant/secretary already. He thought he would give him a raise for a job well done effective immediately.

He sat on a far away corner just enough for him to watch over her. He was quite relieved that she was meeting up with a woman instead but he still feel quite displeased. He snorted inwardly. He can not let Laurice stay in such place surrounded by some annoying bees. People who come here can never be trusted, especially men. His gaze swept across the hall briefly and he felt even more vexed knowing that almost everyone inside the restaurant were glancing over at the women's direction.

His hands clenched into fists.

He was having the urge to plunge at those brazen men and poke their eyeballs. He did not know he has that tendency to be infuriated to such degree and be brutally honest but he was really mad right at the moment.

He wanted Laurice within his line of sight. But he wanted her all for himself. He did not want to share her with anyone else. Not even with 'that' man whom he failed to notice. Especially not with him. And not even with the person she was talking to right now.

Since he laid eyes on Laurice, not only was he instantly drawn and attracted to her, he also realized that that same attraction was only getting stonger and deeper each and every day. It was slowly turning into an attachment. Possession even. Sid never thought that he can actually be a selfish person. Not to mention, the jealousy that's creeping it's way unto his heart.

He was jealous, alright.

Jealous with all these men lurking around her with their passionate gaze while the other women were peering at her with malice.

"Tsk." Sid harrumphed.

He felt his nerves twitching, teeth grinding.

He was more than aware that such place wasn't intended for her at all. It wasn't safe.


A sudden glint flashed past Sid's eyes the moment the woman stood up and threaded towards the bathroom's direction. He was feeling a bit resentful that Laurice haven't realized his presence around yet. Like not at all. He was doubting if his existence is too insignificant or too small for her to notice.

With his sulky face, Sid swiftly followed suit while keeping his distance away from the woman whose gently swaying hips was hovering his line of vision. His eyes narrowed in slits in an instant. He felt an itch right in between his thighs with the sight of that slow movement making him want to dance along with her rhythm.


This is certainly not good.

His vision was blinded at sight. He was somehow getting worried about 'their future' together.

Sid groaned inwardly.

'This woman really is something.'


Minutes passed.

Sid felt it was such a bittersweet torture to wait for her outside the hallway. His presence though attracted several ladies who one after another went towards him instead of going back inside the restaurant first. He ignored each and everyone of them unsparingly.

After awhile he heard another ticking sound. He smelled the familiar jasmine scent and knew exactly it was Laurice who finally opened the door. He senses her presence from behind and was about to turn around when he felt the woman's body leaned against his.

" ...!!! "

His back stiffened.

She was just too close he could feel her soft and warm body touching his back with her puffed cheeks rubbing, palms gripping the hem of his shirt and her bosom brushing against his lower spine.


He breathe heavily. His body was tense.

This was the first time the woman took the initiative to touch him first. He felt something amiss. He slowly tilted his body and saw the woman's flushed face. Not only her face but even her ears were a shade of red. It was adorable and alluring at the same time but he noticed her body heat was not normal. His brows creased in fine lines. He felt the woman's forehead in his palms and move his face closer to hers. With her warm breath, she puffed a little and his suspiscions were validated.

The woman was drunk!

He winced at the faint smell of liquor from the woman's breath.

He tried to suppress his seething rage.

Sid yanked the woman's arms and held her limp body, scoop her in his arms and then carried her out of the hallway.

'He's definitely not letting her go back inside no matter what. Never again. And no more liquor. Ever.'  Sid swore in his heart while he paced out of the night club.

A certain companion waited in vain for her friend's return.


Inside the vehicle.

Laurice felt tired and drowsy along the way. She missed to see the fervent and fierce gaze of the man who was holding her affectionately moments ago but felt rather cozy in his arms that she was fading in and out of her consciousness.

She was smiling one moment and was sobbing the next. The woman's hands was fondling over his arms while he was driving and only then will her body tend to relax again. The sensations were driving Sid crazy. He was utterly distracted because it wasn't just the woman's hands that was busy caressing his shoulder unknowingly. The woman's chest was lightly pressing against his body as well. It was full and plump. His primitive instincts was awakened abruptly. His passion ignited. It was raw and intoxicating.

Sid felt tonight was a plight he needed to endure. Otherwise, they might not end up in a car crash but rather of something else instead. Something even more dangerous.


Morning came.

Laurice woke up dazzled as the sunshine peered across the room in between the blinds. She stirred in bed and felt uncomfortable with her dry throat and her body was feeling a bit sluggish. Her eyes slowly opened and surveyed across the room and suddenly realized nothing actually looked familiar to her at all.

She jolted in bed.

'Where am i?!'

She wanted to scream but her throat felt coarse. Her stomach grumbled. 'Why was she feeling so thirsty and hungry this early?'

She was trying to recollect from her memories when a figure suddenly entered the room.

She sucked in her breath the moment the man's gaze descended and met with hers. His deep cognac brown eyes was like piercing through her soul. Laurice felt her back stiffened. Her body immersed in a profound tickling of her senses. She couldn't quite understand her feelings herself. 

"You ... " Her voice sounded faint and hoarse almost inaudible.

But the man heard her nonetheless.

"Good morning." His voice was deep and magnetic.

Laurice was caught up in her breath again when he spoke and her eyes flew wide opened the instant the man slowly drew in towards her closing the gap between them.

Laurice: " ...!!!???!!! "

Ayoo. He didn't see his brother.

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