
Chapter 172: Dragon Scale Knife, Xiao Chen's News

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Both the Recharge Pill and the Three-Striped Azure Spirit Pill are Fourth Grade pills, ten bottles of Fourth Grade pills cost 59,000 points.

The Resurrection Pill is a common Fifth Grade pill, each bottle is 30,000 points, and five bottles cost 150,000 points.

Lu Yun checked the jade slip and saw that there were still 535 points left.

"Ah..." Seeing Lu Yun exchanging all his points for pills, Liang Shaowen sighed with disappointment.

And other martial artists looked at Lu Yun with strange emotions in their eyes.

They exchange pills one by one, but Lu Yun surprisingly exchanges several bottles at a time, which is quite discouraging.

Ignoring those strange gazes, Lu Yun put away the jade slip and pills and then left the Exchange Hall.

"Brother Lu."

Just as Lu Yun stepped out of the hall, a distant voice came over.

He looked and saw a one-armed man with a strong killing aura and sharp eyes like a steel knife, who was one of the commanders of the Black Tiger Army, Wang Yinghu.