
Unrestrained Ruler

Story About reader who Transmigrate into a novel in the body of Gayo bloodvein who is son of fallen Duke known to be of waste son. "after so much thought i decided to rule this world no shall stand on my way" There is a lot to discover this land and beyond the continent there is lots of unknown waiting to get fall under my Reign

DARK_SIDE_ · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Unrestrained Ruler

The scene outside the window where people are practicing Sword fight with aura, above in sky strange birds are flying.

Few day earlier i realize that the place where I am is no where the place where I belong. This is completely new Era or different planet or more so like i am in the story which i read before dying. A tale of a hero Suta Rein who saved the world from demon king and united every race.

Whatever the story was has nothing to do with me as from now on whoever disturb my peace will not left alone.

[Lisha she is the first person whome i meet after i woke up in this person body whose name is Gayo the third son of the Ryse bloodvein family. She is the head maid of my mansion and she doesn't like me.]

"Master Gayo its morning do you want to skip today's morning training. Your uncle and father will be angry if you miss today's training too as there's only twenty days left before your trial begins."

[Ohh! I have forgotten this crap Gayo is also have gullible personality too (crying) which make him cause trouble with this world's hero "Suta Rien"]

The Story goes like this a troublesome princess of this small kingdom is loved by previous me even though my love was one sided I still keep approaching her and she does a good job of being a gold digger by keep looting me without replying my love confession [Ahhh this idiot me]. When she meet Rein or fell in love with hero Rein she left me and accused me of molesting her to gain sympathy of Rein because of that I was courted of Lèse-majesté

But still got escape from it as my grandparents holds high position in this kingdom.

"tell the uncle i am coming within 1hr"

"are you sure master you don't want to sleep more"

"just leave me alone and tell the father I want to change my maid attendant"

"what but why did you say that, does i did something unpleasant master, what are you saying can cause misunderstanding lord might think i am not taking care for you. Please reconsider"

"why haven't you left yet do i need to repeat myself"

"..... I am sorry master i will do as you mentioned" [Lisha left the room with worried face]

"so what is this panel glowing in air is this the fate changing system i heard of in many stories"

Tutorial Panel 1

Spirit level = 1

Body level = 2

Energy level = 1

[Click on spirit level]

Panel 1

To increase the level please consume mixture of 6 blue, 1 red, 4 green, 2 violet flora root, older the root higher the benifits.

No. Of flora roots consume = nul/10

[Click on body level]

Panel 1

To increase the level dip in the water mixed with red sand 10gm, blood of the bile fish 5L,

Heat stone and seed of titan tree

No. Of days liquid mixture absorbed = null/10

[Click on energy level]

Panel 1

To increase the level drink dark elixir with blight elixir and perform crucifixion martial arts on the black flower mana circle

No. Of days action done = none /10

"everything looks goods my family is well off so hope so I can buy everything"

"that's Mary subservient maid the only maid who thinks highly of me maybe because I helped her in early days from getting rid of her parents debt but after that I also started mistreated her"

"shall I start from her, hey Mary come here"

"yes! Yes master"

"hey where are you going first clean of all the animals i will send someone else to treat master"

"hey you crap don't go ordering around my servents Mary come follow me "

"uff! Does even maid look down on me"

"hey Mary look these, it's the list of flora root species and try to look for the older one the most you can take the money from my account , and from you will be the head maid of my mansion ok"

"ahh! But.. But what about 'Lisha' master"

"she will be either kick out or be demoted you don't have to worry about her"

"OK master i will do my upmost to never disappoint you, I will do my best to help you master (crying)"

"don't worry and look forward to the future"

[this is all i can say to pay back you how well you treated me till now without expecting anything out of it just wanted my recognition "

" thank you master (wiping off tears), I will prepare it within 2 days"

To the training grund

"So this is the place where people do Sword practices "

"Gayo i hope this air of training grund isn't bothering you"

[this is my uncle rank 9th in current empire rankings ]

"teacher your jokes are as good as your looks, i came here just to see how well I am at playing with Swords "

"hahaha how good you are you want to know well I can answer that, just tell me the last time you hold the sword"

"hey trainee no. 2 come to arena you got a spar"

"Gayo your parents loves you a lot on if you can't make them happy then at least don't shame them"

"withdraw from battle and ask forgiveness from hero and princes"

[even though he doesn't like me, he cares a lot about his brother and my father, in past he have a high hopes on me but after continue failures he loose that hope]

"uncle wait till the trial, i will show you something amazing"

"begin the spar"

"damn got defeated in 1min what a sorry cause"

[What could you expect from the me who live in peaceful Era of no swords. Just wait i need just 1 month to rise from weakling to someone of status]

"are you happy now, so what are you planning to do now, just to be sure the amazing thing you want to show is it more embarrassing than this or…"

"i will leave for now"

"wait first answer me"

"you will know what I mean on the day of trial"

"(Inside my room) let's start forming 1st sphere

By using family heirloom Zenith twilight necklace as it's energy source"

"i don't know whether it's work or not but somehow i have a feeling it's similar to the other novel which was dropped after 5 Chapters in that novel there is something twilight stone which is the main power base in that novel people"

[it was the novel which written in the same universe as this novel but different continent in starting 3chapter it only explain how the Power level works in this world as far as I know there are 3 continents which are seperated by high tide sea breading ground of thesaurus sea creatures and at the air above sea is where dragonic beings live which makes it impossible to across continent ]

Twilight stone which is very rare and only found on the solar continent.

With its source you can form 6 exterior dark sphere at max which take several decades to achieve or high level of talent needed.

It's a sphere which store mana pool for disposal to use it as energy for performing an action.

[after 3 days]

'how long master will take master's father is getting really impatient after master declared that he is going to self cultivate'

"i have even prepared the material that master asked for"

'i didn't expect it to took so long Atleast i able to made 1 sphere, 1st Lets make it invisible to avoid unwanted attention '

'from now on I don't need to cultivate to store mana from air as this sphere cultivate on its own'

"now I am prepare to move out"

"ahhh! Master at last you came out of the room your father wanted to meet you and I have collected the material you asked for"

"OH ok give me that I will meet him after 2hr"

"OK master"

"do you need to say something else"

"Master are you alright, are you feeling sick "

"you don't need to worry about it, i am alright you can leave now"

"she might thought that I am ill as blue flora roots is used as medicine in few case but most of it other species are regarded as weeds that's why now I have a lot of it now"

"Lets start the mixture 6 blue, 1 red, 4 green, 2 violet flora root"

"is it's edible, let's leave everything to the fate and drink it one sip"

"waaah what was that it's plant poop,i am not even feeling a little bit change in me, you panel dare to fool me making me drink this poop taste mixture"

Fell in sleep…

Panel 1

No. Of flora roots consume = 1/10

Getting the resources 6 blue, 1 red, 4 green, 2 violet flora root now assimilating it in neural link with the guidance of panel energy.

1% dissolved

24% dissol….

89% dis....

99% di.....

"wake up son (sobbing) it's all because of you if you didn't agree to trial our son doesn't have been in this condition"

"but what can I do order directly came from king"

"i know i must have asked for my father's help.."

"hey father, mother can't you stay quiet when someone is sleeping"

"you brat is this how… oh at last you wake up"

"i have heard everything you don't need to try to cancel the trial as it would be my stage that I need to use for something"

"are you sure son"

"yes mother"

"son did you did some self reflection on to your personality"

"hey how dare you to say that"

"it's OK mom, yes father i did some of it"

"son it's always good to learn from your past but never make it something that holds you back"

"Gayo if you need anything feel free to ask from your mom"

"oh also i forget to tell you that you elder brother is also coming at the day of your trial, he will protect you, so don't worry about anything"

"OK mom"

"Lets leave our son alone he might need some time alone"

[10 days later]

Tutorial Panel 1

Spirit level = 100+

Body level = 2

Energy level = 10

[Click on spirit level]

Panel 1

To increase the level please consume mixture of 6 blue, 1 red, 4 green, 2 violet flora root, older the root higher the benifits.

No. Of flora roots consume = 10/10

"its seem like each day i consume i get 10 points per drink"

Tutorial Panel 1

Spirit level = max

Body level = 2

Energy level = 1

Skill panel unlocked

1Nerves of steel

(increases tolerance against physical and mental pain )

2Pocket dimension has been added size =__

(you can store anything in this space living or non living, living beings will fell into freeze state as soon as they enter in pocket dimension)

#End of the Chapter 1

#Chapter 2 next week

#Mass release arrives if I see readers are taking Intrest in my work

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