
Unrequited Love - Eng Ver

Dinda Alia Sutardjo The first of three children, has a long and winding love story. She once had her first love with a high school friend named Rico. Then after graduating from school and working in a relationship with a high school friend named Arya. Until she almost lost her life because of a woman who liked Arya. Now, Dinda is married to Thomas the blue eyes, the man who saved her life when her life was barely saved due to suffering from a coma. Will she choose Arya's future husband or Thomas her current legal husband? Happy Reading and enjoy the ride Please leave your good review and comments. Thank you, Follow my IG: @Anee_tavel

Anee_ta · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

3. Raden Arya Winatha

Dinda doesn't know what kind of man Rico is. His handsome face and athletic body are just a camouflage to trap women like Siska to his knees with his seduction. How lucky Dinda is.

"By the way Arya, what kind of doctor did you become? You said you went to a medical school, didn't you?" Dinda began to open a conversation with Arya.

"I am an obstetrics and gynecology specialist." Arya replied while smiling widely.

"Wow, what a nice profession. It means you are always surrounded by pregnant women. Hehe .." Dinda said warmly.

"Not always, but sometimes yes you're right. You can check with me if you need a doctor." Arya winked coquettishly at Dinda.

"Thank you but no thanks, better going to another doctor." Dinda said as she passed to greet her other friends.

"Eh, I'll give it for free. Consultation fees are expensive for other people." Arya followed Dinda everywhere.

"No Way, it's better to pay another doctor." Dinda replied while walking away.

"Ahhh I'm tired, I want to go home soon. But where is Tasya?" Dinda murmured sitting on the bench alone while massaging her calves.

"Where have you been, girl?" Arya, who had lost Dinda's signal for about an hour, began to rediscover his radar.

"Talk to the others. Ar, are you still taking longer here? If so, I'll go home first. Tomorrow I still have some works to do so tonight I can't be here any longer. Please, send my best regards to Tasya. I was looking her everywhere but I couldn't find it. "

"I'll take you home, after all, there's nothing interesting anymore if you're not here. You just wait for me here. I'll take the car first." Arya immediately walked towards the parking lot.

"Are you Dinda Alia?" The boy who grows up to be a man, Rico, Dinda's prince in the past, came from nowhere suddenly approached.

"Oh yes, I am." Dinda smiled faintly. Dinda does not deny, the feeling is still there. Maybe it's like a fan's admiration for an idol artist.

"You're alone. Where's Arya?" Rico looked everywhere but he couldn't find Arya.

"Oh he's taking the car." Said Dinda.

"Hmm, long time no see huh. It looks like you're more...beautiful now." Rico started walking slowly towards Dinda.

"Oh thank you very much." Dinda slowly backed away until she almost hit the wall behind her.

Tin tiiiiinnn... Arya's car horn sounded so loud.

"Come on Din, it's late at night." Arya shouted from inside the car without any intention of getting down to greet Rico.

"Sorry, I'm going home first. Enjoy the show." Dinda smiled and said goodbye.

"Din, may I know your phone number? Maybe one day there's something I want to talk to you about." Rico started to hook his noose.

"Dinda, let's hurry." Arya shouted impatiently.

"Wow, Arya, just be patient. Are yo Dinda's lover? Just take it easy, man." Rico is no less fierce.

Only Dinda was stunned to see the behaviors of the 2 men in front of her.

Arya opened her car door and approached Dinda and held Dinda's hand.

"I'm her boyfriend." Arya pulled Dinda gently into the car. "You'd better asked another woman's cellphone number."

Dinda and Rico immediately stared blankly.

The atmosphere in the car is quiet. Arya turned on the radio with a USB in bluetooth via his cellphone. The song from Ronan Keating further confirms what generation the Jeep Wrangler owner is.

Dinda pursed her lips and squeezed her hand into the beautiful red dress she was wearing tonight. Every now and then he glanced at Arya and Arya could tell he felt it from the corner of his eye.

"Arya, you don't want to confirm something?" Finally Dinda dared to speak up.

The one who was asked was consistent with his silence while staring at the street at night. Arya clenched his jaw remembering Rico who dared to approach the girl he was targeting a moment ago.

"Dinda, I know you liked Rico since we were at high school. However, you don't know how Rico is doing at school, right? I don't want you to be the next victim of his game." Finally Arya explained.

Dinda smiled listening to him, "Arya, have you ever heard of the term Monkey Love? The love is gone, the monkey is left, hehehehe."

"I used to be a fan girl. Since we were at grade 1 up grade 3. I don't want to date if it wasn't with him. However, now I'm feeling grateful. Because of him, I avoided dating and building a relationship with men." Dinda smiled.

"So you've never been in a relationship before?" Arya looked at Dinda in disbelief.

"Do you really have to be in a relationship? I prefer to be a single. I can go anywhere I want without restrictions." She said.

"Huh, 1 in a million girls like you Din." The trip stopped at the meatball stall they used to buy when they were at school.

"Do you still want to eat here?" Arya challenged Dinda.

"'I'd love to. However, how can I wear a dress like this to eat here?" Dinda glanced at her knee-length red dress.

"Wear this." Arya handed him the light brown leather jacket that he always has in his car.

"Chicken noodles without meatballs, sir. Super spicy but don't use leeks. And, for driks I would like a warm plain tea only, please." Dinda made a choice.

"I'm a complete chicken noodle mix but don't be spicy, sir. Please give me mineral water only and not cold." Arya's turned to request the order

"Ready, wait, ma'am." The chicken noodle seller immediately left to prepare the orders for two young people who were hungry because they didn't touch the catering food at the reunion party.

"Did you often come here, Din?" Arya looked at Dinda who was very beautiful in her eyes wearing a red dress covered with a brown jacket.

"Not really, because this stall location is not in the same direction for me to come home from work, it's also still far from home." Dinda smiled happily because she could enjoy roadside food again after a long time.

"Ohh, where do you work?" Ask Arya while waiting the food being prepared.

"In the Mega Kuningan area. Where do you practice, doctor?" Instead Dinda asked.

"Love Mother Hospital. Have you heard of it?"

"Oh, the one near Emporium Mall, huh? I have ever gone there once to visit a friend who had just given birth."

"Oh really, when was that? How come we didn't meet huh?"

"If I'm not mistaken 2 months ago. The person is still on a maternity leave so she hasn't arrived yet."

Finally 2 bowls of meatballs and chicken noodles plus their respective drinks arrived. Dinda wet her lips because she was hungry to see the dish in front of her eyes that tempts the taste buds.

Arya smiled amused seeing Dinda's behavior like an adorable little child.

"Okay, time to eat …" Dinda and Arya said in unison.

5 days have passed since that event. Everyone returned with their respective activities. As is the case with the busy activities of a young Ginecologist doctor at the famous maternity hospital in South Jakarta.

"The ultrasound results are good. You are still in the first trimester. Don't be too tired, okay?" Doctor Arya said while writing a vitamin prescription for a young mother patient in front of her.

"Thanks Doc." The young mother smiled wryly. It is common knowledge that Arya is the hospital's favorite doctor. If it is not limited to the number of patients per day, perhaps Arya's patients are more than his colleagues.

A very tall body with a six-pack body neatly wrapped in a navy shirt and white blazer, brown hair on the edges in harmony with his brown eyes, and clean white skin adds to the plus points of the young doctor who is still single at his age.

Arya maintains a regular diet and exercise, at least 1 hour of running in the morning and 1 hour of running in the afternoon. He has some exercise equipments in his apartment and Arya prefers to exercise alone rather than going to the Gym which is usually full of waving boys.

Raden Arya Winatha

The combination of Javanese Sundanese is very thick plus there is Caucasian blood from his mother who is a mixture of Javanese English.

Little Arya doesn't want to be called Raden because it reminds him of the figure of a father with a thick mustache who always wears a blangkon in the children's plays he used to watch. But for some reasons his father gave him that name, maybe it was his mother's insistence that his son has a Javanese characteristics after their children's last names had taken their husband's name, "Winatha".

Arya only has a brother. His older brother is also a man, Bima Arya Winatha. After marriage, his brother lived with his wife and children in Singapore. Arya is the youngest at her family.

The clock shows 5 pm. After a day of practice, Arya is now getting ready to go home. Today there is no surgery schedule because in a week Arya only receives 2x surgeries. Another day worked by another doctor. His proud white coat slung over his practice chair. Arya never wears a doctor's coat when going to and from work. He prefers to dress plain without showing the frills of his title.

"Dinda, I'm picking you up now."