
Unravel Aries

As Aries grew up, he began to notice that he was different from other kids. He was faster and stronger than them, and he had a knack for understanding things that they couldn't grasp. He didn't know why he was different until one day , he sneaked into his dad's office to take his favorite video game his dad seized , he unknowingly found a secret passage and found a broken piece of gem . As he touched it a surge of energy filled his body and he felt more complete He began to unravel mysteries and find his true purpose

Adrianna_KB_200 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


In the days of yore , in the land of Danseria , two brothers , Lione

and Raphael , ruled as co-kings .Lione was hungry for power and

coveted the throne for himself . He betrayed his brother and

formed a new army with his son Lucos .The brothers fought and

Lione killed Rapheal in Battle .Queen Agneta , a fierce warrior ,

shot an arrow that killed Lione , and Lucos vowed to bring his

father back .

Lucos set out on a quest to conquer kingdoms and gain the power

to wage war against Danseria and sought the legendary Star Gem

which was said to have the power to bring the dead back to life

.But Queen Agneta and her followers fought bravely to protect

their kingdom and the Star Gem .

Will Lucos succed in his quest , or will Queen Agneta and her

people triumph ?

The queen called her trusted guard, Amerio, into her throne room. Amerio bowed his head respectfully, but the queen motioned for him to raise it up. She spoke to him in a calm but firm voice, "I have need of your aid, Amerio. We must discuss a matter of the utmost importance."

Amerio was confused but eager to help the queen in any way he could.

The queen spoke with a sense of urgency in her voice, "I fear that Lucos is becoming more powerful every day. He is determined to get his hands on the Star Gem, and we must be prepared to defend it at all costs. I am considering using the power of the Star Gem against him , since The star gem has the ability to create , revive and destroy special beings ,

He wants the star gem so we will use it against him but I am hesitant to do so. What do you think, Amerio? Do you believe it is the right course of action?"

Amerio paused to consider the queen's words. He considered the queen's words carefully. He knew that the Star Gem was a powerful artifact, but using its power would not be without risks. Amerio hesitated before speaking, "Your majesty, I understand your concerns. I know that the Star Gem has the power to destroy our greatest enemies, but it also carries the potential for great destruction. If we were to use it against Lucros, there is no telling what the consequences might be. Are you certain that this is the right course of action?"

The queen seemed to consider Amerio's words for a moment before answering, "I cannot be certain of anything, Amerio .

"I appreciate your caution, Amerio," the queen said, "but I believe that we have no other choice. The safety of our kingdom is at stake, and we cannot afford to hesitate any longer. If we do not act now, Lucros will grow too powerful to stop. Are you with me in this, Amerio?"Amerio took a deep breath and looked into the queen's eyes.Amerio felt the weight of the queen's words and the gravity of the situation. After a moment of silence, he spoke, "I understand your reasoning, your majesty. And while I am fearful of the risks involved, I know that we must do everything in our power to protect our kingdom. If using the Star Gem is the only way to defeat Lucros, then I will stand with you and do what is necessary."

The queen smiled and placed a hand on Amerio's shoulder, "Thank you, Amerio. Your loyalty and courage are an inspiration to us all. Now, we must make preparations to use the Star Gem. The queen continued First, we must assemble a council of our most trusted advisors and also call our most powerful path Witcher to start with the spell.

Second, we must make sure that the Star Gem is secure and protected from any attempt by Lucos to steal it. We must protect it , till the path witchers are done with the spell.

And finally, we must be prepared for the possibility that our plan may fail. If all else fails, we must be ready to fight Lucos with all of our strength. Do you agree?"Amerio nodded, "I understand, your majesty. The Star Gem must be protected at all costs.

At night all the guards stand outside the kingdom they heard a strange sound

"The guards looked up as they saw a shadow looming in the distance. As it got closer, they could make out a tall and powerful figure on horseback, riding towards them with incredible speed. Lucros raised his hand and a fiery blast erupted from his palm, destroying the tall gates of Danseria. With a booming voice, he yelled, "Kill them all!" His minions let out a blood-curdling roar and charged towards the guards, intent on destruction."

In the Queen's chambers, she was resting when the door burst open and Amerio entered. His face was serious, and he spoke with urgency, "Your majesty, we must prepare for war. Lucos has arrived, and he is more powerful than we feared."

The queen sat up in bed, her heart racing. She knew that this was the moment she had been dreading. She took a deep breath and spoke with resolve, "We will not give in to fear. We will face Lucros with courage and strength. Gather our forces and prepare for battle."

Queen agneta took her royal golden sword hanged beside her ,she summon some of her guards to follow her to the hall where the path witchers were casting the spell .

As Lucros approached the door, he reached out a hand and whispered a few words. A surge of energy surged through him, and he felt the power of the volcano flowing through his veins. With a flick of his wrist, he sent a wave of heat and flame towards the door, and it crumbled to ash in an instant.

As he stepped through the ruined doorway, he heard voices chanting from within. The air was thick with the scent of incense and herbs, and he could feel the power of the spell beginning to

As the queen raced down the corridor, she heard the sound of battle and saw that Lucros had already breached the door with his powerful volcano magic .Her footsteps echoed off the stone walls. The castle was quiet, save for the distant clash of swords and the sound of a man's shouts. A hint of smoke lingered in the air, and as the queen drew closer, she could see a flickering orange glow emanating from the chamber ahead. Her heart pounded as she reached the door and saw a figure silhouetted against the firelight.

The figure was tall and broad-shouldered, clad in armor that glinted in the light of the flames. In his hand was a sword that pulsed with an eerie glow. As the queen approached, he turned to face her, his eyes burning with hatred.

"Long time Queen Agneta," he said, his voice rumbling like thunder. "You know what I came for just hand it over"

"That can never happen," Queen Agneta shouted, her voice ringing with defiance. "I will not allow you to destroy what I have built."

She stepped forward, her sword held high, her eyes blazing with resolve. Lucros stood his ground, the two adversaries separated by only a few feet. The air was charged with tension, and both of them knew that this moment would decide the fate of the kingdom.

.Lucros let out a menacing laugh. "Oh, but you will, my dear Queen," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "I have grown stronger since our last encounter, and I have come to claim what is rightfully mine. I will not be denied." He raised his hands, and the volcano power began to swirl around him, growing hotter and more intense. Queen Agneta stood firm, her sword held out before her. "I will not give you the Star Gem," she said, her voice unwavering. "You will have to take it from my cold, dead hands."

He lunged forward, and the queen drew her sword, ready to defend herself. The battle began in earnest, the two adversaries locked , The two stood facing each other , As Queen Agneta rushed toward Lucros, he raised his hand and summoned a blast of energy. She raised her sword to block it, and the force of the impact sent her flying backwards. She landed hard on the floor, and she felt the pain in her arm from where she had been stabbed. But she was determined to keep fighting. She pushed herself to her feet, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Lucros stood in front of her, a smug smile on his face. "You can't win," he said, "You're no match for my power."

"We'll see about that," The queen held her sword in front of her, determined to show Lucros that she was a force to be reckoned with. She closed her eyes and focused all of her energy into her blade. When she opened her eyes, the sword was glowing with a brilliant white light. She swung the sword in an arc, and a wave of energy shot from the blade, crashing into Lucros with incredible force. He was thrown back, his body crashing into the wall. He slumped to the ground, dazed and wounded.

Queen Agneta's eyes widened in alarm as she watched Lucros unleash his power. She held her sword even tighter, her breath coming in short, rapid gasps. The air around them seemed to crackle with energy, and Queen Agneta felt a surge of fear rising within her. She knew she had to be ready for anything, but she could not help but feel a sense of dread.

Lucros' body began to glow with a strange, otherworldly light. His eyes were filled with anger and hatred, and his hands trembled with power. He rose to his feet, and his gaze fixed on Queen Agneta . Queen Agneta gritted her teeth and focused all her energy on holding her sword steady, but Lucros' strength was too great. Their swords clashed, and Queen Agneta felt her arm go numb from the force of the impact. She struggled to keep her grip on the sword, but it was no use. In one swift movement, Lucros knocked the sword from her hand and it clattered to the floor. Queen Agneta gasped as she felt a sharp pain in her arm. She looked down to see a trickle of blood running down her sleeve.

Lucros pointed the sword close to her neck , he sneered triumphantly "Dont worry , I wont kill you , I will enjoy torturing you . The star gem will be mine soon " he ordered his guard to take her away

She looked up at him, and she saw his cruel and twisted face, contorted with rage and glee. She spat at him, "You will never find the Star Gem," she said, her voice raspy

Lucros sneered at her. "I don't need to find the Star Gem," he said

The guards rushed forward and grabbed Queen Agneta by her arms. She struggled against their grasp, but it was no use. They dragged her away from the chamber, and she could hear Lucros' laughter echoing in her ears. She knew she had to escape, but she was helpless against the guards' hold.

They took her down a long, winding corridor, and finally stopped in front of a heavy wooden door. The guards pushed her inside, and the door slammed shut behind her. She found herself in a dark, dank cell, with only a small window letting in a sliver of light .

Lucros gazed at the path Witcher ready to attack but Amerio immediately charged at Lucros, swinging his sword with a mighty force. Lucros parried the blow and the two swordsmen began a fierce duel, moving back and forth across the hall Amerio was a skilled fighter, but Lucros was no slouch. He was quick and agile, and his strikes were precise and deadly. Amerio was determined to stop Lucros from obtaining the Star Gem, but Lucros was equally determined to seize it.

The battle raged on, neither side giving an inch. The Path Witcher Texas chanted the spell with a rapidity that seemed to defy the laws of time, his words tumbling from his lips like a cascade of water. but he knew it wasn't fast enough. The portion was already beginning to glow with a strange light, and he could feel Lucros's power growing stronger. He looked at Mario, his partner as he raise his in defiance. Texas had to find a way to stop Lucros. Suddenly, an idea came to him. "Mario, use your staff to send the star gem through the door of the other worlds!" he shouted.

Mario hesitated for a moment, but he nodded in understanding. He raised his staff, and


A bolt of lightning shot out of the tip of the staff, hitting the star gem and it turned to an egg sending it spinning through the air. The egg flew through the open door, and it disappeared from sight. Texas and Mario held their breath, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, a blinding light filled the room, and Lucros screamed in rage. "No!" he yelled. "You cannot stop me!" .

In a fit of rage, he shouted for his guards to apprehend the path witchers. Texas, the more experienced of the two, managed to cast a spell that teleported him away, but Mario wasn't so lucky. The guards quickly surrounded him, swords drawn, ready to take him into custody. Mario put up a fight, but it was no use. He was outnumbered and outmatched.

Fight with all your might

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