
UNRAVEL - The First Volume of the "Revelation" Trilogy

Alexander Price, a well-renowned billionaire and business tycoon, may seem to have it all in the eye of the public. With one failed marriage on his belt and another deteriorating one, he has closed himself off from love and happiness and has dedicated his time to his work. Unfortunately, it cannot remain that way when the acceptance of a merger with another prominent company brings about shocking reveals of deceit, theft, betrayal, secrets and death from a past he chose to forget. Will he be able to overcome the challenges ahead of him? Will he be able to forgive himself when he finds out the devastating truth?

Teirruh · สมจริง
6 Chs


Friday, 17th of June 2011

Atlanta, Georgia.

It was an atmosphere of debauchery. The people were vivacious in a night that was still young; dancing wildly to the sweet melodies of pop and drinking till their bodies went past its limit. It was the perfect night to sin.

A lone soul came out seeking for companionship, searching the place for one that was depraved enough for a one-night stand. It was then a sight caught his dark eyes; a woman that didn't belong in a dingy club of Mid-Town, Atlanta. He had seen a lot of people in this town, but she was definitely one that stood out the most.

It was obvious that she was from money. She was covered in it by an expensive white long-sleeved top that revealed no small amount of cleavage of her ample breast and soft skin and cream-coloured pants with white heels on legs that went for miles, clinging too well on her to show off her enticingly curvy figure, added with glittering jewelleries on her hand and ears that wrapped it all up in a bow.

She was a wreck to the sight of some. She had obvious been drinking for a while now and hadn't noticed her unkempt state. Her blonde hair was wild and tangled from running her hand through it constantly; she was devoid of makeup since the bags under her eyes were glaring with lack of sleep and her sapphire eyes were red and swollen from tears.

She was perceived to be an easy target for any lecherous male, but they kept away from her. That could be because from the moment he saw her, she has literally undergone a total thrashing of all men that tried to get physical and her venomous tongue bit wounding words to the ones that tried to flirt.

That didn't stop any of them as it then started a silent betting pool on who could tap the ass of the gorgeous drunken blonde. Like any other male in the vicinity, he would've joined in on the bet but from what he'd seen so far, it was a bad idea. Plus, he hated intoxicated partners. He wanted them to remember every detail of when he took them.

He didn't know what moved him to talk with her. He was drawn to her in a strange way. He felt it in his bones that meeting her would change many things in his life. He just hoped that she was in a better mood when he approaches her. He liked his pride where it was, at an all-time high.

My work colleagues had decided that it was time to head home but he decided to stay a bit. He combed his long black hair with his fingers, before heading towards her direction in booted strides. He ignored the collision of bodies on his person, avoided the spills to his blue and white checked shirt and jeans. Gently sitting on the barstool next to her, he leaned forward and requested for his final beer from the bartender.

The bartender wasted no time in handing him the drink, but he glanced at him in pity. He seemed to guess that his fellow man was about to enter a lion's den.

Drinking half of his beer, he turned to the woman he had been watching throughout the evening. He decided to avoid small talk before she takes it as a sign of flirting. He didn't need his balls to suffer via knee connection.

"I think it is best for you to leave the bar. If it gets any late, the night will be too dangerous for you to head home to."

She slowly turned to the stranger, her head swayed from side to side as she appraised him before she turned back to her drink, "I don't give a fuck. This missy doesn't give a fuck. So, fuck off!!" That last part was harsh. He was silently surprised that she was this coherent after the large amount of alcohol she consumed.

He quickly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Easy! Calm down little missy," He mocked. "I'm Lue and I mean no harm. I'm just a little concerned." He was truly sincere and concerned and he had no idea why.

She saw the honesty of his words for she didn't try to attack him anymore. She just nodded in acceptance and went back to her drink.

Lue sighed in relief and disappointment. He was hoping for a name to match her face, "I still think you should leave or are you expecting anyone to pick you up?"

She bursts into tears to his surprise. "N-no one is coming for little Ol' Aurora," she said in a terrible country accent, giggling and crying at the same time.

It was like a dam had broken for her where she said everything out to a total stranger. It was saddening to see such a broken woman. Lue may not be a good guy, but he wasn't bad either. He had made his own bad choices in his youth; car thefts, bar fights, and some harassment charges until it ended at the age of twenty-two, where he decided to get his life back together for his late mother. Four years later, he was here trying to comfort a wrecked woman.

Now he understood that just because you're rich doesn't mean you'll have a happy ever after. He believed her. Everything she had said to him and how she acted screamed truth.

If only he could convince her to go home and explain the truth to her family.

"But I don't wanna go home. I came here to meet my grandfather." She whined.

"Sorry, but you have to. No more drinking either. You should rest, wake up, get rid of your hangover and finally decide on what to do."

"What to do?" she was confused.

"You have to confront your ex-husband and tell him the truth. Your truth or you may regret it later on in life."

She stood up and stumbled over. He caught her before she fell, and she stared at him. She nodded slowly and mumbled thanks. Letting her go, she grabbed her purse, paid for her drinks and left, passing him by into the dwindled troupe of dancers. He followed her watching to see if she made it home safely.

Lue watched her stumble down the sidewalk pathetically as she held herself against the wall to prevent herself from falling. She didn't notice him behind her a few feet away from her much to his gratefulness or it would make him seem like a stalker.

It was funny watching her sing quite badly as she walked to her temporary lodgings. He had hoped that he didn't need to walk a long way there when things went south.

A black van had screech into her view, blocking her path. He was shocked and so was she, but she had quickly broken out of it to run but it was too late.

The side door of the van opened up to reveal two masked thugs dressed in black that were as buff but tall than Lue trying to drag her into the van. She struggled and screamed, breaking him from his frozen stupor. He ran to save her.

He punched the first thug by his left to the ground and kicking the other one, she was free to run as he handled the two men that decided it was best to tag team during a fight ...idiots.

It's safe to say that Lue was winning until he heard the cocking of a gun behind him. He turned to the scene of a third masked thug, one he dubbed thug-leader since he was armed, holding a gun to the temple of Aurora, his other arm held her to himself.

Lue forgot that he was in a fight until one of the thugs kicked him at the back of the knee, forcing him to the ground. The other kicked him repeatedly in the stomach.

Through the attack and pain, he watched as Aurora cry, pleading to the armed thug, "Let him go."

"Silence woman. I'm afraid that it's too late for him", the thug-leader whispered loudly in her ear just as his men stopped beating her rescuer up. Malice saturated his tone as he gleefully pointed the gun at the beaten man.

The driver's door opened, and another thug came out, standing next to the assumed leader of their rag-tag group. The driver stared at Lue in pity at his supposed stupidity of getting involved.

The thug-leader passed the gun to the driver before he decided on being a bigger bastard than he had been and started molesting the captured damsel, "You and I are going to have a lot of fun personally and then in time, you will join that little boyfriend of yours in the afterlife."

She cried harder as she recoiled in sheer disgust at his action, struggling to free herself from her tormentor to no avail. Lue was too much in pain to help her.

The driver pointed the gun at their falling bystander, and he knew that he was going to die today. He knew that one day being a good guy was going to get him killed. He just never imagined this scenario.

Lue watched helplessly, coughing out spit and a bit of blood. His only thought was that he wished he had his gun with him. He might've saved her if he did.

"In the next life", their leader said to me. "Don't be a hero."

A trigger was pulled, and a soul went with it.

Hehehe... How did you like my prologue? You all must be wondering what Aurora's story is. Why she was drinking? Who the dude in the bar is? Don't worry. All will be revealed soon.

Teirruhcreators' thoughts