
Unparalleled Demon Lord

3,000 years ago, the demon land was attacked by strongest entities that exist in the world. But they don't succeed because of the existent of one demon.. He is Demon Lord Zero the strongest demon lord who shakes the world. Simply hearing his name can make anyone tremble! His name is known all around the world. Now that 3,000 years have passed and the whole world is now at peace, what will he do now? [ I only created this novel for fun :) ]

Guardian_Angel1111 · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Monster Horde

Zero can smell the delicious aroma that the fish emanates. He then slowly took a bite.

He felt as if he ascended into heaven.

'The 2 silver coins are worth it!' Zero muttered while savoring the taste of the fish.

After a few seconds, his plate is now empty.

'It's been a long time since I ate delicious food.' Zero sat for a while before leaving the restaurant.

Zero walked away from the restaurant. He can hear many girls talking about his handsome appearance. He did not mind them and just walk away casually. While walking, he felt a faint presence of monsters. The monsters are still far outside the city. Zero's detecting ability is very high so it's normal for him to detect monsters afar from him. Zero let out a grin and muttered

'Oh will they attack? I don't know how much strong the forces is in this kingdom but I think they can easily manage it.'

Monster Horde is usually led by a strong monster with intelligence. It could also be a whole race of monsters attacking human city when they are out of food supply.

Zero did not mind taking a look at the monsters and decided to stroll around. He bought some clothes for himself.

The sun is about to set, Zero did not find anything that interest him except the clothes. He go back to the inn on where he is staying. He entered and many people are now eating their dinners. He was approached by the middle aged woman that escorted him to his room earlier.

"Oh sir, please take a seat. I'll prepare the food."

Zero nodded.

Zero ate the meat that was prepared by middle aged woman. After that the put the clothes in the cabinet and fell asleep.

The sun is still not rising when Zero woke up. Although it's still early, he can hear many people chattering downstairs. The inn is always filled with warriors because the inn is near in the warrior hall where they can take quest.

He go downstairs and he can hear many chattering.

"Hey have you heard that a pack of monsters will attack the kingdom?"

"Where did you heard that? Is it a reliable source?"

"Of course. It's 100% true. They said that it will take two days before they can reach the city."

Zero can hear any other more chattering that is nonsense for him. He find a seat and ordered a cup of coffee. His order arrived after two minutes and he drink it slowly. While he is drinking, someone opened the door of the inn. It's a thin looking man in his 30s. You can see that he ran because he is panting very hard. Everyone looked at him and the man spoke

"I got a news from the warrior Hall. Tier-3 warriors above will participate in defending the city two days from now. Each one of you will be paid 10 silver coins if you participate! Tier-4 will be paid for 20 silver coins. And tier-5 will receive 50 silver coins."

Normally, Tier-3 warriors can only gain 5 silver coins if they finished two quest regarding their ranks. Since it's doubled, it means the quest that they need to be completed is very important.

The warriors ranked tier-2 and lower felt sad because they can't participate but the tier-3 warriors and above became agitated.

"Since you bring very good news to us, I will treat you!" One of the warrior seating happily said.

"T-thank you." The thin looking man thankfully said.

Zero just finished drinking his cup of coffee. He stood up and head outside to wander around again inside the kingdom. There's only few people outside because it's still very early. Bored and nothing to do he muttered

'What should I do... hmmm.. I think I'll sell some of my mana cores'

He headed on where is the Warrior Hall.

After a minute of walking, he is now at the entrance of the Warrior Hall. Although it's still early in the morning, the hall is filled with warriors because of the news that spread by the thin looking old man. Fortunately, there is no line in selling mana cores. Before going to Warrior Hall, he get 10 tier-3 mana cores from his [Pocket Dimension] and put it inside his pouch. A warrior ranked tier-3 and higher has the rights to sell tier-4 mana cores and above. Since Zero did not apply to be a warrior, he can only sell tier-2 mana cores and lower.

The transaction went smoothly and he easily gain 50 silver coins. When he walked out the Warrior Hall, the sun is now in rise. The people outside are slowly increasing. Zero headed to the 'Royal Courtyard' restaurant. He find a seat and take his time choosing food.

Roasted Wild Fish [2 Silver Coins]

Grizzling Boar Meat [4 Silver Coins]

Wolf Meat [3 Silver Coins]

Royal Courtyard Wine [25 Silver Coins]

... [..]


Zero looked at the menu board.

There are many delicacies but they are all damn expensive. Zero sighed and decided to order the wolf meat. His order arrived after a few minutes and he ate it.

Zero now is now on the exit. He did not regret spending 3 silver coins for such a delicious food. While strolling around, Zero heard swords clashing each other. He headed on a dark alley to watch what is happening. He saw a young man in a bad state who is about 15-16 years old and Middle Aged Man. Beside the young man is a girl that is about the same age of the young man. Based on the situation, it seems like the young man is protecting the girl from the middle aged man.

"If you hand her to me, I may let you go. But if you insist in protecting her... this will be your grave!" The middle aged man said with a wryly smile.

"In your dreams, motherfucker!" The young man charge at the middle age man despite of his injuries.

The middle aged man easily dodged the young man's attack. After dodging, he thrust his sword to the stomach of the young man.

"Your resistance is futile brat!" Then the middle aged man remove his sword from the stomach of the young man.

Zero shook his head helplessly and about to leave. Suddenly, he felt something strange is happening on the body of the young man

"What? A demon?" Zero exclaimed in shock.