
Unlucky in love: A thousand ways to get him to propose

What made the basketball player, Dante Mateo freak out? Probably her foolishness or most certainly the dark room? Nora thought. Her one-night stand had to be shortlived. There are a thousand ways to get Declan to propose to her sister Kendra. Tackling their lives, Nora has to tackle hers first.

xo_Qing · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

i love you but

Only Declan had been so…nice, she thought wistfully. Sweet and funny. They'd met at Bonalux construction. He'd been there as an engineer while she'd been filling in for the receptionist. She'd also been pet-sitting a pregnant cat who had chosen that morning to go into labor.

While she'd been running around like an insane person, Declan had calmed her down, checked on the pregnant cat, abd kept it all in one piece. She'd been impressed. She'd tried to keep her distance from him, but she'd been unable to resist his charms. And when he'd kissed her… well, she'd been totally lost.

Now as she picked up one of the dresses and placed it near her chest, she supposed Declan's virtue was doing was that he was doing exactly what she asked him. Waiting. When they'd admitted their love, she'd been scared about loosing her chance at her business dream. Getting married would have been too much a distraction. So they'd agreed to wait five years. Two of which had passed, which left four more to go. But she was ready…

She didn't want to wait no more and she couldn't figure out how to get the message to Declan without telling him explicitly.

She held the dress to her chest again. From what she could see through the protective plastic, it was a beautiful corset streamed gown with different layers of-

"Get your hands off that dress Kendra!" Nora walked into the room with her hands on her hips. "That's either a special order or a sample. You shouldn't mess with the merchandise."

"If it's a sample, I can." Kendra retorted.

"Then go to Taper's hub and try it on in the store like every normal person ."

Kendra returned the dress back to the hanger and sighed. I'm not normal. I'm a fool. Jessie Fash was smart enough. She realized she loved George and got engaged immediately. They moved in together."

"They also eloped."

Kendra winkled her nose. "I wouldn't want that. I want a big party." With all her friends present. She wanted to walk down the aisle and see Declan at the other end. She wanted a Catholic ceremony and a beach reception.

"Kendra," Nora paused, looking searchingly into her sister's eyes. " I love you like sister." She began.

"I am your sister." Kendra Saud twitching her mouth.

"I know, you're a very smart business woman, but when it comes to love- pardon. Especially with Declan- you're making this more difficult than it should be. Just tell him how you're feeling."

"Unbelievable Nora, that's archaic."

"I don't give a dime. When I'm telling my daughter a bedtime story and she asks me how daddy proposed, I don't want to tell he didn't. Abd that I did? No. That I had to ask."

It was more than she thought sadly. She wanted Declan so brainwashed by love that he couldn't help himself. That he didn't care what she wanted. That being with her was the most important thing in the world and he would ask her to marry him no matter what. Only that it didn't seem to be happening.

"Maybe he doesn't love me anymore," she Saud with a sigh.

Nora leaned against the door frame. "Shoot me with a gun."

"Before you big wedding?"

Her sister straightened. "You're right. The party is huge and I'm going to do such a good job that people will be talking about it for weeks. You still up for being my head babysitter?"

"You bet I'm looking forward to it." As a rule Kendra likes kids. She would also like the big, fat check she would earn for just three days of relatively easy work.

"Good. By the way you don't happen how easy it is to play a round if golf, do you?"

"I don't know. I have never played. Probably two hours."

"Emm, that's what I'm thinking. I'll do some research online and then talk to someone at the golf course. I'm planning the events for the weekend. I have to present the schedule to Dante tomorrow." She tilted her head.

"Don't take this wrong but what are you doing here?"

Sulking, Kendra thought. "I was hoping we could come up with ways to make Declan propose," she said pointing to the white marker board.

Nora walked towards her and put her hands on Kendra's shoulders. "You're my sister. I love you so much. I would step in front of a moving train for you."


"But the way you're going about all these is wrong. Tell him how you feel. Abd if you won't, cajole yourselfwith the knowledge that Declan will propose to you in the next four years."

Kendra groaned. "In four years."

"Which is exactly when you told him to."


Nora arrived at the office of Rave ten minutes before her meeting with Dante. While she knew where the offices were, she'd never been in them before. Now as she walked through the glass doors, she took in the open foyer with the two-storey ceiling. A big reception desk stood in the center. There were stairs to the left and elevator beyond that. But what really caught her attention was the nearly-live size pictures on the wall.

Dante, Chris and Xavierstared down at her from all angles. There were photos of the guys in uniform, shorts, T-shirt, standing around and working out. There was one of Chris about to throw a football, another of Xavier jumping to catch. One Dante in that last nanosecond before he kicked the ball.

She turned slowly, taking in the various poses and expressions. In the back, by the stairs, was one picture showing all four partners together. In her heels Hilda was the same height as Dante. Chris was an inch or so taller with Xavier a couple of inches taller than him. The guys were in suit and ties and Hilda had z long sleeved black dress that showed every skinny inch of her body. Nora immediately sucked in her stomach.

A middle-aged woman walked towards her. "Miss, can I help you?"

"Nora Styles I have an appointment."

The woman smiled. "Yes, of course you do. This way Miss Styles."

"Nora, please."