
Unleashed love

It all began when a single dad with the mindset that love doesn't exist happens to get entangled with his daughter's personal driver. Will he fall in love with her? What about the mother of his child?

emmanuel_esther · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Chapter 9

Kelvin was home when he received a call from Anthony "Hey man, what's up".

"Something very big" Anthony replied in panic.

"What's that?".

"Check you phone, I just sent you something".

Kelvin quack checked his phone and saw the news headlines "I need to take this down immediately".

"No you can't, you need to go on air and prove them wrong".

"Hmmm, I think, you have a point there".

"What about Alexa? Has she seen this?".

"I don't even know, she has not been home since morning".

"Where did she go then?".

"I don't know and I don't care, she's old enough to know herself".

"Well you have to care now, I don't think she's had to deal with things of this kind before"

"So what are you trying to say".

"What I'm saying is that, you should go look for her wherever she is and bring her home, you don't want her dealing with the media, do you?"

"Okay, I'll send someone"

"Better" kelvin hug up, went inside and picked a car key, 'where am I supposed to find her now? He drove to her house.

When he got there, he knocked on the door, no response, he knocked again for the second time before the door was opened.

"Thank goodness you're here, c'mon let's go home"

"Let's go home?" Alexa asked looking confused, "it's not time for me to come home"

Kelvin took a deep breath and asked "have you seen the news headlines?"

"Yes I have".

"Then get into the car let's go home, I don't want you dealing with these hungry broadcasters".


"No buts, Alexa, there's no time for arguments, let's go already".

"Okay, let me get my things" Alexa went inside, picked her things and hugged Olivia before going back to the Black's mansion with kelvin.

"Good thing Cheryl's school is break, I know you're supposed to be at home but with the situation at hand, you cannot go home".

"Really?? I didn't plan to deal with this".

"None of us did, I'm sorry you have to deal with this but, I promise to resolve it as soon as possible"

Kelvin was still talking when his phone rang, it was his Mom "Excuse me"he picked the call.

"Good evening mum, how are you doing"he asked.

"When were you ever going to tell us, kelvin?"

"Tell you what mum?"

"About your new wife, of course"

"Mum, please calm down, it's not what you think, she's Cheryl's driver".

"And how am I supposed to believe that?"

"Mum, this was the anniversary you said you couldn't attend, I had to look for someone to accompany me since the school said not to come with one parent"

"Go ahead"

"I asked her to come with me instead"

"I see"

Kelvin knew his mother was still suspicious, to prevent further questioning, he lied that he had something very important to attend to.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, bear that in mind" she said before hanging up"

"I guess I'm never going to get out of this" he the looked up at Alexa "sorry about that".

"It's fine, sir"

"You can go now"

Alexa went upstairs to her room and flopped herself on the bed "I've had enough for today" she said to herself before drifting off to sleep.


Andrew went home enraged with anger, he met his sister in the living room, sipping a drink and watching TV. "Andria, I do not like the attitude you displayed back there" he warned but she totally ignored him.

Andrew stood in front of the TV, obstructing her view.

"Get out of the way Andrew" she yelled.

"If I don't?"

"I'll scream"

"Scream all you want, I'll warn you again Andria, stay off my affairs because next time, I won't be this easy on you" he said before walking out.

Andrew headed for his room and laid on his bed, he dialed Alexa but it didn't connect, he tried as many times as possible, just then someone knocked on his door.

"Go away, please, I'm not in the right mood to talk" he turned to face the other side of his bed.

"Andrew, it's mum, please let me in"

"Come on in".

Harriet opened the door and went in, she heaved a sigh as she saw him staring at his phone "she's not picking your calls yeah?".

"It's not even connecting, she must have blacklisted my number".

"Son, you need to call down, she needs a break from everything that happened today, you know, it hurt her so bad, if you keep calling her like this, she could cut you off forever" she adviced.

"Mum, my mind is not at rest that she's not happy, I cannot even stay without her, I love her Soo much"

"I understand son, you didn't expect the attitude your Dad and sister displayed, I'm sure if you knew it would turn out that way, you would never have brought her".

"Mum, what do I do now?".

"You just have to her let be, for the time being".

"Hmmm" he thought for a while"it's gonna be hard but I'll do just that".


"Mum, I would not forgive Dad and Andria if she doesn't forgive me".

"Hey, son, don't say that, they're your family, your blood, you cannot be in bad terms with them and Alexa will forgive you, I know for sure" she assured him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you very much mum, I don't know what I'll do without you".

"It's fine, son, come down for dinner"

"I'm not Hungry, mum".

"Well I prepared your favourite" she announced smiling.

"I'll be there in a jiffy".


Evelyn, Kelvin's mother already had plans of visiting her son's place, in his absence and getting to know Cheryl's driver, when she first saw the news, she was enraged, thinking of how her son would go into another relationship, without her knowledge, after speaking to her son yesterday, she was a bit relieved. She made sure kelvin had left, before she arrived, she had met her granddaughter playing with her dog, Cheryl was so happy to see her grandma, so she ran and hugged her, Evelyn picked her up and placed her on a sofa before sitting down as well

"Oh, my dear, it's so wonderful to see you again! How have you been?" Evelyn asked.

Cheryl smiled "Grandma, I missed you! I've been good. Look at my new toy!"

" Oh, what a lovely toy! It looks like a fun one. So, did you know I came to visit just to see you?" She lied.

"Really? Just for me? Yay!" She screamed in excitement.

"Of course, my sweetie! Spending time with you is the best part of my visit. How have you been enjoying your days lately?"

"I've been playing a lot with Alexa and my dog at the home and learning new things in school, grandma, why didn't you attend my school Anniversary? I searched for you the whole place my eyes, I couldn't find you" she sulked.

"Ohhh, my angel, I couldn't make it, I'm so sorry about that, I promise to make it up to you okay?"

"Okay grandma"

"So you said you were playing with you driver, yeah?"

"Yes grandma and my dog too"

"I see, so where's she?"

"She went out before you came in, ohh she's coming" Cheryl said pointing at the back door.

Alexa and Cheryl were playing a game with Luna, Cheryl's dog, Alexa's phone rang , so excused herself to pick the call, by the time she came back, she met a woman seated on the couch with Cheryl, Alexa observed them for a while and noticed how comfortable Cheryl was with her, she looked like she was in her early 30s, still very young, 'what if this was Cheryl's mum?' she thought to herself. She was still thinking when Cheryl pointed at her.

"Good morning ma" Alexa greeted .

"Morning, you're the new driver, right?"

"Yes Ma'am"

"Can I have a word with you, please"

"Sure" Alexa took a single seat close to her's.

"Cheryl, go play with Luna, I need to discuss with you driver"

"Okay grandma, Alexa I'll be reciting my morning presentation"

"Okay baby" Cheryl left the living room for the adults and went to play with Luna.

"So, I know you must be wondering who I am and why I want to see you"

"Yes ma'am"

"Well I am Evelyn, Evelyn Black, Kelvin's... " Alexa's heart stopped for a second "mum" she sighed in relief.

"It's nice meeting you ma"


"Alexa Clarkson, Cheryl's driver"

"Alexa, now you know me, you must be wondering why I am here, well it's as regards to the headline on the news, about you and my son, do you have anything to say to me about that "

"Yes, ma"

"I'm all ears" Evelyn said relaxing on the sofa.

"Mr kelvin had asked me to go with him to Cheryl's Anniversary and act like wife, it was more like he Hired me because after that, he doubled my salary"

"Hmmm, I see, so there's nothing going on between you both?"

"Nothing at all ma"

"So Alexa, tell me about yourself, your family and anything you think I need to know".

"I am Alexa Clarkson, I don't know my family, I was told they were involved in an accident and I was still a child when it happened, I was trained by a very kind woman alongside her own daughter.

"Ohh, accept my sympathy dear"

"It's fine"

"Did you get a formal Education or something like that?"

"Yes ma'am, I graduated from Yale university with a Firstclass in mechanical engineering"

"Wow that's nice, so why are you here then?"

"I couldn't get a job"

"Oh so sad, anyways it's good to have you here, how're you coping with Cheryl?"

"Oh that? It wasn't a problem at all, she's a very accommodating and friendly child"

Evelyn looked at her in shock "For real?"

"Yes ma, you look shocked, is there a problem?"

"No, no, no nevermind, how has my son being towards you?"

"He's a very nice boss, although sometimes he seems rude and arrogant... I'm sorry I'm saying this about your son ma'am"

Evelyn laughed, "it's okay, I'm all ears besides he's not here, is he?"

"No Ma'am"

"Enough with the Ma'am, it makes me feel older, call me Evelyn"

"Okay Ma.. sorry Mrs Evelyn, Mr kelvin could be rude at times, but he's a very good boss"

"Hmm, I see, you know what?"

"What Evelyn"

"I'm beginning to like you already"


"Yes, you're nice, calm and very soft spoken, I like that's in a woman"

"Thank you very much ma, have you have anything to eat yet?"

"No I haven't, but I'll like to leaves now"

"Umm, would you mind if I made you something real quick?"

"I guess, I would like that" Evelyn said forgetting that she had to leave before her son comes back from work"

"Okay ma'am,"

Alexa went to the kitchen to make chicken waffles for the three of them, after waiting for thirty minutes the was ready, Alexa brought it down to the dining and called for Evelyn and Cheryl to come eat.

She dished the food For them both, proceeded to leave but Evelyn called her back and insisted she ate with them.

"mmm, this is delicious" Evelyn said in relishment as she ate a spoonful.

"I'm glad you like it"

"What? That's an understatement, I love it, I wish to have more of this, does kelvin know you're a very good cook?"

"Yes Ma'am, I've cooked twice, since I came here and he really liked it"

"That's Good, I really love this"

"I love it too grandma" Cheryl said in a tiny voice.

"Of you do baby"

Kelvin came back from home early and met his mom, Alexa and Cheryl eating at the dining.

"Mum, you didn't tell me you were coming" he said and took a chair to sit.

"What do you mean? So I can't visit my granddaughter anymore, yeah?"

"You know that's not how I meant it mum, of course you can always visit your granddaughter but that's not why you came"

"Umm, I'll take my leave now" Alexa said, she turned to Evelyn "I'll be in my room, call me if you need anything"

"Okay dear" Alexa stood up and left, Cheryl followed suit almost immediately.

"Mum" kelvin gave his mother a 'what have you done look'

"Why are you giving me that look? I obviously did nothing" she said keeping a straight face.

"What did you tell Alexa?"

"Okay, you got me there, I only came to see the woman you went to the anniversary with, turns out she's Cheryl's driver"

"I told that over the phone"

"Well you know me, I always want to see for myself, I should also blame you, you got a driver and you did not care to inform me"

"I was busy with work mum and it escaped my memory the last time I came to visit you and dad"

"Ohh, I am hurt, my son doesn't tell me anything again " she held her chest pretending to be hurt.

"Mum, stop being dramatic already, you're too old for that"

"Who's old? I'm still very young, with my smooth and glowing skin, an outsider can even my age"

"Sorry to burst your bubbles mum, you're 50" kelvin teased, Evelyn hits him playfully, she hated to be reminded of the fact that she was 50.

"What are having mum, can I have some?"

"Of course," she dished some of the chicken waffles for him.

Kelvin took a spoonful, "Mum, did you make this?"


"This is awesome mum, you're the best, i wish you could cook for me everyday"

"Young Man, I did not make the food, Alexa did"

"You're kidding right?"

*Unfortunately not"

"Whoa, this I'd delicious, I really love it"

"She's a good girl and I'm beginning to like her"


"Alexa of course, you know, at first, I was thinking of how Cheryl accepted her so easily, but when I got to meet her in person, my thoughts were resolved"

Kelvin cleared his throat " mum, what did you two talk about?"

"Girls talk, please don't interfere" Evelyn shunned him.

After eating, Evelyn picked up her things to leave and Alexa escorted her to her car while they discussed.

As soon as Evelyn's car left the compoun, another drove in immediately. Isabel came out if the car looking furious, she made sure to roll eyes at Alexa before going in to meet kelvin.

"What the hell am I seeing on media, kelvin? Who is that woman?" She yelled.

Kelvin was taken aback a little bit. "Isabel, I know you're angry but I won't tolerate you yelling at me in that manner, what makes you think, you can come to my house, and do whatever you want?" He asked trying as much as possible to control himself.

"Really? That's what you say to me? Where is that woman?" She asked looking around the house, she went upstairs to kelvins room and back downstairs " where is she kelvin? Where have you hidden her?"

"Isabel, you're going to behave yourself, otherwise I'll ask the security to take you out "

"You will do no such thing kelvin, you have turned me into an object of mockery, among my peers, now I can't stand them" she complained.

"Well about that l, I don't think bit has anything to do with me, we're not dating so I don't see how I turned you to an object of mockery"

"Kelvin, everything you ask of me, I do for you, I satisfy your sexual desires, I don't know why you still don't value me"

"Isabel, I am not having this conversation with you"

Isabel started sobbing know that was Kelvin's weak point, she held him on his shirt Punching him lightly on the chest as she cried.

Kelvin quickly grabbed her hands and carried her upstairs to his room.

"I know you were pretending, I just did not want to embarrass you there" he said smirking.

Isabel heaved a sigh and said "you still haven't told me who she is"

"Who are you talking about?" Kelvin asked pretending not to know what she was talking about.

"The woman with you in that picture that's all over the media"

"I don't think I owe you an answer to that question"


"Isabel, you're beginning to overstep your boundaries and I'm not comfortable with that, I have to be sincere with you, unless you want me to call off this friendship" he threatened.

"But, kelvin "

"Don't kelvin me, whatever you saw on that picture means nothing, you know me I'm not ready to fall in love with any woman and that's final" he said before leaving the room.