
Unleashed love

It all began when a single dad with the mindset that love doesn't exist happens to get entangled with his daughter's personal driver. Will he fall in love with her? What about the mother of his child?

emmanuel_esther · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Chapter 3

That evening as Alexa went downstairs for dinner, she saw a little girl of about four years seated at the dinning. It seemed she was waiting for someone because she wasn't eating.

Immediately Cheryl saw her, she approached her and said "I'm Cheryl and you?"

Alexa smiled and said " I'm Alexa and you have a very nice name" she complimented.

"Thank you"

Just then Kelvin came downstairs and took a seat Next to his daughter. Alexa who was confused on where to have dinner, made to go back upstairs when kelvin asked her

"Have you had dinner?"

"No sir"

"Join us then" he said in a commanding tone.

"Okay sir" Alexa took a seat close opposite Cheryl. The dining had but four chairs.

As they were about to start eating Alexa asked to say a pray which kelvin allowed. She said a short prayer and they started eating.

There was a long silence, the only sound that filled the air is the gentle clicks of utensils against plates, accentuated by the occasional scrape or cut.

Just then Cheryl turned to her Dad and asked "Daddy is Alexa my mum?" Both Alexa and kelvin choked on their drinks.

"Baby don't talk while eating that's a bad table manner".

"Okay Dad" she said and continued eating.

After the meal, Alexa made to do the dishes but kelvin stopped her saying they had people who did that.

"Daddy you still haven't answered my question yet" she reminded him.

"I'll do that baby but first let's go to the living room, Alexa come with us".

They got there, Kelvin and his daughter sat down on a two Sitter couch while Alexa took a single one opposite them.

"Alexa meet Cheryl my daughter, Cheryl meet Alexa your new driver" Cheryl's face dropped immediately she heard driver she looked disappointed whereas Alexa was taken aback he didn't tell her was going to be his daughter's driver well at least she wasn't going to be seeing his face and embarrassing herself all the time she thought.

"Baby you should go to bed, I need to discuss somethings with Alexa"

"No Dad I don't want Cathy to put my to bed"

"Why's that" he furrowed his brow.

"I want you to sing me a lullaby Tonight"

"Okay I would do that" he said picking her up. "Please wait for me I need to speak with you" he said to Alexa before heading upstairs to Cheryl's room.

He placed her on the bed and sang her lullaby until she slept, her soft snores fillings the room. He gently covered her with a duvet and placed a light peck on her forehead, closed her door and went back downstairs.

On getting there he met Alexa still waiting for him "I'm sorry I kept you waiting" he apologized.

"It's fine" she said unable to believe he just apologized to her.

"Well I'm going to make it quick, I'll text you Cheryl's school address and I'll keep a key to the white Mercedes G-wagon that's her car".

"Okay sir"

"This is your uniform and ID card" he handed her a parcel. "Have a good night rest"

"Thank you sir" Alexa stood up and made her way to her room.


The next morning Alexa woke up, said her prayers, brushed her teeth, put on her Gym wear and made to go for workout as she was about going downstairs, she met her boss in the living room he was in a Gym wear as well, it looked like he just finished working out because his clothes stuck to his body due to sweat and it revealed his abs and biceps.

"Where are you going this early?" He asked her

"I want to workout so I'm going outside"

"It's too early, you can't go outside"

"But sir that's part of my morning routine"

"There's a Gym in the house with all the apparatus you need to workout".

"I wasn't aware of that sir" she said innocently

"Well then you know now" he gave her directions and she left.

When Alexa got to the room, she was faced with different types of Gym equipments those she knew already and some she hadn't seen before.

After working out, Alexa had her bath and dressed in the uniform her boss had given her, she stood in front of the mirror to see what she looked like in a uniform, the uniform fitted her perfectly, especially the pants it hugged her waist revealing her curves, she then tied her hair into a bun making her look smart

She picked up her bag and went downstairs to find Cheryl seated alone at the dining table already dressed in her uniform, she had an apron round her to prevent stains on her uniform.

"Good morning" Cheryl greeted as she approached.

"Good morning pumpkin" she replied patting her cheek. "I see you're already dressed for school".

"Yes I am" she replied cheerfully. She seemed very happy going to school.

"Why are you eating alone, where's daddy?"

"I don't usually see daddy when I wake up in the morning" she replied sadly.

"It's okay baby" she reassured her. "Let me go make coffee".

"Daddy takes coffee every morning too" Cheryl exclaimed .

"Ohh really?"

"Yes but he said I can't take it"

"That's because you're still very small" Alexa said touching the tip of her nose.

Alexa went to the kitchen and made coffee for herself, she came out and joined Cheryl at the table.

"Do you mind if I have breakfast with you every morning" she asked

"I would love that, it's good to have someone around"

She cheerfully said.

"Now let me feed you" Alexa took the cutlery from her and gently fed her.

After the meal, Alexa helped her remove the apron.

"You look really smart in your uniform" she complimented.

"Thank you Alexa, you don't look bad either"

Picked her up together with her backpack and lunch bag. She took the car keys on the center table in the living room and made her way to the garage.

As Alexa stepped into the garage, the air is filled with scent of motor oil. Rows of shiny vehicles, large and small, gleam under the fluorescent lights, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. She approached a sea of cars, their metal bodies reflecting the ambient glow.

She pressed the key she had with her and a white Mercedes G-wagon flashed it's lights.

Alexa opened the back door and safely placed Cheryl on the baby seat while she got into the driver's seat, she pressed the key into the ignition slot, a moment of anticipation lingers. With a gentle twist, the key responds, activating the car's systems.

In an instant, the engine comes to life. The garage reverberates with a deep, throaty growl that resonates within her, captivating her senses. Vibrations course through the steering wheel and into my hands, as if the car itself is awakening.

She put inserted the school's address in the GPS and hit the road.

Next stop was at Cheryl school, Alexa carried Cheryl out of the car towards the teachers who were receiving the pupils.

"Can I see your ID Ma'am" they inquired.

Alexa showed them her ID card.

"Okay you have to go and sign over there" she said pointing at an office by the left.

"What is it for?" She inquired

"It's just to confirm that your child's in school"

"Ok" Alexa went there, wrote down Cheryl name and signed.

As she was about entering the car, she caught a glimpse of Cheryl waving her goodbye so she waved back at her, started the engine and drove back home.

On getting home, Alexa went straight to her room to have some rest. She first set the alarm for picking Cheryl up from school then flopped herself on the bed and was about dozing off when her phone started ringing.

Who could be calling her by this time? She thought to herself her bestie was at work so who could it be she said checking the caller. It was Andrew her boyfriend she immediately picked the call

"Hello sweetheart, I've missed you so so much" Andrew said from the other end.

"Awwn I've missed you too".

"I'm sorry I've not been able to be with you or call for some time now, I've just been busy with work" Andrew apologized.

"I understand babe, I was supposed to call too but I was busy as well" Alexa said.

"I heard you were looking for a job"

"Yes but I found one and it's very cool, the pay is huge as well" Alexa paused "come to think of it how did you know I was looking for a job I can't remember mentioning that to you"

"Well I have my ways darling"

"Does it mean you have stalking me?"

"Not really, I had wanted to surprise you one day at work but when I got to the restaurant, your boss said you had resigned"

"Yeah I did, this new job is a full time one"

"That also requires you living in" he asked furiously

"Babe please calm down I'm just doing this for the time being" she said hoping he'd calm down.

"And you did not think of telling me about it, I mean since when did we start hiding things from each other? you literally know everything I do" there was a trace of anger mixed with sadness in his voice.

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to besides I know you were going to kick against that's why I took the job without letting you know"


"I'm sorry I'm truly sorry babe please let me make it up to you"

"Let's have dinner on Saturday and we'll talk this over"

"Okay babe" Alexa felt a bit relieved.

"Talk to you later then" he said hanging up.

"Woa that was close" Alexa said to herself. She placed her phone on the bed and made to sleep when another call came in. It was her boss.


Kelvin was busy on his laptop when someone barged into his office without knocking. It was his best friend Anthony.

"You seriously are not going to change the fact that you barge into my office without knocking" kelvin asked furiously. " what if I was with a client?"

"Come on man you don't have to make a big deal out of that" Anthony said feeling less concerned.

"so what brings you here by this time of the day orange is supposed to be in the company?"

"I know but things are going really well for now"

"That's gud to know"

"I see you have eyes for good things" Anthony said smirking.

"what do you mean by that?" Kelvin asked with a looking confused.

"Are you going to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about?".

"Get to it already I'm totally lost"

"Well I saw you daughter's driver"

"That reminds me hold please I need to call her" kelvin picked up his phone and dialed Alexa, she was on another call. He placed the phone back on the table and turned to Anthony. "So you were saying?"

"Well I saw your daughter's driver"

"How did you know my daughter's driver?"

"Are you being serious right now?" Anthony asked.

"Ohh I remember asking you to do a background check on her"

"Good thing you remember*

"Where did you see her?" Kelvin asked curiously.

"At Cheryl's school"

"I guess that's where she was supposed to be"

"Well, that's not all"

"What else?"

"I did not know that she could be that beautiful and elegant"

"Who isn't?" He asked nonchalantly.

"You did not get to see her on the uniform yeah?"

"I left very early"

"She's is very hot on those clothes, they fit her perfectly".

"Okay thanks for the compliment but please don't hit on my staff you're way beyond that"

"C'mon man I'm not hitting on her yet, stop being overprotective besides she's not even your girlfriend"

"It is my duty to protect my staffs"

"Okay man I give up" Anthony surrendered


"How's your girlfriend?"

"What girlfriend?"

"Isabel of course".

"Isabel is not my girlfriend you should know this and know peace"

"But she satisfies your sexual desires"

"We're friends with benefits and nothing more than that ".

"Hmm I see"

"I don't have any intentions of falling in love with any other woman since Daisy". His countenance changed.

"I know, don't let that ruin your mood"

" Well then you needed to see how Isabel behaved when I asked her to design the uniform for a female driver, she questioned me like I was her husband"

"It's the nerves for me"

" she said she wanted us to take the relationship to another level"

Anthony burst out laughing, he laughed so hard that his ribs ached.

"It's not funny man"

"But I just hope she knows what you guys have"

"Of course she knows"

Just then Anthony's phone rang.

"I get going something has been discovered, I'll update you later".


Anthony left, kelvin picked up his phone and dialled Alexa's number again, this time she picked up.

"Good morning sir" Alexa's voice rang over the phone.

"Yeah, is Cheryl in school yet?"

"Yes sir"

"I hope she had breakfast"

"Yes she did"

"What about you? Have you had breakfast?"

"Yes sir I've eaten" she lied.

"Ok then, I hope there were no challenges with the car and school"

"None sir"

"Good" he said hanging up.