
Unleashed love

It all began when a single dad with the mindset that love doesn't exist happens to get entangled with his daughter's personal driver. Will he fall in love with her? What about the mother of his child?

emmanuel_esther · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Chapter 2

The next morning being Saturday, kelvin woke up feeling fulfilled. He had sorted out most of the important things on his mind and now he just had a little on his plate. He got from his bed, brushed his teeth, had a very long bath and then came downstairs for breakfast.

His daughter was already seated waiting for him. They always had breakfast together on Saturdays and Sundays these are the only days she could get to see daddy in the morning.

"Good morning Daddy" she greeted

"Good morning my Angel" squatting to her level he gave her a peck on the forehead.

"I thought you wouldn't come down for breakfast Daddy" she said looking a bit sad.

"I am here Angel so let's pray and eat okay"

"Okay Daddy"

They prayed and ate their food in silence then kelvin remembered what he mapped out for today.

"Angel, I'm sorry I would have to break our engagement for today, I have something to catch up with but once I'm back I promise to spend the whole day with you".

Kelvin stood up to leave before leaving, he made sure to call the Nanny to watch Cheryl while she ate to prevent her from choking on her food.

"Good-bye baby" he said giving her another peck on the cheek.

"Bye Dad" Cheryl continued eating.

Kelvin stood on his driveway contemplating on which care to go with. Finally he settled for the bigger version of his daughters car, a Mercedes G-wagon 2023 model he took his keys and off he went to the Carlos cafe.

On getting there he spotted a tired looking Alexa sitting at the spot he had booked sipping a milk coffee.

"Good morning sir" she stood up to greet him.

"No no no pls seat down" he said taking a seat as well. "You look tired, how long have you been here?"

"Actually it's been long sir" she answered meekly.

"Well then let's get to it" he stood up and headed out towards his car while she followed suit.

He handed her the car key and went over to the passenger seat and sat down. Alexa took the keys and muttered a thank God. A G-wagon was one of the cars she had driven while she was learning to drive. She got in started the car and drove off in average speed between 40-50 mph. Obeying all the road signs, traffic and beating Kelvin's expectations.

He made her drive the route to Cheryl's school and by the time they were done, she was already famished. He noticed how tired she and asked her to pullover at a certain restaurant which she did. He got down but Alexa remained seated in the car.

"Aren't you hungry?" He asked concerned.

"No sir I'm fine I'll wait here"

"Well you don't look fine to me" just then he realized why she said that. The restaurant looked expensive"don't worry bills on me"

"Sir?" she asked unable to believe her ears.

"Don't worry I don't want my daughter's driver to faint before ever she was hired" he said nonchalantly. "Come with me"

"Okay sir" Alexa locked the car door and followed him into the restaurant trying to process what he had just said.

They went inside and sat down just then a waiter approached them to take their orders.

"Get me some steaks and Chinese rice then give her the menu to make her order".

The waiter gave Alexa the menu, she went through it and ordered for water just as the waiter was about to get her order, he was stopped by kelvin asking him to get the same thing he had ordered for the both of them. Then he faced Alexa and asked

"what part of the bills on me don't you understand"

"I'm sorry sir" she apologized.

After the meal they come back to the car, Kelvin took the car keys and asking for her address he drove her back to her apartment as she was about to alight when he suddenly said "YOU ARE HIRED miss Alexa Clarkson"

Alexa couldn't contend her joy, she fought hard to comport herself and prevent hugging him.

"Thank you very much sir" she said elated with joy.

" You would report to work on Monday but you have to move in tomorrow I'll text you the address". He brought a card from his breast pocket and gave it to her. "This is you gate pass and don't be late because my designer would be there very early to take measurements for a uniform".

Alexa took the card "okay sir I'll do just that sir". He then drove off.

Alexa went in and with the help of her bestie she packed up the necessary things she needed.

That night they celebrated her employment and partied all night but before then Alexa made sure she had tendered a resignation letter to the restaurant where she worked. Her boss wasn't happy to loose her but he had no choice.

The next morning Alexa had her box and backpack ready that was the only luggage she carried. The atmosphere was a very dull one.

"I am already missing you" Olivia pouted .

"Me too but it's not like I would be going forever " Alexa replied.

"I know but can't you wait a little while and maybe go by evening"

"I wish I could but I have to meet up with his fashion designer to take measurements for my uniform and the uniform has to be ready before tomorrow".

"I see why you're in a hurry don't worry I already booked you an Uber so you don't have to stress".

By now Olivia was at the verge of tears, you could Sense it in her voice.

"Olivia we already talked about this, you promised not to cry" Alexa was also fighting to hold back the tears that was threatening to fall.

"I know but it's hard to see you leave"

Tears found it's way down her cheeks Alexa couldn't hold back anymore hugged her and they both cried out their eyes.

"I will always come back this place is my home" she assured Olivia.

They we're suddenly interrupted by a car honking outside the building.

"I think your Uber is here"

"Ohhh" Olivia said wiping her face with a handkerchief.

"Let me see you off"

Olivia picked up her box and rolled it to the Uber.

The Uber guy who was already waiting for her took the luggages and put them in the car trunk.

Alexa gave Olivia a quick hug and peck on the cheek before Olivia could reciprocate she broke free and got into the car to prevent them from starting all over again. She showed the driver the address her boss had texted her a day before and he gave her a shocking look but Alexa totally understand she was going to the house of a Billionaire.

He immediately started the car and drove off but Alexa kept waving at Olivia until she was out of sight. They drove for twenty minutes before they got to a gate.

It's large gate made of wrought iron, with ornate swirls and patterns. The Uber guy dropped Alexa at the gate because he wasn't allowed to go in.

Alexa knocked on the gate and was welcomed by a fierce looking guy he asked for her permit which she showed him before letting her in.

As she rolled her box inside she muttered a "wow"

Beyond the gate is a long, winding driveway that leads to a stately and majestic home. The house is three stories tall, with white columns and a grand front porch. Lush, green lawns stretch out on either side of the house, and there are beautiful gardens filled with colorful flowers.

Alexa walks up the front steps, she sees a large, intricately carved front door. She reaches out to open it, and the door swings open easily. Inside, she finds herself in a grand foyer, with marble floors and a sweeping staircase. A crystal chandelier hangs from the ceiling, casting sparkling light all around the room and the air smells of lavender and fresh linen, The furniture is upholstered in rich fabrics.

The floor is marble, with a beautiful mosaic design in the center. The walls are painted a warm, creamy color, and there are gilded mirrors and sconces on the walls. As she stepped inside, she caught a glimpse of a sitting room through an open doorway, and a hallway that leads deeper into the house.

Alexa was still admiring all these when she was interrupted by the Porter but at first she didn't guess he would be a porter because he was well dressed.

"Hi Ma'am" he greeted politely.

"Good morning sir I am...."

"I know who you are. You look very tired come on let me show you to your room" he said picking up Alexa's box

"Don't worry sir I can do it" she protested. She picked up her box and followed him to a room downstairs. He brought out a key and opened the room "This is your room Ma'am".

Alexa's eyes widened in disbelief, in the middle of the room stood a large, bed with plush linens and fluffy pillows. There's a sitting area with a comfortable armchair and a small table with a reading lamp. The walls are a soothing, pale blue, and the curtains are a soft, silky white. There's a beautiful rug on the floor, and a large bay window with a view of a lush, green garden outside.

The sitting chair is upholstered in velvet, and the rug underfoot is thick and luxurious. There are thick, heavy drapes on the windows.

"Sir this room is mine?" She curiously inquired. "You're sure there isn't a mistake somewhere?"

"Why would you say so ma'am"

"I'm just a mere driver sir I'm definitely a worker like you"

"Well that's how our rooms are ma'am" he replied calmly "is there anything you would need please make sure to send for me using the button right there" he added pointing at the button on the wall close to the bed.

"It's Alexa sir I'm not comfortable being called ma'am by an Elderly person"

The Porter smiled and said "Ok my daughter I mean Alexa" Alexa smiled at him.

"Well if there's nothing else I guess I should get going"

As soon as the Porter left, Alexa flopped herself on the bed, it felt like bed linens are made of the softest Egyptian cotton, and the pillows are filled with down, so comfortable and cozy that Alexa slept off.

Kelvin came out from his study looking very exhausted he called his porter asking if Alexa has arrived yet.

"Yes Mr kelvin she arrived not long ago"

"If she's here then why has she not come to see me?"

"I don't know sir but I can go call her if you want"

"No don't worry I will handle it myself" kelvin said dismissing her.

"Okay Mr kelvin" the Porter said returning to his duty post.

what could she be doing kelvin thought to himself as he made his way to her room when he got there he knocked three times but got no reply without thinking twice he pushed the door open and went in only to meet a sleeping Alexa snuggled up to the sheets like a baby. She looked stressed.

He wanted to wake her up but instead he found himself staring at her, some strands of her hair covered her face, he felt the urge to tuck them behind her ears just then Alexa stirred and turned in her sleep he got a hold of himself and went out of the room called for his designer and asked her to come over.

After about fifteen minutes the designer Isabel arrived at the Black's mansion. She was a regular so she needed not be questioned at the gate.

She went inside and met kelvin seated on the couch in the living room she slumped unto the couch next to him and snuggled up to him.

"Babe I came immediately I got your call I have missed you" she pouted.

"Well that not the reason I called you"

"What could be more urgent that satisfying your sexual desires" she seductively raised her dress.

"This is work Isabel work!! and nothing else" he said freeing himself from her hold.

"Well then let's get to it already" she said with a huff straightening her dress. She had on a tight dress that hugged her shape nicely and brought out her perfect curves.

"I need you to make this exact type of shirt with a better material I have already sent you the design"

"What is it for?"

"My new employee"


"Female, she's my new driver" he said refusing to disclose the fact that Alexa was going to be his daughter's driver. He knows how mischievous Isabel could be.

"What do you mean a driver?" Do you now need someone to drive you around?"

"Please let's get to work already"

Kelvin stood up and headed for Alexa's room while Isabel followed suit. When the got there, he knocked and immediately Alexa opened the door.

She had a look of shock and fear when she saw her boss standing in outside the room. "Good afternoon sir" she greeted slightly bowing her head.

"Alexa, Isabel here would be taking measurements for your uniform".

That was when Alexa realized there was someone else in the room.

"Good day Ma'am I'm sorry I didn't see you earlier" she said apologetically trying not to maintain an eye contact.

Isabel rolled her eyes and hissed making Alexa wonder what she has done wrong. Then kelvin interrupted asking Isabel to get to work.

As Isabel was taking measurements, Alexa kept glancing at her occasionally trying to figure out where she has seen this face.

Just then reality struck her, she had seen this face in a fashion magazine and wait!, Did her boss just say Isabel?? She couldn't believe her eyes she was standing before the mighty Isabel Davis CEO of the Bell's fashion, one of the biggest and most lucrative fashion companies in America. She has always admired and wished to be half as rich as Isabel.

Alexa also was not surprised to see Isabel in her boss's house besides rich people move in their circles and there had been rumors that they are a couple.

After doing the necessary Isabel sent the sample and measurements to one of her most efficient designer to get it done as she didn't want to keep kelvin waiting.

When they went back to the sitting room Isabel asked "where's Cheryl? I haven't seen her since I came"

"She's observing her siesta, it's not like she likes seeing you around either"

"Whatever" Isabel huffed knowing that Kelvin was saying the truth, Cheryl never liked her for once. She would always cry whenever Isabel tried touching her, she would hide in her whenever Isabel was around. This infuriated Isabel because she didn't want anything that would destroy the relationship she had with kelvin.

"The uniform's should be ready in three hours I already assigned two of my best designers and they're working on it as we speak" she said trying to impress kelvin.

"Well that's impressive" he replied with a quick smile.

"Babe so I've thinking maybe we should take this relationship to another level"

"What do mean by that?"

" You know there are rumors all over the media that we are dating yeah?"

"What's your point actually?"

"Let's make it real" she blurted out making kelvin spilled drink on himself.

"What did I just hear you say?" He was already fuming in anger and struggling to keep his cool so he doesn't end up yelling at her.

"Babe but we love each other and it's obvious"

"Isabel Davis, I would advise you don't stir up such conversations again" He stood up and made for his room while Isabel followed him like a lost puppy yelling for attention. Kelvin got to his room and shut the door in her face.

Isabel stood at the door yelling for kelvin to open it but to no Avail because immediately kelvin got in he put on his earphones and started playing music. After standing for what seemed like an eternity Isabel realized that she was only making a fool of herself.

She immediately picked up her purse and left.


It was 6am in the evening and Alexa was busy unpacking and arranging her things when she heard her phone buzzing, it was Olivia, she quickly picked up.

"Alexa!! You have not even settled yet you've forgotten about me" Olivia screamed from the other side of the phone.

"Hey girl, it's not what you think, I'm just starting to arrange my things"

"Ohh I see so what have you been doing since?"


"Hmmm so tell me how's the house, is it Big?

"Well I would say it's a mansion it's very big, neat, the rooms are cozy and the bed is comforting"

"Awwn I see you're enjoying it there already"

"Yeah I am"

"So how's your boss? I hope he's being kind to you"

Just as Alexa was about to answer, there was a knock on the door "hold on please" she put the call on hold and opened the door, it was the Porter from before.

"Mr kelvin asked to give you this" he said giving her a book. "It contains the timetable of this house for food and other activities"

"Okay sir thank you"she said collecting the book from him.

"It's dinner time" he said before leaving.

Alexa removed the call from hold and said to her bestie "girl I'd have to go now it's time for dinner and I don't want to be late".

"Okay girl catch you later bye"

"Byeeeeee" she said hanging up.

Alexa, already in her nighties made her way downstairs for dinner.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

emmanuel_esthercreators' thoughts