
43 Belgium Waffles

He opens the container and places it down for her to see. "I ordered you Belgium waffles with strawberries and whip cream. I remember hearing that eggs are a no go for you and I thought since you liked that milkshake you had, this would be adequate. As for myself, I am going to have hashbrown, bacon, pancakes, and coffee." Leo sits down across from Kitty. He opens the other container and transfers the food to the plate. He starts eating while waiting for the coffee maker to finishing brewing the coffee.

She transfers the waffles to the plate and scrapes the strawberry sauce that had slide off, back on to the top of the waffles. She looks at the bottle of juice on the table and grabs it. 'So thoughtful.' She starts to eat the waffles in delight. "Mmmmm, so good. Your guess was indeed accurate. This is a pleasant surprise." She opens the orange juice and starts drinking it slowly.

"There is nothing to be surprised about. Breakfast is the one meal that we will need before we leave. I do pay attention to what is said around me so I would, of course, pick up on your tastes sooner or later. When we first met you even told me that you loved strawberries." He gets up after the coffee maker is done. Leo pours himself a cup and then goes back to the table to continue his meal. He eats and slowly drinks his coffee.

Kitty watches Leo for a moment. 'That is a hunter trait to categorize and remember small interesting facts.' She goes back to the waffles and the two finish their meal in silence. She puts the fork and butter knife down after she finishes eating her meal. She stands out and goes to the bathroom.

Leo finished eating his food and got up to pour another cup of coffee. He went and sat down on the couch. He drinks his coffee while waiting for her to finish in the bathroom. 'At least it will only be about five more hours until we get home.'

Kitty comes out of the bathroom and walks over to the couch. "We don't have a lot of time before the town will get attacked. Will the humans that reside there be alright?" She sits down next to him. Her fox ears twitch as she stares at him.

"The humans will be safe. As I said before the chemical will not affect them in any way. If there are other hidden races mixed in though, that might cause problems. So long as the hunters do things the right way no one has to get injured." He lets out a sigh. "I never thought the day would come where I have the opportunity to finally see the chemical in person. I have heard a lot about it but I have never seen it before. The fact that I will have it tested on myself is a little unnerving, to be honest, but it is something that needs to happen."

"Leo, it is something that has to happen, so that you can be in the clear of all suspicions. At least you will be able to throw them off at this point in time because if it was later it would be a major issue." She smiles and looks over at the door. She gets up and opens the door. "Good morning, Cindy." She goes back to the couch to sit down.

"Good Morning, to both of you. Thank you for breakfast Leo." She walks into the room and closes the door on her way inside.

"I hope that it suited your tastes. I wasn't one hundred percent sure if I made the right call to order your food but I thought it would be at the very least pleasant surprise." He smiles and then finishes off his coffee. "We have roughly five more hours to go until we reach my place. I'm going to call Luke and let him know when to expect us. That way he can be ready to greet us and to help move things inside the house." He picks up his phone and dials the number for Luke.

Luke was sleeping on the couch when his phone started to ring. He reached over and grabbed his phone. Without checking to see who it was he says, "why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

"Well, good morning to you too I guess. I thought I would at least let you know that I will be home in roughly five hours and the place better be clean or else I will deduct money from your allowance. You are lucky that I am in a generous mood or else I would not give you anything next month." Leo smirks.

He sits up in a rush, "I'm so sorry. I didn't check who was calling me. I was asleep. Please, don't take away my allowance. I will make sure the place is clean. I will see you in five hours. Please, have a safe trip." He hangs up the phone and starts rushing around cleaning the living room up. 'Shit, I can be so stupid sometimes.'

“You can't just eat good food. You've got to talk about it too. And you've got to talk about it to somebody who understands that kind of food.”

― Kurt Vonnegut, Jailbird

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