
Unknown Intentions

She was first forced to marry a man she can only describe as a monster but when Nick, the monster's nephew shows up at her wedding pretending to be her boyfriend she plays along and soon marries him. Is Nick nothing like his uncle and a complete Angel or did Samantha just marry her worst enemy? What will happen when she finds out her ex boyfriend that she left when he needed her the most is her brother in law

Jadielwe · สมัยใหม่
65 Chs


"Kento, come give your uncle a hug, I want there to be not hard feelings between us."

Michael's words felt like a slap across the face. He knew that Nick hated him and that he wouldn't accept this easily.

"Come on, don't tell me you're still angry with me, you even stole my bride at our wedding but I am not upset with you." He looks at me with a huge grin on his face. "Samantha, will you welcome me? We do go way back."

Nick steps in front of me shielding me from his psycho uncle. "My wife doesn't need to anything, especially for you!" Nick growls with his Jaw clenched.

"I see You're even talking on her behalf, you must love her...I understand why, I loved her once too."

"Don't you dare say anything about Samantha! You shouldn't even be here!"

Mr Sakurada takes a step infront of Nick. "Don't talk to your uncle like that, he is still an elder."

"He is no uncle of mine, I won't live in the same house as that man!"

"Don't let emotions control you like this, this isn't how an heir is supposed to act!" Mr Sakurada scolded Nick making me angry on Nick's behalf.

"I don't care! I still won't live with my father's murderer!" Nick said ready to beat Michael at any second.

I hold Nick's hand. "Nick, please calm down."

"Listen to your wife and calm down!" Michael says to make Nick more angry.

"Nick let's go." I try to take him to the garden to go calm down there but he refuses to move.

"Nick you can't throw accusations without evidence! My dad didn't do anything to your father!" Kazuha defends her father.

"Kazuha please don't add on to this okay." I tell her annoyed.

"With all due respect this has nothing to do with you, this is a family affair."

"And last time I checked I am Nick's wife, which means I am indeed family!" I corrected.

She scoffs turning away with her arms crossed. I turn to my husband.

"Nick please listen to me, let's take a moment away."

Michael comes downstairs, his grin growing at every second. Clearly he was enjoying the chaos he was causing.

"Nicholas, I only want to be with my family, let's let go of the past and move forward." Michael says with fake sincerity.

"Go to hell." Nick takes my hand and leads me upstairs with him. I could feel his body heat increasing. He was so angry I thought the veins in his neck would pop.

Entering our neat bedroom I made sure to lock our door. Nick had let go of my hand right at the door and started destroying everything on sight. Our lamps were thrown across the room as he screamed in anger.

I knew this was his way of letting out his anger so I did not stop him, I made sure to stay out of his way and watch him to make sure he didn't hurt himself. I couldn't help but be overcome by emotions seeing so upset.

I began sobbing watching as Nick trashed the room. After a few minutes he was done. He slowly kneeled on the ground letting out a loud cry.

"Nick!" I run to his side hugging him tightly. He lets me and starts crying in my arms.

"I...fucking hate him Sammy." He says as he cried more.

I could only embrace him and share my warmth to calm him down. I didn't think anything I could say could help him feel better.

"I love you." I whisper in his ear not knowing what else to do. His hold around me tightens as his sobs die down.

I sit flatly on the floor and hold Nick who rests his head on my lap and doesn't say anything. I play with his hair until he falls asleep.

I didn't think his hatred for Michael was this strong. Looking back Nick seemed to hold something against Michael, otherwise he wouldn't have married me to start with.

In some sick twisted way, I have Michael to thank for my marriage. He may be the reason why Nick married me but he sure as hell won't be the reason we break up because I won't accept it. I won't let him hurt Nick anymore either. This family doesn't have his back and seem to loathe my husband which means I will have to protect him from them no matter what.

I look at my sleeping husband silently making a vow to never let him suffer at the hands of others. I will be on his side no matter what.


I wake up a few hours later unable to remember when I even fell asleep. Sitting up I realize I'm on the bed. The room was clean now and Nick was gone.

Getting out of the bed I felt a strange panic fill my heart. Nick was so upset just awhile ago, where could he have gone now?

Someone beats me at opening the bedroom door. Nick enters the room with a tray of food instantly dissolving all my fears.


He places the tray on the table in the center of our room before turning to give me a hug.

"Thank you Sammy. Thanks to you I feel so much better." He kisses the top of my nose.

"Are you really feeling better now?" I ask cautiously. I had never seen him like that before so I was very suprised.

"I'm sorry I gave you a scare, you must've felt uncomfortable too." He holds my hands. "I apologize."

"Nick if you apologize again I will get very angry with you. You have every right to express yourself, you should not hide your emotions like a robot." Aside from my intial shock I was glad Nick was able to let out his emotions. Bottling up everything would have made things much worse. It's best he let his anger and faustration out.

"Come sit with me." He leads me to the sofa. I sit beside him glad that he did look better now.

"Sammy, I am happy you stood by my side and took care of me when I was upset, no one has ever done that for me and I am thankful."

I take his hands into mine. "You're my husband, of course I would take care of you. Now stop thanking me and lets eat."

He smiles nodding. I felt something different between us. It was certainly not a bad thing, I think our connection became deeper after today.

The more I looked the more I was tempted to tell him the whole truth. I felt that now more than ever Nick would understand me and trust in me.

"Nick there's something I want to say." I didn't want to overthink anything. I just wanted him to know the truth.

He looks at me lovingly. "Yes Sammy?"

I take a deep breath Before starting. "I want you to know the truth about my relationship with your uncle."

Nick's smile faltered. "What about your relationship with my uncle?"

"I lied to you about its nature." I tell him straightforwardly. I don't want Michael to have anything against me. I don't want him to be able to come between Nick and I.

"What do you mean Samantha?"

I grab the Jug of water he brought with the food and pour myself a cup of water that I down in mere seconds.

"Nick, he...welll he-"