
Unknown hero

On hiatus. Focusing on other novel for now. System unlocked. Potential Level 500 fighter. Enter name - ... the name is ... the name is.. The year is 4069. Earth has developed drastically and now is on type 2 civilization. In this world now people live by how strong they are according to their levels. The strong dominates weak and seeks for more stronger power. Harvey brights a student of overdrive highschool is a victim of bullying since he entered the first year. He never tried to fight back the bullies but instead told the teachers but they would not listen to him. Harvey gets angry about school authorities doing nothing. Now what will Harvey do about it. Will he sit back and take the abuse or will he face slap them all.

Zukashi_zuno · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Koro hakura.

Harvey made a call to don apostle Matthew to ask if what he sent was correct.

"System call Don Apostle Matthews," Harvey ordered.

" Calling Don Apostle Matthews"

Don apostle answered

"Hello, Harvey. Why did you call me?"

"Don is the picture you sent to me of Koro Hakura's?" Harvey with a curious tone asked.

"Yes, why? Is there anything wrong?" Don said.

" The picture you sent me looks exactly like one of my friend who claims himself to be my mother's brother in law and also as an unknown hero," Harvey replied

" Where does your friend you are talking about live? what is his name?" Don asked Harvey.

" I don't know where he lives but his name is kai Dakota and goes to the same school and class as me."

" Hmm... okay. I will call you back if I get any info about Kai and koro. For now, you follow kai and find out where he lives. This is your task for now. If he turns out to be koro hakura investigate at a higher level. For now this much. Be safe, bye."

Don apostle Matthew hung up his call.

Harvey had no time to think as kai might have gone far away now.

He wore his pants, jumper, shoes and went running out of his house.

"System lock my house." Zinn while sprinting in random directions said.

He ran across many places didn't find any trace of Kai.

He then remembers that while kai was going out of his house he went right side road from his house.

That was the way they came from.

He sprinted at school and turned left and ran faster to reach the manga cafe they were talking about.

There he saw Kai silently reading a manga while drinking water.

Kai looked out of the window to see Harvey all huffing as if he was about to be breathless.

( Harvey forgot to increase his level and stats so he ran while he was LVL 5 and stats were below 20.)

Kai stood up and went right out of the shop and said

" What are you doing here?"

" I... I... Give me water first... huh...." Harvey was going to faint from exhaustion.

Kai took Harvey to the manga cafe.

Everyone inside the cafe started looking at Harvey and Kai.

The cafe they were in was like a mixed hybrid with restaurants like seats and open places and manga and light novels to read.

Harvey drank almost 5 glasses of water in a big beer glass.

" What is it? Why are you here?" Kai asked.

Harvey did not think of any valid reason to tell kai that he was following him.

" Umm, I just wanted to look at the newly released light novels. I have almost read every web novel available and now need to read light novels." Harvey lied to Kai.

" Oh! Do you read light novels? which one do you like? My favourite is a classroom of lites" Kai with an excited voice asked.

" My favourite. It is yes game no life." Harvey answered.

" Oh, that one is also a good one." Kai clicking and pointing his fingers towards Harvey said.

" I should've thought this through." Harvey thought to himself.

Harvey had no choice directly asked Kai

" Do you know someone named for hakura?" with his hands rubbing his backside of hair Harvey asked.

Kai choked on his water for a second and said.

" Koro hakura? who is he? Never heard of him." Kai with a laugh told Harvey.

" If you don't him then why did you choked on water ." Harvey became serious.

" Oh, so you are doubting me?" Kai replied with a grin on his face.

"Yes, it seems I do. I hope you understand because you just suddenly came out of nowhere and claimed to be my mother's brother in law. I never even heard about you from my parent's mouth." Harvey said.

" I see. Understandable have a nice day." saying that Kai left the manga cafe without any furthermore words.

Harvey just sat there without even turning back to look at kai. Now the doubts were even more in his mind and heart.

Harvey called Don apostle Matthews and told him what happened and Kai's behaviour.

Don told him that the person they are looking for might be Kai Dakota. He told Harvey to be careful around him.

Harvey then hung up the call and left the manga cafe.

On his way back home he saw Maya looking or behaving suspiciously. She was standing behind a building that led to a shady area of the town. Maya looked like she was stalking someone.

Harvey approached her from behind and tapped on her shoulder

" What are you doing Maya?" Harvey whispered slowly.

Maya became startled and threw a punch at him.

Harvey was at LvL 5 again. He couldn't dodge the punch and was battered by Maya's fist.

Maya saw who she punched and immediately asked sorry to Harvey.

Harvey grabbing his expanding cheeks said

" No worries. I should have dodged that."

Maya was sorry and confused as Harvey was so strong and agile but couldn't take or dodge the punch.

Maya lends him a helping hand. Harvey grabbed her hands and got up. He thanked may for that helping hand and dusted out the dirt from his clothes.

Harvey asked Maya " So, what were you exactly doing here?"

Maya suddenly remembers that she was looking at someone but since she got startled by Harvey's voice the person she was looking at was now nowhere to be seen.

Maya became upset. Her head sunk in sadness.

" It was Kai." Maya with a drooping sad face said.

" Kai? Why were you following him? And why are you so upset?" Harvey asked.

Maya got back in her normal mood instant slapping her cheeks and lighten her mood up.

" I was following Harvey because he was looking around as if searching for someone. He looked quite pissed tho."

Harvey grabbing his chin said" Searching for someone and quite pissed hmm... Hey Maya!"

Maya responded to Harvey " What?"

" Do you have an idea where Kai lives?" Harvey asked.

" No, but school authority may know. Why are you asking me this?" Maya with a confused face said.

" No, it's nothing. I just had some business with Kai. I am going back to my house. See ya tomorrow at school." Harvey waving bye at Maya left the scene.

Maya waved back at Harvey and thought to herself

" What is going on? Does Harvey have business with Kai? Have to look at it.."

*Somewhere in a dark alley

A dark shadowy figure on a video call with a man in his 20's wearing an office suit black in colour. Had sharp-looking eyes and a chiselled jawline and smooth combed hair.

The dark figure in a robotic voice in an angry tone said " How could you let this happen? Try to find out who did this? You will be the one in trouble if things get out of hand! Do you understand?

The man in the video call in a calm voice said

" Don't worry we are on it already. We will not stably leave the person who did that. Be calm and trust us because the next world champion of the system fighters will be you Koro Hakura."

The dark figure in a robotic voice said

" You better do it or I am gonna erase all of the giant powers you have now. This is your first and last warning. No other mistakes should be done. Do you understand?"

" Yes, Mr Hakura. We have also sent a clickbait photo to make them confused after seeing that photo. The activity and name of you may have been released but nobody has seen your face except me." The guy in the video call said.

" Ok, now time to go. Do your work properly."

Saying that koro hakura hung up the call.

A clapping sound came from behind him.

It approached a little closer.

Koro in an instant glitched to a farther away distance.

He looked back to see a guy clapping hands.

" Oho, so you are koro Hakura. Who would've doubted it isn't it?" the guy continued his clap.

" Why are you here Da....?." Koro hakura instant took back his words as if he said the guy's name then he would know that koro knew him.

" What was that?" the guy moving his ears and hands-on his ears leaned forward a bit. " Were you about to say my name? Could it be that you know me?"

Koro Hakura had no words to say. He used his glitch skill again to escape from the scene.

" Hmm... Koro Hakura. What a joke of a person you are. Hiding from me and running away now."

The guy kneeling on the ground picked up a fragment left behind by Koro.

" What is this?" the fragment he picked up was glitching a lot.

" It seems this is the only proof about you Koro Hakura. How long do you plan on hiding from the public."

The guy turning back and walking away from the shady area said.

" You can keep running but you cannot always hide. Your face and everything will be revealed soon."

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