
Universe Residence

When you find yourself at the pinnacle of life, experiencing freedom, good health, immense wealth, and the fulfillment of your dreams, it can all be snatched away in an instant, swallowed by the vast expanse of the universe. This is precisely what happened to Zen, a young, hidden billionaire, whose life was abruptly altered when a comet collided with him, shattering his world. However, the universe had a different plan in store. Zen was granted a second chance—an infinite chance, one might say. His soul underwent a profound transformation, gaining the extraordinary ability to navigate the wheel of reincarnation while retaining his memories. As a result, Zen became a resident of the universe, eternally bound to the cycle of life and death, yet endowed with the unique power to be reborn time and again, carrying his experiences from one existence to another.

Gre_Nut1 · ตะวันออก
17 Chs

Chapter 1

In the middle of the bustling city stood a towering, crystal-like building. Deep within its core, tucked away in a dimly lit room, sat an individual surrounded by six computer screens, each displaying a multitude of data. The screens illuminated the room with a mesmerizing glow, and a wide grin spread across the person's face, nearly revealing all of their teeth.

"I've made it! I fucking made it!" the person exclaimed, the voice filled with a mix of triumph and relief. "After years of struggling, I finally have my own cheat system." Positioned prominently in the center screen, a pixelated smiley face flickered intermittently, accompanied by countless lines of intricate code running behind it.

"Prototype 1897, give me the current situation," the person commanded, their eyes fixed on the screen.

The pixelated smile transformed into a speaking face, and it began to report, "Prototype 1897 reporting, connection successful...," the voice trailed off as it explained the situation, presenting an array of data.

Unable to contain their excitement, the person's smile broadened, their entire being pulsating with joy. This day marked the culmination of three years of relentless research, with nearly every day dedicated to the pursuit of this moment. Twelve hours a day were spent immersed in the quest for knowledge, every cell in the body yearning for fair treatment and the chance to thrive. And now, after enduring the struggle, every cell reveled in celebration upon receiving the success report from the AI. Overwhelmed by the momentous achievement, the person's consciousness succumbed to exhaustion, and darkness enveloped them as they drifted into sleep.

Now, you may wonder, what exactly is this AI? It is a creation of mine, an AI designed to function as my personal cheat-like system in this life. I had conceived this idea during my early years in college, to safe my lazy ass from the gruesome of working. This AI was meant to be my servant, my all-knowing assistant, overseeing even the most trivial aspects of my daily routine and providing valuable insights, such as analyzing stocks. And that night, my vision finally materialized.

When I awoke, darkness had settled once again outside. "Finally, a good sleep. It's been far too long," I murmured, rising from my chair. Yes, my chair—my makeshift bed during those tireless hours of work. It had taken its toll on me. After stretching out my weary limbs, my gaze fell upon my beloved computer, and a grin escaped me as I looked the central screen. There, in all its glory, was the result of my painstaking labor—a small smiley face adorned with intricate code.

"Good morning, Prototype 1897," I greeted it with uncontainable excitement.

The smiley face flickered and replied, "Good morning, master."

The sound of success echoed in my ears, fueling my enthusiasm. "Prototype 1897, provide me with today's world report."

After a brief flicker, the AI began relaying the news. "Following extensive internet screening, today's world news highlights the appearance of a peculiar comet, previously undocumented in our data. Further analysis revealed that this comet is a new phenomenon, seemingly emerging out of nowhere. It emits a strange golden light and will pass by Earth in approximately thirty minutes. In other news, there has been a surge in August Corp stocks..."

It fills me with immense happiness to hear that news, not because of the world news itself, but because it serves as a testament to the capabilities of my AI. The excitement that courses through me every time Adam speaks is unparalleled. However, there is one aspect that leaves my AI incomplete—a name. Calling such an exceptionally performing, highly intelligent AI "prototype" feels inadequate. It's not like Iron Man refers to his AI as a mere project name. So, after some contemplation, I have decided to bestow the name "Adam" upon my beloved creation.

After giving Adam Its name and asking Adam a few questions, I decided it was time to clean up. It had been three days since I last tidied up my apartment.

I live in a rather luxurious space, and even though I enjoy research, I am by no means humble like other scientists. No way. I like to indulge in spending money, which is precisely why I created Adam. He is not only a butler but also a money-making machine. Just before leaving the room, I gave Adam a money-making order, setting a target of $100,000 per day. For your information, my current income is around $1 million per month, which is already quite substantial.

Before attending to my personal hygiene, I chose to tidy up my room. As I turned on the lights, the extent of the mess I had created over time became apparent. What should have been a majestic room now looked more like an dirty ass storage room. I decided to clean my research room myself and left the additional tasks to the cleaning service.

En route to the bathroom, I glanced at my massive window. Through it, I could see the entire city where I currently reside, and in the starry sky, the comet everyone was talking about. It emitted a captivating golden light that encompassed its surroundings.

"What a beautiful comet..." I mused, fixated on the comet. As I stared the comet, minutes passed unnoticed, and I noticed the comet growing larger and clearer with each passing moment.

I remained rooted to the spot, completely entranced by the light. Its mesmerizing glow calmed my heart and relaxed my body. But suddenly, a moment of clarity broke through the spell.

"What the hell happen? What am I thinking?" These thoughts flashed through my mind in an instant before I once again succumbed to the beauty before me.

In a matter of seconds, the size of the comet before me swelled dramatically, until...


That night, the most modern city on the planet vanished from the map.

"Where am I? Why is it so dark?" I pondered upon waking, only to realize that I couldn't move my body, not even a finger, it's feels like I do not have a body. I couldn't feel a thing.

"Did I die?... What the fuck? Did I just die?! Why did I die after I just succeed?, Why, God? Why?!"

My mind was ablaze with fury, I unleashed a barrage of curses upon God, with every language I knew. If those curses were compiled, they could fill an entire book.

After an endless stream of profanities, I could only surrender to my fate. Why did this have to happen now? Why not one month later, after I had enjoyed some of Adam's abilities? (Damn, it feels weird writing this... or is it just my mind wandering into inappropriate territory? Never mind.)

I floated aimlessly in the darkness when suddenly, a golden light appeared out of nowhere. The light felt eerily familiar, a golden radiance that mesmerized one's soul, like the comet.

Then, a sudden realization struck me.

"You fucking bastard! It's because of you I'm dead! You son of a bitch, why the hell did you come in my direction? Why?!" I tried to voice my anger, but no words escaped my lips, only existing within my mind.

In an instant, the light struck me, and memories started flooding back.

Within those memories, I saw a majestic book, shining in the midst of the sun—or perhaps the book was the sun itself. The light emanated in all directions, illuminating every world around it, bringing life and bringing death. There was a faint, almost imperceptible line of light, adorned with a peculiar code that intertwined and formed a delicate thread.

The code on the line constantly shifted, morphing from one shape to another, each one more enigmatic than the last. Suddenly, a man appeared, standing before the all-powerful sun, a grin stretching from ear to ear.

"Finally... finally..." I could hear his words echoing.

"After years of searching, I have finally found you," the man declared.

Confusion flooded my thoughts. What was he talking about?

"A divine book, a book that records everything within its vicinity... finally, more for my collection."

As the man reached out to seize the sun, quite literally the sun, his hand emitted a luminous radiance, resembling a hand but much larger. With every movement towards the sun, the invisible threads surrounding it began to shift and coil, encompassing every inch of the strange man's body.

It was as if billions of threads were attempting to bind him, and suddenly... this is really bizarre... the sun spoke.

"You are not the one. I do not belong to you."

In that moment, the sun's color transformed from a golden hue to a jade green, with additional hints of white. The man's face contorted from a smile to one of rage.

"Who are you to decide your own fate?"

It dawned on me. "It's the sun itself, you dumbass," I thought to myself.

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the world inside my mind. I hope you enjoy the journey through my imagination. I'm reaching out to you today because I value your feedback, opinions, and suggestions. This novel is my first attempt at writing, and I'm aware that there may be areas where I can improve, both in terms of writing style and plot development. So, please don't hesitate to share your honest criticisms or suggestions. I genuinely appreciate your input, whether it's delivered with gentle words or a more direct approach. Your feedback will help me grow as a writer, and I'm excited to receive it. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my work and share your thoughts.

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