
Universe Residence

When you find yourself at the pinnacle of life, experiencing freedom, good health, immense wealth, and the fulfillment of your dreams, it can all be snatched away in an instant, swallowed by the vast expanse of the universe. This is precisely what happened to Zen, a young, hidden billionaire, whose life was abruptly altered when a comet collided with him, shattering his world. However, the universe had a different plan in store. Zen was granted a second chance—an infinite chance, one might say. His soul underwent a profound transformation, gaining the extraordinary ability to navigate the wheel of reincarnation while retaining his memories. As a result, Zen became a resident of the universe, eternally bound to the cycle of life and death, yet endowed with the unique power to be reborn time and again, carrying his experiences from one existence to another.

Gre_Nut1 · ตะวันออก
17 Chs

Chapter 11

I continue my experiment, determined to understand the intricacies of energy manipulation. With all my materials prepared, I head to an empty field where I can conduct my research without causing any disturbances.

To ensure privacy, I begin by creating a soundproof and vibration-blocking formation. Carefully flattening the ground, I then paint the surface with a special ink consisting of oil, charcoal, and spiritual iron. This ink acts as a conductor for energy, and the inscriptions I draw shape the desired effect.

After about 15 minutes, the formation is complete. I strategically place energy crystals representing the four basic elements at each cardinal point of the formation. Once activated, a transparent dome encompasses the area.

Satisfied with the setup, I commence the experiment. Starting with the wind-element staff, I focus my mind on channelling my energy into the crystal. As my energy tendrils reach the staff, I sense the chaotic nature of the energy within the crystal, akin to being amidst a tornado where everything moves uncontrollably.

Observing the energy for a few minutes, I attempt to manipulate it, mimicking how I move my own energy. However, there is no response. I repeat this process for an hour, taking short breaks, but there is still no progress.

Pondering the situation, I decide to approach it from a different angle. Instead of focusing on the staff, I turn my attention inward, concentrating on how my body controls its own energy. I delve into my meridians and concentrate the energy into my palm.

As I move the energy, I notice a thin tendril emerging from the core of my dantian, shaped like a thread. When this tendril touches the energy channel within my body, the flow of energy within the channel shifts, redirecting it towards my palm.

However, when I focus on the concentrated energy in my palm, I cannot feel the energy tendrils anymore. They seem to vanish. Curious, I decide to concentrate the energy into my other hand. Instantly, the initial energy tendril retracts back into the meridian, while a new tendril emerges and extends towards the energy channel connected to my other hand.

With my new discoveries about energy tendrils, I dive deeper into experimentation. I find that when I concentrate my energy into both hands, multiple tendrils form and extend into different channels. However, I still cannot feel the tendrils when focusing solely on the energy in my palms.

Curiosity drives me to explore further. I focus solely on the tendrils themselves, observing as they emerge from the meridian and enter the channels. Yet, they stop at the entrance, unable to penetrate deeper.

Frustration sets in as I repeatedly attempt to move the tendrils inside the channels, but my efforts prove futile. However, when I direct both tendrils into the same section of a channel, I discover that the energy in that section becomes more easily manipulated. This realization leads me to a new hypothesis.

"If I'm correct, these tendrils act as nerves for the dantian, allowing it to control the unrefined energy."

After rigorous testing, my hypothesis is confirmed. The experiment continues over the next few days, yielding unexpected results. One significant breakthrough is the development of a new skill I dub "diamond body." By manipulating the energy within my muscles, I can increase their density while reducing their size.

This skill compresses the muscles so tightly that they resemble diamonds. However, it is physically demanding, and I can currently only achieve the diamond state in two limbs. The process involves connecting the muscle to the tendrils instead of the channels.

When the muscle is connected to the tendrils, nearby channel energy rushes into the tendrils and is absorbed by the muscle. Care must be taken not to absorb too much energy, as it can lead to muscle tears. Testing the skill on my hand, I manage to create a sonic boom, but the strain is immense. Almost every muscle used in the process is torn, and my arm's bone becomes dislocated.

With these findings, I decide to conclude the experiment for now. Over the next few days, I shift my focus to training my body using common strengthening methods.

It involves a process of destruction and growth. I train until all the muscles are torn, and then I regenerate them by infusing energy into the regrowing parts. This cycle repeats constantly.

"I need a lot of pills," I realized.

Since the body cannot regrow on energy alone, it requires other essential elements like protein. Eating regular food is not sufficient. So, I decided to contact an acquaintance, a friend of my grandpa (my mentor). He is a level 55 cultivation pill master, a powerful old man.

I reached for a pendant with a crystal in the middle. Injecting some energy into it, a hologram popped up, showing the face of the old man.

"Hello, old man! It's been a while. How are you doing?" I greeted him.

The old man replied, "Aish, this brat! What do you want? I'm in the middle of something right now."

I could only smile. "Hey, don't be so grumpy. I'm genuinely worried about you," I said, feigning sadness.

"Haaaah, if you don't want anything, then fuck off," the old man snapped, getting annoyed.

"Okay, okay, old man. Can you make me some pills for my training? I'll pay for them," I requested.

The old man asked, "Hoo, so you're cultivating now. What kind of pills do you need?"

"I need a pill that contains all the necessary nutrients for growing a limb," I replied.

The old man was shocked. "Growing a limb?! What the hell are you training for? Becoming a gecko?" he exclaimed.

I smiled and replied, "Hahaha, no, old man. It's body strengthening, using my own methods."

The old man sighed, "Damn child, you always have something weird going on. How many do you want?"

"One thousand," I answered.

"Alright, how potent should they be?" the old man asked.

"Just potent enough to grow a single limb," I responded.

"Hmm, okay. I'll take 10,000 EC per pill, so that's a total of 10 million. Make sure to cover the delivery fee, or I won't send them at all," the old man replied.

"Okay, okay," I said. After all, it wasn't that expensive. "I'll send it to you right away."

In the end, I sent the old man 10.1 million EC for the entire order.

"Okay, kid. It's nice to see you again. Goodbye," the old man said.

I smiled. "Goodbye, old man. Make sure not to die of old age."

"Shut up!" Then the old man hung up the call.

After arranging the pill order, I went to my bedroom and slept. Over the next two months, I constantly cultivated and trained my body. I could consume up to 10 pills per day, and sometimes even more. By the end of the two months, I had only 8 pills left.

"Ten million just gone like that," I thought to myself.