
Universe 757

A world disaster ends many lives. Our protagonist and his group of friends are given the choice to reincarnate into a universe of their choice. Follow them on their troubled path and they try to break their way through a new world that doesn't want them.

CasualWritersBlock · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The Dark Sea and the Blue Flames

Here I was on a sea of blue floating flames as far as the eye could see. Having no idea what had just happened, as I attempted to recall what lead to this situation, my mind began to run through the events of that lunch break.

After Calculus class I walked to my locker as I did every day. It was my lunch period and I needed to store my books before I could do anything else. As I was rummaging through my locker looking for my wallet so that I could go to the sandwich shop across the road, someone approached me.

"Peter, what are you going to have for lunch today?", the figure asked.

"You ask that just because you want me to ask if you're coming.", I replied with an annoyed tone.

"But you're still going to ask arent you?" he replied

After a long, frustrated sigh, I replied; "You coming?"

"Nah, I'm spending lunch with Jasmine." He replayed.

"Enjoy yourselves!" I said as I walked away to buy my sandwich.

Me and my brother would often come here together all the time, but he and Jasmine became a thing, so for the past 3 days, I just had lunch alone. My brother is a popular guy, friends with everyone, the complete opposite of me. Now that he gained the courage to ask her out after a year of second-guessing himself, he and I began to barely talk at school. I can't blame him though, I'm just a little jealous. We are in two completely different social groups, he was a popular guy who has played on almost all the schools' sports teams, and now he is dating one of the most popular girls. Jasmine isn't very social and keeps to herself, but she became popular simply because she is extremely beautiful. She was born here, but her parents are immigrants from Uganda, she has dark skin and is 5'11 with a curvy body, and large assets both above and below. She is a Junior and has been in our school since her sophomore year. My brother met her in the D&D club last year and fell for her.

After buying and enjoying my sandwich I made my way back to school, when I got to my locker I found both my brother and his girlfriend standing by his locker. When they saw me Jin proclaimed;

"HEY, you're back!"

I approached and said. "I still got afternoon classes."

"I mean… it's not like you need to go, you're doing so well I bet missing a day wouldn't affect you at all!" Jin said.

"I'll pass, I don't wanna get behind, it's a pain to catch up."

"Wait, this is your brother. You guys look nothing alike!" Jasmine interrupted.

She had never actually met me since they had only been a thing for 3 days, and my brother probably forgot to mention he is adopted. Jin is a tall 6'4 Korean guy with short black hair, a sharp jaw, and a good build. I'm 5'9, with short dark brown hair, and a bulkier build. Also, my face doesn't have any extremely attractive features, although I have blue eyes which are often mentioned.

"Oh ya, I'm adopted!" Jin replied carelessly.

"huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" Jasmine made a funny sound that prompted me to laugh

"Sorry I forgot to mention that." Jin said as he rubbed his head

"Don't you think that's something you should have told me before I met your brother." Jasmine said with a bit of embracement.

People often had a similar reaction when they met me, my brother who was a Senior and a year older than me never mentioned this to anyone. This caused a lot of funny reactions back when I was a freshman, as he introduced me to all his friends.

"Jasmine you're going to be late!" A fragile voice said from a couple meters away.

Jasmine looked back and turned toward a short, long-haired Asian girl.

"It was nice to meet you Peter, but I have to go to class or I'm going to be late." Jasmine said quickly

After that, she turned to my brother gave him a hug that was followed by a kiss on the cheek, and left running with this short girl.

As I began to open my locker to grab my books my brother asked.

"So what class you have now, AP Physics?" He asked.


"I loved that class, what do you think of it so far?"

"I'm also loving it, but it's just a little sad that highschool physics curriculum is a little easy for me."

"It's your fault for spending so much time learning about rockets, space, and all that stuff at home!"

"You're right." I replied tonelessly.

Just after I said the class bell began to ring, but it had not finished yet and we began to hear an air siren coming from the intercom. This siren was quickly followed by a very short rumbling noise and then, my vision became dark.

For as far as the eye could see, all the way to the horizon it was just a dark calm sea, and above it, a dark sky with no stars but instead, what appeared to be galaxies. As I looked around me I began to see small blue fireballs appear all around me, this infinite space quickly became crowded. I quickly realized that as I was looking around I wasn't moving, I had no body and I too was emitting a faint blue light. A small bright light appeared above and a voice was heard. I couldn't tell if this voice was from a man or a woman, it was neither low nor high pitched. But instead radiated a feeling of calmness and love. It said:

"I'm sorry my children, it appears earth has been destroyed by humanity"

As the light spoke, I understood all that it was saying perfectly, like what it meant with each word was being interpreted perfectly in my mind. I continued to listen.

"You, have all been killed, and sadly more and more are dying, those that did not die in the original man-made disaster are now dying due to the aftermath. Earth is dead. Along with all animal life in it."

"You all must be very lost so let me explain everything."

"A small conflict in your world escalated to a global scale in a matter of minutes."

"It started with one nuclear missile, which instantly prompted retaliation from another country with an equivalent force, this quickly cascaded into the world being rained on by nuclear weapons. In 10 minutes all of mankind's nuclear weapons had been fired. All that was left was to wait for them to reach their targets."

"World leaders watched knowing the outcome and kept it under wraps to evade mass panic, and about an hour later all these missiles had done their part."

"I grabbed the souls of all the innocent children in the world, as I can not fathom letting your stories end this way, I will let you all pick another life of your choice."

As he said this a holographic window appeared in front of me.

"I tried to use an interface you would be familiar with, it varies from one to another."

"If you wish to have another chance at life then feel free to pick from all the universes I have created thus far. If you feel that you want to opt-out, there is also an option for that."

Has he said that some flames vanished, about 1 out of every 1000. At the bottom right of this holographic screen there was a button that said:

[Proceed to the Afterlife]

'I can understand why some were tempted, it's a free pass to the afterlife, no need to suffer through the injustices of the world. Although it's an interesting offer, there is a lot in life I have not experienced yet, so, that's not an option.'

As Peter thought to himself, the light said;

"I will now join in private with all of you to answer your personal question."

When it finished speaking all the other blue flames vanished, and the small bright light began to lower to Peter's height and stopped about a meter in front of him at eye level.

"Hello Peter, is there anything I can do to help you?" The calm loving voice asked.

"Is my family here?" Peter asked abruptly after he was prompted.

"I'm sorry but, only your brother is." The light replied

Peter knew the answer to his question, but he could not help but ask, had he known that morning would be the last time he saw his family he would have said a proper goodbye. He was full of regret.

"Peter, I want you to know that your parents love you and hold nothing you may have said to them against you." The light said as if to respond to his thoughts.

If Peter had a body tears would be pouring down his face as it distorted in sadness. They were both in silence for a little, and once Peter regained his senses he quickly began planning and asked.

"Is there a way for me to speak to my brother?"

"Yes, I sent him a request for you to join his lobby so to say."

After not even a second later a flame appeared beside him, he could tell it was his brother.

"Peter is that you?" Peter herd


"Mom and Dad…." Jin began the sentence but could not finish it.

"I know." Peter replied.

There was a short moment of silence as memories streamed through their minds.

"Jin, have you picked where you're going?"

"Not yet, how did you get here?"

"I asked it if I could speak to you and it sent you the invite." Peter explained

Jin quickly turned towards the light and said:

"Can you please invite Jasmine?"

"She is still mourning and wishes to be alone for the moment, she will join when she is ready." The light replied

"Alright" Jin replied in a sad tone

Peter takes a good look at the window in front of him for the first time.

[Universe List]

<1 (Not Availabel)>






[Proceed to the Afterlife]

The list of universes went on for as long as Peter kept scrolling, and there seemed to be no indication that he was making any progress toward the bottom of the list. Instead, he decided to ask some questions. He turned towards the floating light and asked;

"What's the difference between- all these universes?"

"I see that you desire a detailed explanation even though you asked for a simple answer. Let me begin…"

Hey, author here... My first time writing anything. I wrote this for fun and was going to keep it to myself but along the way, I decided to share it. I don't have an upload schedule or even know how long this will last, but if you enjoyed the first chapter and want to see where the adventure goes, feel free to comment and share your thoughts. Also, any mistakes you catch let me know so I can get right to fixing them.

CasualWritersBlockcreators' thoughts