
Universal observatory profiles.

Universal observatory profiles, an organisation somehow peeking into different universes and profiling it for some reason.

ROB001 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


[Universe no. SN-SS-04]

[human subject observation]

Name : Evans

Age: 22

Current job and position: military personnel, commander of unit "Rafis".

Approximately 1.83 meter tall, natural black hair reaching his back often time covering his left side of face.

Recognisable detail: whole left arm is covered in tattoo and ink. Upon closer inspection, multiple scars are faintly visible through the tattoo. It is perceived that tattoo were made to cover the scars.

Slight burn mark on neck and a light scar(stitches as well, possible to be remain of an operation or surgery).

Unnatural voice with deep and stained tone, high chance that the tone and deepness of voice is related to the scar on neck given how unnatural it is.

Damaged left ear, half of the left ear seems to be cut apart. Subject is often seen with a realistic prosthetic attachment to hide it.

ability: subject excels at hand to hand combact, stealth, gun fights at close range,works best in indoor conflicts and more.

Bio detail:

Unfortunately, personal details seems to be highly restricted to access. Secured and hidden, only available at superficial level. It is noted that the subject record is completely empty from 2001 to 2011.

Year 2001, at the age of 4. Subject was victim to mass kidnapping incident related to international human trafficking network.

No rescue or survival information was recieved regarding any victim and after a year of attempt.

The case was closed due to lack of progress.

However after several years, multiple victim were rescued from foreign territory, all of which were war torn zones, housing terrorist camps and such.

Exact details of their being, and the events between their rescue and kidnapping has been not confirmed, government is actively trying to shelter them from outside world for unknown reasons.

Some discovered data suggest it was a group escape effort with one of the victim staying back and helped them run away, suspected to be subject.

However, the subject was miraculously said to be alive when he joined military at the year 2011, subject age's roughly 14.

The events between 2001 and 2011 regarding subject has been covered but some trails to exmore-19 was found, infact exmore-19 was raided and declared to be no more in late 2010, and then at early 2011, subject joined military.

Given the subject was admitted into army with such young age, it makes it highly possible that he was taken into exmore-19, possible way is that he was sold into exmore-19 after being kidnapped.

Soon after going through multiple operations on field, the subject was taken into unit "rafis" at year 2014, at the age 17. Going by the code name rat.

To the current time, subject has went to 14 confirmed solo missions and 15+ group missions, for both his time in normal military and rafis unit.

No notable information to mention until the year 2017(subject age 20). multiple takedowns were launched at once focused on exmore group.

Exmore-18, exmore-4 and exmore-KS base were raided.

It is unknown in which raid the subject participated in.

However during the retrieval, subject didnt return and was announced missing and potentially dead.

Only after few months subject was discovered to be alive and rescued.

In critical situation, ever scince then the frequency at which subject joins a mission is lower than ever.

Possibly a sustained injury hindering him.

Year 2018, at age of 21 subject was promoted to commander for unit Rafis.

And no notable info or events ever scince.

Report latest to 2019(current time to the universe observed).

***author note***

This is kind of a profile.

You would see observations done by the organisation UOP.

There is no chronological plot, well excluding events regarding the universe that would be shown through the observation.

Kinda doing something new, oh and the first idea of this was actually a storage for stuff.

This was supposedly a storage for ideas, organisation, characters, culture, etc.

Anything to be used if it fits your current novel world.

And it still will be.

If you like something that you want to use from here and in future.

Feel free to pick it up and refrence it, just change few things up like name, time order, motif etc so it doesnt match someone else who probably copied.

I currently have no idea to drop it, unless am getting interaction (doesnt matter positive or negative. I just need to be sure it is getting showed)

So, leave a comment or something, preferably a criticism or something you think i can improve upon regarding this.

Quick note if it wasnt obvious, SN-SS-04 is the number given to this universe, and there can and will be multiple observation on multiple universe. And E1 stands for entry 1.

Thank you, peace out.