
Universal Hunter

In a world shaped by interdimensional portals and the emergence of superhuman abilities, everyone aspires to be a 'Hunter', someone who takes down monsters and conquer dungeons. A young prodigy named Issac, a standout student at Regalia University, wishes to be a hunter like many others. But when his trusted mentor and confidant, Head Alchemist Ian Bhryne, mysteriously disappears, Issac finds himself entangled in a web of secrets and perilous intrigue. Strange events and unforeseen circumstances begin to unravel the carefully woven fabric of his reality. Each step further unravels a labyrinthine conspiracy, hinting at a dark truth—one that threatens not only the lives of those within the university's walls but the delicate balance between worlds.

ThunderWarlord · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Solo Leveling

"I understand your curiosity, but I assure you that these hunters are seasoned professionals. You can place your trust in them completely. In fact, you'll have a chance to meet them once your dungeon clearing process is completed."

Amidst the uncertain glances exchanged by the students, the reality sank in - they couldn't escape the dungeon clearing process. Resigned, they began forming groups, pairing up to create parties for the upcoming challenge. In the midst of the bustling activity, Issac stood apart, fixated on the imposing entrance of the B-ranked dungeon. A seriousness settled on his features, yet a flicker of determination shone in his eyes.

Like the others, he had never faced a B-ranked dungeon before. It was a significant leap in difficulty, but amid the doubts, Issac oddly felt a sense of calm and control. Though his mind was burdened with thoughts of being manipulated by the NIB, there was an unexplained shift in his mindset as he stood before the threshold of the dungeon. Perhaps the tangible challenge of the dungeon itself provided a welcome distraction from the intangible worries of his deal with the powerful organization.

"Hey Issac!" As Issac stood there, lost in his contemplation, a familiar voice suddenly broke the silence, drawing his attention. It was Maria, accompanied by Edgar, both wearing welcoming smiles. "We were thinking, since it's our first B-ranked dungeon, it'd be smart to team up," Maria said, gesturing to herself and Edgar. She extended her hand toward Issac, adding, "So, how about it? Wanna be part of our team?"

As Issac parted his lips to respond, his words caught in his throat, interrupted by the sudden emergence of two boisterous voices. Beaver and Enrique materialized from behind him, their presence announcing their arrival with gusto. "Hold on there, Maria! Don't even think about it!" Beaver interjected, a mischievous glint in his eye. "He's not going to join your team, because he's joining us!"

Enrique chimed in, adding fuel to the fire, "You heard it right! Issac's with us!" He raised his fist triumphantly as he spoke.

Maria's eyebrows shot up, and she glanced between Issac, Beaver, and Enrique. "Why would he join you two?" She asked, her tone carrying a mix of amusement.

Enrique, never one to back down, planted his foot firmly on the ground and jutted out his chin defiantly. With a confident grin, he proclaimed, "Because we're best friends! That's why!"

Beaver's exclamation echoed through the clearing, accompanied by a hearty pat on Enrique's back and a triumphant fist raised high. "Exactly!" he boomed, his voice filled with confidence. "Issac knows we've got what it takes. He only teams up with people he trusts!"

Edgar stepped forward, his posture challenging. He faced Enrique, poking his chest with an assertive finger, and retorted, "You really think Issac doesn't understand the challenges of a B-rank dungeon?" A wry snort escaped him as he continued, "He's not one to take chances lightly. He's a winner, and he'll align himself with the team that offers the best shot at victory, and that's the two of us."

"Uh, guys…" As Issac attempted to speak, his voice was once again drowned out by the assertive stride of Beaver, who confidently positioned himself in front of Enrique, directly facing Edgar. Folding his arms, he began with a mix of conviction and exasperation, "You two are acting like you've got all the winning cards, but let's face the truth here - it's Issac himself who's the real lucky charm."

Beaver's words carried a sense of sincerity and conviction. "There's no need for all this sales pitch about you guys being the ultimate winners," Beaver continued, his voice firm. "The reality is, you both need Issac more than he needs you. So, let's cut the act and be real here."

Enrique, not one to stay silent for long, stepped forward. "Beaver's got a point," he chimed in, nodding in agreement.

Edgar shot back with a snarky smile, "Hey, we're not trying to downplay Issac's importance here, but let's not forget that our team brings its own set of skills to the table."

"Alright, alright…" Maria had clearly reached her limit with the bickering, evident from the exasperated expression on her face. With a long sigh, she walked forward and positioned herself between the two men, hoping to quell the rising tension. "Can we all just take a deep breath and calm down a bit?" she suggested, trying to bring a sense of reason to the situation.

Her gaze shifted to Beaver, and she continued, "I have a suggestion: How about we all team up? Wouldn't that solve all of our problems?" Maria proposed, hoping her idea would foster cooperation and unity among the group.

Enrique, however, raised an eyebrow in response, showing skepticism about the idea. "A five-man party?" he questioned. "Wouldn't that result in a worse division of points? Isn't that the reason why almost everyone chooses a four-man party in the first place?"

The students are rewarded with internal points for completing class exercises. The maximum points that can be earned for a single exercise stand at 10. However, when it comes to group activities, there's a catch - the party size matters. For optimal points distribution, a maximum of four students are allowed in a group. Within a two, three, or four-person party, each member can receive the full 10 points for their contribution. However, if students decide to form a five-man party, while it's permitted, the maximum points for each individual will be reduced due to the larger group size. This creates a dilemma for those seeking both a larger cooperation and maximizing their rewards within the class exercises.

"You're not wrong," Maria concurred, giving a nod to Enrique's concern. "There's a chance that we'll end up earning fewer points," she acknowledged. "But that's only if every other group manages to complete the task perfectly, which, let's face it, is highly unlikely in this scenario."

Maria paused for a moment, her expression determined as she continued, "However, if we team up with Issac, I can guarantee you that we'll ace the test, even with the handicap of a five-person party. His skills and expertise can more than make up for any potential point reduction."

After Maria's proposal, she extended her hand toward Beaver and asked, "So, what do you say?"

Beaver hesitated for a moment, glancing at Enrique before finally responding, "Well, it doesn't sound like a bad deal..." He then turned to face Issac, seeking his opinion. However, to their surprise, Issac was nowhere to be found, leaving the group perplexed. They searched around, trying to locate him, only to discover him engaged in an intense discussion with Professor Karl Mosely.

"When did he get there?" Beaver asked, a puzzled expression on his face, as he looked to the others for an answer. The rest of the group simply shrugged, equally baffled by Issac's sudden disappearance and appearance at the professor's side.

Curiosity piqued among the group as they observed Issac engaged in an animated conversation with Professor Karl Mosely. "What do you think they're talking about?" Edgar inquired, his brow furrowed in speculation. Maria shook her head, her interest also piqued by the intensity of their discussion. "Looks serious. They both seem pretty passionate about it," she speculated, her gaze fixed on Issac and the professor.

Minutes felt like an eternity as the group waited, their attention divided between the intriguing conversation and their own deliberations. Finally, the two men shook hands, and Issac started walking back toward his friends, who eagerly called out to him, urging him to join them swiftly.

"Hey, bruv..." Beaver stepped forward, patting Issac on the shoulder as he arrived. "So, we've been thinking, and we've made a decision. We're all set on teaming up together," Beaver declared, a determined glint in his eye as he spoke on behalf of the group's unified stance.

Issac's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Maria and Edgar for confirmation, and they both nodded in agreement. "Well, that's great!" Issac's enthusiasm was evident. "Looks like I don't have to worry about you guys failing the test, huh.."

"Yeah—wait, what do you mean 'you guys'?" Beaver's excitement dimmed as he noticed the subtle difference in Issac's words.

"Oh..." Issac's nonchalant shrug caught the group off guard. "I already spoke with Professor Mosely about my plan for the dungeon clearing test. So, I guess I won't be joining your team." The four friends were taken aback, exclaiming in unison, "What?!"

"What do you mean you're not joining the team?" Enrique stepped forward, standing in front of Beaver with an incredulous expression. Before he could inquire further, Edgar intervened and asked, "But we formed this team just for you. Did you join someone else's team?"

"Uh..." Issac tried to escape the situation by turning around, but Maria quickly blocked his path, demanding an answer. "Which team did you join?"

"No one," Issac shook his head calmly, sensing the puzzled look on Maria's face. He continued with a composed voice, "I'm solo-ing the dungeon." The revelation left the group in a state of disbelief.