
Universal Guy Omniskills Prodigy ENG

In a cosmos where realities from television series converge, a young man awakens with no memories of his past but possessing encyclopedic knowledge of various worlds. Endowed with exceptional skills in medicine, engineering, and more, he decides to explore and adapt to this new world. Determined to leave behind a solitary past, he seeks to build a life full of meaning and human connections. Using his knowledge to aid others and face personal and technological challenges, his primary goal is to find happiness and form a family in this universe where anything is possible. As he navigates this unfamiliar reality, he discovers that his television knowledge not only guides him but also provides unique tools to tackle everyday challenges and forge new genuine friendships. His story is a quest for personal redemption, emotional growth, and the universal human desire to build a future filled with meaning and love. Author's note: This story will be in both Spanish and English right here on my profile. The character will be a combination of the characters from which his knowledge originates, so if you've seen these three characters, you'll get a sense of how the character behaves. I'm still learning to write well, so please bear with me. While I may create a harem later in the story, it's possible I won't as it progresses, so stay tuned.

Daoist_deus_jouska · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
11 Chs

Chapter 3:Revelations and New Directions

Waking up with less pain than when sleeping is always refreshing, wherever you are. So, the painkiller must be doing its job. Opening my eyes, I can only make out that I am alone in the medical camp. There are about eight beds and I'm lying completely alone... or so they want it to seem. I manage to see stretchers with slight symptoms of having recently had patients. Judging by the suitcases of personal belongings under some of them, I can assume that they have taken most of them out to leave me alone at this moment. The answer did not take long to arrive.

"Good morning, Petty Officer Smith. You seem to be feeling much better. According to the doctor, you will be one hundred percent and ready for the field in a week. I have two news for you, one good and one bad," said a familiar voice. I turned my head and saw Captain Stone, a straight, broad-shouldered man, about 30 or 40 years old by his eyes and hair with spots thicker than young hair. I guess he must be in his 40s. According to John's memories, he is the highest-ranking senior officer in the camp east of Baghdad.

"The good news soldier is that you will be promoted to chief petty officer" walking from the entrance to position himself at the front of my bed.

"Captain, it's always great to hear good news," I responded, feeling the first words leave my mouth as I lowered my tone as I continued speaking. "So, what's the bad news?"

"The bad news," the captain continued, "is that your promotion, as well as last week's entire mission, have been assigned to a secret file. Therefore, you must forget everything that happened. Your mission never happened. and your promotion is on merit. You accomplished a classified mission and returned in one piece. Understood, Chief Petty Officer Smith?"

"Understood, Captain Stone," I responded, trying to digest the information.

"Excuse the lack of respect, sir, but what will happen to my companions?"

"Your comrades will be duly cremated and returned to their families and loved ones. As far as you and I understand, they did their duty to their country. That's all, soldier," he said firmly, raising his voice to emphasize the seriousness of the matter. spot.

"Understood, sir."

"As his position requires it and in search of a better recovery condition, he has been relocated to store 25 in the officers' sector. He will be mobilized tomorrow to his new store awaiting new orders," the captain concluded, before give a military salute to which I reciprocated, and then left the medical tent.



Next Day, Afternoon

After I was moved to my new personal store, I was able to calm down. It was a tent about four square meters eight feet high, with a military bed in the corner, a chest-type wardrobe in front, a desk next to it, and a Dell laptop on top.

"Wow, I haven't seen one of these in a while," I muttered to myself. "It seems like the military doesn't have much resources in this war if they use such an old and bulky laptop. Well, it is what it is." I plugged in the laptop and found the ever-trusty Internet Explorer installed.

"Hahaha, wait, this is Internet Explorer? I haven't seen this interface since... I don't know, 2010? Wow, so retro. Is there an anniversary?" I thought out loud as I looked at the bottom right corner of the screen.

"Wait, back up, John. What date is today?" I stopped dead when I saw the date on the laptop. "Well, this is surprising... January 2, 2008."

"Wait, the explosion took me to the past? Theoretically it would be possible to tear the space-time fabric with enough energy, but we don't know what could happen next, like traveling to the past or the future. It's practically uncharted territory. Considering the Albert's or Minkowski's theorems, we could theorize a distortion strong enough to open a wormhole between temporal spaces, but it would be impossible to transport the body mass with the energy of the explosion alone. According to my calculations, it would not be enough... or it could be that that's why only my mind traveled. But that wouldn't explain the overlapping of new memories. Well, we could assume that the information structure encountered temporary barriers that affected the memories or added new ones, but they should be true memories of other real people. But Tony Stark? Mike Ross? Isn't it that I am one of those novels with some system "system, open system, interface" no, it seems that I don't suppose only information manages to adhere to me but still needing a physical body and it was assigned to anyone. available. Wow, that's why I'm in a different body. This will change history... well, here. My world will be lost from this discovery. Hahaha, take that, corrupt government... or was its world. Meh, anything works. Hahaha."

"Well, don't worry. You're the first space-time traveler from your reality as far as you know, so...what now?" I sat in front of the laptop taking everything in and thinking carefully about my next step. Well, that should have taken a long time, but it only took two minutes.

"Well, to hell with it. My past life was kind of lonely, so this is a new beginning. Assuming it's 2008, I'm a US SEAL. From the terrain I saw before arriving at the base, I'm assuming I'm in Iraq." or Afghanistan. Let's see, I had forgotten how slow devices were in 2008."


After extensive research and flashes of information in my head while doing it, here is the summary: I am a young mixed-race American man. My American mother and my Mexican father. My mother fell in love with my father in a therapy group that tried to keep people away from gangs. Two months after they met, my mother became pregnant and my father disappeared, earning him the disdain of my mother and her entire gang. My mother was cared for by gang families until she was able to move in with her sister in a similar situation, with her two newborn daughters and without a father. Two single mothers supporting a family of five... difficult, right?

Then, little John, at the age of 8, with an abnormal growth measuring 1.53 and looking 15, without permission from either of his mothers, began to work in different jobs: packer, supermarket assistant, delivering simple packages, helping to wash dishes in certain restaurants and, lastly, as a traveling singer, he has a good voice, which gave him a good source of tips. Thus, he saved a large amount of money without spending a single dollar until he was 16 years old. He always took care of his two mothers and his two little sisters, always giving them hugs, supporting them in everything, helping at home, taking care of his sisters, helping with schoolwork. Every time someone insulted them, he would go crazy and finish them off, leaving them without anyone recognizing them. It was a family that loved each other and loved each other, but I don't know what their motives were. After they were 14, there are too many dark spaces in their lives that I can't see. At 16, I simply see flashes with many cuts of how he obtained falsified papers to be 17 years old at a high price, entering the army to miraculously pass through security filters.

One day in December 2006, he left his house leaving an envelope with $20,000 and a goodbye forever. He entered the army with effort in January 2007 after turning 17 in his stationery, he was the best in his course and, at 17 years and 300 days, he was recommended and promoted to petty officer second class. With outstanding achievements in aptitude and physical tests, with a special request, he managed to be deployed to Iraq when he was just 18 years old in his role. After 4 months of being in the conflict, he was promoted to first class petty officer, which brings us here: a child with false papers in the middle of a war died in the middle of a reconnaissance mission, I don't know where he got so much trauma to do everything This, in my opinion, everything was fine with his family, of course, normal problems in society, but he only disappeared, leaving knowledge and traumas that are not mine, leaving me in a very bad situation... but it is what it is, we just have to continue with what it is. . Hahaha. Well then summary of the summary:

"Stupid and young boy, 2 mothers and 2 sisters, mixed race, many traumas, family abandonment, good singer, temperamental, criminal of forgery, a complete patriot, handsome, blue eyes meh I can work with this hahahah" I surrounded the desk to walk and stretch.

Now, knowing who I was and where I was, I had to calculate my next steps. I didn't want to spend more time than necessary in the army, what happens around here is scary, it is better to live outside the army and better if you are protected with the greatest power in the world, exactly money, but I couldn't allow them to erase me to hide to The fact that a minor was in Iraq because of security failures has made many people disappear for less than what would be one more. I needed a plan to get out of here without a scratch.

"All this would be easier with a JARVIS-type AI in my charge, just a jarvis has this jarvis steals money jarvis replaces information blah blah blah once I get out of this it will be my priority," I murmured, remembering my previous life.

"But I'll make do for now. I need to make sure the military acts as if this never happened and, if possible, benefit from it. Of course, I'm not an idiot."

With my knowledge and skills acquired, the most useful one at the moment is easily Edward Anthony Stark, better known as Iron Man in the movies of my past or future? It's confusing.

With this I could develop new weaponry that would put our forces far above the others without actually creating Mark armor. I took out a notebook and a pen from my backpack. I needed to start with something impactful, something that demonstrated my capabilities or we could go for simpler, low-key functional things. Something like the Jericho missile or simple personnel attachments, a full-scale firearm is a very good deterrent, but also something I could be murdered for after obtaining it. I would have to develop them in a maximum of 5 months, which is the culmination point of my first deployment and my next review before returning home. Furthermore, he needed to complete one or two heavy duty missions to have a say in front of someone important.

I began to draw the plans, concentrating on every detail. Each stroke on the paper represented a step toward my new beginning, a beginning that woke me up in a chaotic place, but I didn't dislike it. After a life dedicated to helping the planet and being a lonely character with no personal aspirations, I said to myself: "Meh, then I will bring improvements to the world, so I don't feel so much negative karma. New life, new thoughts."

And so, with a smile on my face, I took my first step towards my new destiny.

It is difficult to write when you read the first chapters and your writing seems different. It is as if you yourself cannot reach the standard. It is frustrating but here is another chapter. I thank you for reading another chapter. Author out

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