
The Title "god Exterminator " Was Born.

Zykan knew the main reason but chose not to tell it because just knowing something will endanger someone's life.

Not to involve the two beauties in his secret, he said;

*Maybe that's really the reason and I will kill everyone who are envolve. Well, before I go, is there a place in the Yang family where I can gain knowledge about this planet and other things?

Now that there's a chance for this wife to help her husband,directly;

*Let's go. The Yang family has that place and only a few can enter.

Taking the initiative;

*Sister Qy, I will wait for you here.

*Well, this will not take long. Let's have a good chat went I return.

After saying goodbyes, the couple left the room heading to a well protected hidden room.


Planet Earth, Philippines, Ifugao city.

In a forest under the territory of Caba, Maria and the others had just cleared the area from beasts which is the last one for them to relax a bit.

Rianne with a somewhat sad face;

*Aunt Maria, did Zykan really left Earth and on another planet right now?

*Why are you asking me that when you're the one who made the conclusion? Well, I can agree to that just basing on the levels of the new nieces that joined our party. Because no woman can reach level one hundred two in her seventies. Don't forget that their race is not human so Zykan is definitely on another planet. Don't worry, I will give to you the spaceship for you to do your thing. I'm sure you can find something that can lead to where Zykan is.

Only when hearing the words did this niece named Rianne felt better; has confidence in herself to find some clue about her beloved man.

Back to King City...

Yang family territory...

In a hall, the king is talking to his surbordinates about the affairs of the family when suddenly, a messenger came rushing as he;

*Urgent news! Urgent news!

Having the privilege to interrupt, this king didn't get angry instead;

*Go on.

Getting the permission;

*My king, a restricted evolved being is on his way to our city. I'm afraid it's a god level.

*What!? Do you know it's purpose? *My king, according to a source, he goes around to cities and ask for treasures and resources. If not given, the city will be destroyed.

*What!? Is he not afraid of Heavens' punishment?

*He's not my king because many cities have been robbed but still didn't get any punishment from the Heavens.

*Then does it mean we need to give too. Well, as long as it's not too much. Go,,, come inform me if he's near.

*Yes my King.

When the messenger left, this king immediately;

*Inform all the families about the news. Warn them to keep their female members not to become a plaything.

*Yes my King.

The words were not addressed to someone but a strong evolved being went to acknowledge before he disappear.

And also, the king went to order the presence of all the core member of the family for a meeting; while those female members should stay in their rooms.

Everyone are quick to come and there, the meeting started on how the family should act if things get bad.

More than an hour later;

*Urgent news! Urgent news! The god level being has arrived at the city and on his way here.

When the king heard this;

*Let's go and wait for him outside.

Took the lead to head outside, followed by the main force of the family.

Coincidentally, Zy and Qy came out from a room and immediately was approached by a maid saying;

*First princess, the king gave an order for all the female members of the family to stay in their rooms. A god level evolved being is coming and all females in the city should hide not to become one time plaything.

It seems that this princess knows the drill and directly;

*Alright, you should go to your room too.

*Thank you first princess.

And so, they head back to their rooms.

Arriving at the room, didn't see Meilei, giving Qy a bad premonition.

*Stay here and I will find him. I can still smell her scent so she's nearby.

Worried about her good sister, urge her man to go.

After kissing his woman on the forehead, quickly left the room heading fast to the direction where the scent is coming from.

Arriving at the place which is just in front of the gate of the Yang territory, saw Meilei restrianed by two male beings.

The members of the Yang family want to help but were intimidated by the god level in front them.

Arrogant and domineering;

*This beauty will entertain me in my room while waiting for your gifts.

Of course this king won't allow it and want to negotiate but Zykan is more domineering but not arrogant to step in saying;

* A god level is too shameless to come here and bully. Well, i'm sure your a loser in the god world and decided to find a place where you can become superior. Am I right.

It's definitely wrong but this god level evolved being was infuriated by the words and in a very fast speed, went to grab Zykan on the neck and raised him on the air.

*Brother Zy, no...

Meilei was powerless and can only scream the words.

But this father-in-law is not and about to give the order to attack when suddenly, Zykan's body broke into insect-like things and quickly crawl straight to the god's mouth, ears and nose through his hand.

With fast reflex, able to exterminate most of these insect-like things but missed a few.

This flesh eating bugs, directly aim for the brain, eating it in a fast speed.

Only one long scream was done and this god level evolved being has died just like that; the small brain was eaten, followed by the whole body.

These two followers holding Meilei were too scared to let go of the beauty and want to escape but blocked by the main force of the Yang family; were quickly restrained.

While everyone is still processing the scene, the real Zykan appeared and said;

*Uncle, please handle the aftermath.

Went to take the hand of Meilei saying;

*Let's go, Qy is worried in her room.

She just nod and let the man lead her.

The two just took one step when;

*Son-in-law, how about those things?

Seeing a little fear in the eyes;

*Don't worry father-in-law, they're just enjoying their meal and will come back to me when all done.

Won't expose himself for too long not to attract the attention of his enemy and left directly with Meilei after saying the words...