

one agrees with peace while one agrees with war , a young girl who was born in a village with strong abilities ,but she never knew until she was 16 . she tried to control her abilities and it worked except for one , her last ability was the strongest which has a bit of dark ability and strong enough to eliminate a country , but the girl was not aware that the dark ability of hers could cause great destruction . she tries to solve peace between the conflict among all states against a village,but her dark ability makes it difficult , an old master trained her to control her abilities ,but turns out........

coni334 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

The night

We all were called to go to the main hole ,as we arrived we saw different types people which looked pretty fancy .

I took a sit next to mom and dad and started having dinner ,the food was terrific , I felt as if stuffing my face with candy .

Most of the people invited were older than me ,except for a young boy in the left side of the table who seemed to be almost my age .

The boy had soft silky brown hair and gray eyes , I saw him for a moment and quickly turned my face down as he turned his face towards me .

"😊 ,look at that kid ,he seems to be your age " Mom nodded " so " I replied ," don't you think he is cute " mom said while smiling in a funny way ," 😑 ,no , I think he's neutral " I said while stuffing myself with food .

" why don't you talk to him " mom said while pushing my elbow " mo...m shush ,the meeting is starting " I said as I saw the Duke giving speech .

I slowly turned my face to the boy and he looked at me in a very weird way ,I felt so uncomfortable that I turned my face right away .

" We are gathered early cause we are here to express ourselves and know each other better " the Duke said while having a seat on the very long table .

We ate dinner and my parents started talking to other adults while living me behind , I was a bit bored cause I had no one to talk too ,uh ! I wish Jerry was here .

I went outside through the large balcony next to the dinner table and started looking at those amazing stars .

" hey " someone said in a smooth voice from behind ,I slowly turned around and saw that boy from the dinner place ," h..i" I smiled ," I noticed that your from Vegetavia ,aren't you " the boy said while handing me a flower ," y..a ,how did you know " I said while rubbing my hands .

" Vegetavia is my favourite place ,I figured out someone as cute as you is definitely from there " he said while coming a bit closer .

" 😳 o..w , well nice to meet you " I said while moving a bit further ,I felt a bit awkward and very embarrassed at the same time .

" My name is Arthur ,what's yours ? " he said while standing next to me , " I'm Uniqa " I replied ,the weather was a bit cold and I couldn't help myself shivering .

" here take my coat " Arthur said while giving me his coat ," thanks ,but I'm okay " I nodded ,the night was a bit uncomfortable ,Arthur kept asking me millions of questions and I kept answering false questions ,and some of his questions were so weird .

" well goodnight malady " Arthur said while kissing my hands " bye " I said while waving my hands and quickly whipping my hands with my cloth as he left .

I went to my room and started combing my hair ,my hair reaches my thighs ,but I really want to cut it and have a shorter hair .

" hi honey " mom said while entering my room slowly " hi mom " I greeted " so ,how was your night " mom asked " not much " I replied " what about that boy you saw in the dinning table " mom asked " ya....we talked for a while ,but I'm not into anything right know " I said while holding my hair together to braid it ," sure ...,but you gotta tell me everything that happens ok " mom said while leaving and closing the door .

It was a long day ,it's hard to keep my abilities a secret while being in a royal family ,everyone expects much more than what your made of .

I layed on my bed and slept as the dream hit my head .