

one agrees with peace while one agrees with war , a young girl who was born in a village with strong abilities ,but she never knew until she was 16 . she tried to control her abilities and it worked except for one , her last ability was the strongest which has a bit of dark ability and strong enough to eliminate a country , but the girl was not aware that the dark ability of hers could cause great destruction . she tries to solve peace between the conflict among all states against a village,but her dark ability makes it difficult , an old master trained her to control her abilities ,but turns out........

coni334 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

3 .1 :

After the longest hour of my life I woke from my sleep and saw that master and Cleo were not inside the house ," were did they went ?" I asked Jerry " They are going to arrange a new training area for you " Jerry replied .

I stood up from my sleep and walked towards the door , " aren't you coming " I said while turning my face to Jerry " nah ! I think I'm going to read a bit more " Jerry replied .

I went outside and saw master , " master !what is all this ? " I asked as I saw a beautiful green land in front of the house " Our next training is relaxation and free expressions " master sighs as he sat on the beautiful grass .

I sat next to master and followed his every step , after a while Cleo joined us by sitting down and closing his eyes to focus .

" pss! hey Cleo " I whispered " would you mind showing me some of your abilities " I asked " Sure ,but master told us to relax and focus " Cleo nodded , " it's going to be quick , just a single trick ,Pleeaaaasseee 🥺 " I said while giving him the sad eye look .

" ok !" Cleo agreed , he pulled out his hands and moved it to the upper direction , the leaves and stems near our area started growing upwards and as he moved his hands downwards , the plants moved downwards too .

" woow!!!" I said while clapping my hands hardly, master opened his eyes and looked at us " what's wrong" master asked " n..nothing , I....was just excited about our training ,w..ow I love relaxation " I said while looking awkwardly nervous .

" Ok then " master replied ,I can't believe how he believed us easly ,well good to know.

After our session of relaxation ,we went back to masters house and master started lecturing us about our abilities including the ones we do not now .

" So you're saying that one of the six people who has an ability like us is unknown? " I asked " Yes ,but according to the book , the unknown power may be teleportation " master replied "you read this from a book !? " I yelled .

" which kind of book would explain everything about our abilities ,specialy mine ?" I asked while looking at master " remember dear , knowledge can come from unexpected source " master said like every of his inspirational quotes " but book is an expected source ,you told me that last time " I replied .

" well that's not the point " master nodded " then what is ?🤨" I asked again " you now what ,why don't you go outside and start training " master said while placing and arranging the books back to their shelf .

"ok then ,bye " I said while running outside . We trained a lot ( actually ,for about 5 min ) that we got tired , we layed down on the grass and started looking at the sky ,it was so beautiful .

The day was finally over , We went back home as the dark covered the light and the stars flourished the night .

2 weeks later

I spent most of the weekends training and trying to control my abilities ,and I finally was able to control one of my abilities which was camouflage .

I woke up early in the morning and ate my breakfast ,I packed my materials and as I was going to leave ,I accidentally hit the cabinet and a scroll fall on my head ," ouch !" I said while rubbing my head .

I saw the scroll that fall on my head , I opened the scroll slowly and found a letter , the letter was written in a language which I understand so I started reading it .

" Forces and weakness of Desertavia " I read the tittle with a low voice , " why would dad want to know about weakness of something called Desertavia ? " I asked myself .

I packed up the scroll into my bag as I herd footsteps ," hello ! ,Uniqa my dear where have you been ,I was looking for you !" dad said in excitement "I was here all along " I said in joy.

" why are you so exited dad " I asked " Today is the annual meeting of our village and we have special guests arriving today " Dad said in joy " what guests ? " I asked again " Our special guests are the royal family from Anthrazanya " Dad said while giving me a strong hug " dad ..your chocking me " I said while holding my breath ," sorry " dad said while putting me down.

Anthrazanya as in the great leaders of all states are coming to our village for a meeting ,well that is quite unusual cause they only held every important meeting in their fancy castle .

" don't be late in our delightful meeting ok sweetie , wherever you are going you must arrive on time " dad said while leaving the tent .

I wasn't exited at all about the meeting ,I hope it's not as boring as the rest of the meetings which I never attend.