As I follow Allmight towards Nezu's office, I can't help but think about how the interaction will go, sure I have the mind of a supercomputer and can run thousands of simulations in my brain, but that is under the assumption that I have the information going into it, after all, you can't complete an equation if you have neither the variables nor the outcome to pull from, neither am I good at conversation, but I am good at mind games, subtle cues, and overanalyzing things, but so is he, mix two people with brains capable of processing information to such a degree that they can see the world in slow motion and completely think through their response without even a moment passing of real time, and you get an interesting situation, and even my cold, dull heart cant help but get exited at the conversation to come, so I quietly wait as Allmight knocks on the office door, eager for the conversation that will soon follow, and as I pop my head through the door I cant help but feel satisfied as I watch Nezu stiffen at my appearance, a smug smile developing beneath my mask, and I can tell he notices, a look of annoyance crossing his face, likely a mixture of genuine and fake, but most certainly hiding his growing interest in the ongoing situation, and I decide to start the game.
"well then what an interesting creature you are, I thought I was coming to meet the landowner, not a mouse, rat, bear, hybrid, but I guess you never know what to expect in the world do you?" my seemingly benign question letting the people in the room, scratch that likely only Nezu, Allmight isn't very Allbright after all, that I was very much aware of who I would be meeting before hand, by using one of Nezu's common fraises, while also not invoking suspicion due to him using it on tv a few times, at least to my knowledge of cannon, at the cost of maybe putting my earlier story of not knowing the location I built my house in beforehand, although unless they knew I simply happened to appear there someone like Nezu most certainly never believed such a claim.
"haha, well thats most certainly true, my name is Nezu, the Principal of UA high! please, have a seat. would you like some tea? it's very good." Nezu responds, evidently deciding to humor me, and so I nod and sit across from him on a couch, kicking my feet up onto the table in front of me, as with a quick wave of my hands the teacup and kettle appear in my hands, as I pour myself a glass, the Intonation that I am not at Nezu's mercy certainly not lost on him if the subtle raise of his eyebrow is anything to go by, while Allmight stiffens in the corner, likely out of stress at the possibility I might attack Nezu, something any analyzing person would know I could have done already and without his intervention had I wanted, but that doesn't negate the possibility I simply waited knowing they would be aware of that, as a way to lower their guards, as the old meme goes, just according to keikaku.
My eyes light up as the tea fills my mouth, the kettle long having returned to Nezu's desk, a genuine reaction not supressed due to its favorable consequences on the atmosphere, as I feel genuine delight at having drunk such a fine green tea, my enhanced tongue and nose, some of the few organs I never removed or replaced, not due to necessity, but simply due to my enjoyment of flavors and smells after I integrated a qualia filter into them, my mind doesn't automatically convert stimuli into qualia like the normal person after all, and the tension in the room drops slightly at my display of joy at the tea.
"Well I can see you like the tea, its one of my favorites as well, please feel free to have more should you wish." Nezu tells me, an offer I will most certainly take him up on, as I tell him, but we cant just exchange pleasantries forever, and I can see poor Allmight in the corner struggling to understand the situation, and likely running low on time in his transformation depending, now I would say this depends on what timeline I'm in but I can literally see his body falling apart with my enhanced perception so its not just a possibility.
and so I quickly empty my cup, once again warping the kettle into my hand to refill, as I continue the conversation, not once looking up from my cup as it fills. "well then I can see poor Allmight is struggling to understand what's going on right now so how about we get back on topic, And I would like to come to an agreement quickly after all, as I'm sure you already know I'm well aware of where I am and who you all are, but I would like to explain my circumstances up to this point." and It's almost comical watching the surprise pass over Allmights eyes, and as expected, a distinct lack of said emotion on Nezu, only furthering Allmights Surprise, but he wont play a part in this conversation, so me and Nezu both simply ignore his questioning gaze.
"well certainly I am curious, and while I highly doubt you to be a villain I wouldn't be a very good principal if I didn't investigate a suspicious person on academy property now, would I, I hope you don't take any offence."
"none taken, I certainly would be suspicious in your position, and considering in a normal court of law I would be found guilty of multiple violations in my position, the most major being trespassing, I'm glad you took the time to talk to me at all. But lets get down to business, see when I told your colleagues I was nameless, I was not lying, see my earliest memory was within that forest, and I have no parents that I know of, so I simply lived out my life there, and it was only recently that I first connected to the outside world and learned of my surroundings, so I genuinely didn't know it was private property when I built here."
I'm very careful not to lie, unless you count lies by omission of course, see while I know no one in this room has a quirk designed to detect lies, I also know that Nezu with his advanced perception and analytical abilities would catch even the smallest microexpressions like me, honestly cannon never did his quirk justice, but while I'm confident in myself not to show any microexpressions, I also know that there are lie detecting quirks capable of determining lies from recorded audio, and that Nezu himself has connection's to at least one, and such an intelligent person like Nezu would most definitely be recording this conversation, so I don't have the luxury of generating a false background, not that I would if I could anyway, simply to much effort, and to easily broken. and its just boring, not to mention completely unnecessary, and considering Allmight and Nezu's personality this will get me lots of brownie points, and I'm proven right at the expressions crossing their faces, and it takes everything in my power not to laugh at their plight. It seems regaining my emotions has made me quite the asshole.
now to play with their emotions a bit, "now I would like to continue to live here if at all possible, see since I lived here my entire life I have nothing outside of this forest, and while it would be incredibly easy to establish a fake background and find a source of funding, I would much rather simply maintain my current catlike lifestyle, and since I'm sure you would have some demands in such a situation I'm more than willing to negotiate.
(an: I'm dropping two chapters today as apologies for my late updates, and while that might not seem like a lot to you for missing a week, remember I'm writing two stories, so that's actually 4 in one day.)