

Nate_Nate_9400 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs


The two girls stood staring at the other in an awkward and tense silence. Both were trying to process what had just occurred. Mabel had witnessed the transformation, there was no doubt about it in Dani's mind, and that terrified her. Would the brunette run away?

Said girl was struggling to believe what she had witnessed, having believed that Dani was just an average teenager. No another mystery in town...

Realising the silence had gone on far too long, the Halfa spoke up.

"I can explain!"

She cringed at the sound of her own voice. Panicked.

"So funny story-"

"Have you been lying to us? Are you actually the bad guy?" Mable finally spoke, albeit cutting off Dani.

"What?" She responded, completely taken off guard, "No, no. Of course not! I swear. I'm not here to hurt anyone." The last thing she wanted was to be thought of as a threat. Things could only go downhill from there.

"W-what was that though? Your colours and stuff just completely changed!"

Dani rubbed her neck, "Um."

"What did you just do? And how?!" The brunette demanded more confidently, with a defensive edge to her voice.

"It was all an illusion?" The Halfa joked, not even buying the sincerity myself.

It seemed she'd just have to tell the girl, there wasn't really anyway around this now. The transformation had been seen first hand...

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking at the other girl with worried eyes.

"Okay Mabel, please don't freak out anymore than you already have when I explain this to you." She exhaled sharply, "I'm a Halfa...It means I'm half human and half ghost. Yeah, ghosts exist by the way... Sorry I'm kinda saying this bluntly, if you wanna sit down and process this feel fre-"

"I know ghosts exist." Mabel blurted out, cutting her off again.

"Wait you do!?"

As far as Dani had known, no one outside of Amity Park had been aware of the existence of ghosts. At least no one who had ever been to the town... So how could Mabel? Is it because of everything that's already in Gravity Falls? Or maybe the book she had?

"I uh- Me and Dipper have met ghosts before...It's a long story. But I don't get how can you be half ghost? Dipper would have mentioned if it said that in the journal." The brunette gasped all of a sudden, causing Dani to glance around in surprise. Mabel placed a hand in front of her mouth, all the suspicion replaced by concern, "Did you half die?" She practically whispered.

Dani shrank back slightly, "I..." She clutched an arm and cast her gaze to the ground. She didn't really have an answer to that question.

Mabel clearly noticed the ravenette's discomfort as she was quick to apologise, "Sorry, that was rude!..Can you tell me about your powers though maybe?" She asked the question with a small hint of excitement.

The Halfa couldn't help the laugh that escaped.

"Well, you warmed up to the idea of me being supernatural quite quickly." She stated a little happily.

The girl in the sweater beamed back, "What can I say, I'm used to it!..Sort of...Besides! Now that I know we can still be friends I'm pretty excited about the whole thing!"

Dani was taken aback, "Wait, you still want to be friends with me?"

Mabel nodded, "Of course! You're still a good person and if anything this makes our friendship even better because we have a secret no one else in town knows about!"

The ravenette felt a smile spread across her face. She actually had someone to call a friend who she could confide in about her secret? It seemed like Gravity Falls was becoming better and better.

"So, you wanna know about my powers?" She started, "Well prepare to be amazed!"


After a brief explanation and show of Dani's most basic powers (done in human form), the two girls sat criss-crossed in the middle of the clearing, conversing about personal experiences with the supernatural.

"And that's how I met a couple of cute vampires! You know, I'm pretty sure I never got to tell Dipper that story...Maybe I will later! Now, you tell me more about Amity Park!"

"Heh. As much as boy talk grosses me out I think that was a cool tale. But, right, Amity Park. The town is absolutely full of ghosts, I'm actually really surprised nowhere else knows." Dani pointed out.

"I'm guessing Amity Park doesn't have a society of crazy people who erase memories though!" Mabel joked.

The Halfa pulled a face, "What?"

"Oh, um, like I said, I can't really tell you about the best adventures I've had because they all involved Dipper and it wouldn't be right to talk about them without him knowing."

"Right, don't worry I get that."

Mabel rested her chin in her hands, "So, are the ghosts in Amity Park full ghosts or Halfas like you?" she continued.

"Full ghosts...Halfas are crazy rare." Dani summed up, not wanting to go into detail about it, "Hey, this is kinda random, but do you think maybe we should go back now? We've probably been here a while?" She suggested.

"Probably." The brunette shrugged, "Let's get going!"

Dani stood and stretched before helping the sweater-lover up too.

She scratched her neck for a moment, "Hey, you know the way back right?" She asked with concern.

"Sure I do! I've been in this forest enough times to learn...I think."

"Good enough for me." Dani breathed and followed the younger girl as she guided them back.

A comfortable silence settled over the two for most of the journey until Dani started up a new conversation.

"Mabel, why did you come out here in the first place?" She asked.

The brunette seemed confused by the question but smiled a little bit, "You didn't come back from the walk so I went to look for you." She replied.

The Halfa paused and began to consider how long she'd been gone.

"Oh...Well, sorry to have worried you but as you saw I had something to deal with." She smirked.

Mabel laughed, "I thought you might've been lost, I didn't expect this outcome though! I still hardly believe I'm friends with a superhero! Oh! I have to tell Dipper! And Candy and Grenda! They're my other friends by the way," she began to ramble, "Oh my gosh! I haven't even introduced you to them!"

Dani looked at her in alarm and grabbed her arm, "Wait! Mabel stop a second."

Said girl halted on the spot and faced her friend, "What's the matter?"

"The matter is that my alter ego is a secret. I can't let anyone know. You're an exception because you found out by accident." She pinched the bridge of her nose, "I'd still be okay with meeting your friends though, just as long as you don't tell them my secret."

For a moment, the brunette frowned, but she seemed to understand.

"Let's come to an agreement." Dani continued and stretched out a hand, "I won't say a word about the supernatural in Gravity Falls to anyone if you promise to tell no one about my secret. Not even Dipper."

Mabel looked from her face to the hand and back before ultimately taking Dani's outstretched palm. The two stared at eachother with hardened expressions before shaking hands and sealing the deal.

"My lips are zipped." Mabel said, doing the universal sign of keeping a secret.

"Same." Dani quickly reached into her pocket and brought out the journal, "I believe this is yours."

"Well, technically it's Dipper's Journal but thanks." She grabbed it and placed it in her jumper, "Oh, and don't tell him you found it okay, he'll freak out forever."

"Sure," the ravenette laughed, "Let's act like nothing happened."