

Nate_Nate_9400 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Red Alert

The blue eyed 13 year old stepped out into the cool summer air of Gravity Falls and began her descent into the forest. She didn't exactly know what she was expecting to find, but hopefully there would be something. Then it wouldn't be a wasted journey...And totally cool.

Dani had never really considered the idea of anything other than people, animals and ghosts existing in the world but, really, that was only down to the lack of proof. Danny never mentioned anything and neither did Vlad but Vlad never really told her anything anyway and she didn't really spend enough time with Danny. She hoped to be able to see him again soon...If he wasn't busy or anything.

The young teen worried she'd be too much of a burden on the boy, given the fact that the past two times she'd shown up it had caused trouble for him. With Vlad of all people...

As Dani got further into the forest, she came to the realisation that she didn't have a clue as to where she was going. Deeper into the forest? The East? Just wandering about aimlessly? These were all legitimate questions.

She stopped walking for a moment and readjusted the blue bag that was slung over one shoulder as she surveyed the area. Nothing really stood out since everything was just trees but there were a few paths on the forest floor.

"Eh." She merely shrugged after a moment and followed a random one ahead. Frankly, if she got stuck finding her way back, she could just fly overhead. Inconspicuously of course.


Around ten minutes after her departure from the Mystery Shack, having found and seen nothing out of the ordinary, the ravenette figured it was safe to say there was nothing to find. Well, that sucked. Even more so that she had at one point, found some tracks which only lead to what appeared to be a fox hole. Maybe the thought of there being more out there, specifically hidden away in one of the many isolated towns in the world where only the residents know, similar to Amity Park, had her over excited.

She huffed dejectedly and spun on her heel to begin her journey back, but a familiar chill crawling up her spine forced her to remain in place.

Soon after, she gasped as a wisp of blue trailed out of her mouth.

Dani tensed up and looked around wildly. Her ghost sense hadn't gone off in so long it almost felt foreign to her, but the apprehension settling in . Pretty much Amity Park and a small handful of neighbouring towns had had ghost activity, but nowhere else. Well, you could count the few ghost portals that had appeared elsewhere, but nothing ever came out of any of them. Dani had checked...So, why the random ghost activity so far away in Oregon?

The Halfa shook her head, that could be answered later, right now she had to figure out where this ghost was. Hopefully they wouldn't be a trouble maker. Maybe they'd gotten lost in the Ghost Zone?

Un-tensing her shoulders, she tried to act casual while taking a good look around the forest. Nothing stood out at first but then two beady yellow eyes became visible in the bushes. A low growling followed.

Ever so slowly, a hulking, dark beast was revealed to the small girl as it crawled out of the shrubbery and made its way towards her. It's teeth glinted in the sun's light as it stopped about a metre away, towering above while it's hairy body shook with every breath. It growled again.

Allowing her eyes to de-widen, Dani cleared her throat, "Soo, do ya talk big guy?" She tried.

Instead of responding, the hulking thing leant down to her height, shut it's eyes and sniffed her. The girl stood still for a few seconds and then went to complain, but the creature suddenly huffed and opened it's mouth to let out a long loud roar right in her face that blew her hair back but did nothing to faze the girl much.

"Man, I'd give you a tic-tac if I had one because your breath ain't that great." she joked with a grimace. Unfortunately, the result of this was that the beast roared another time before falling back getting ready to attack her.

Definitely a trouble maker.

"You know what, I'll give you a chance to go back without us figh-" She was cut off by another ferocious roar.

Dani took a few steps back and smirked, "To be honest, I haven't had to do this in a while so thanks I guess."

"I'm GOING GHOST!" She declared before a bright light split from her torso and she was transformed into her ghost form.

The flash startled the creature so the Halfa took the opportunity to drive an upper cut blow into its chin. The beast reeled back and wagged its head to focus before lunging for the girl. With a quick flip to the left, the creature was left to go crashing into a tree. As it struggled to untangle itself, Dani opened the journal which had fortunately come with the transformation and flipped through it.

"Bingo." She whispered while reading over the desired passage.

Apparently the creature was called a Gremloblin...so definitely not a ghost. The book explained that one shouldn't look directly into its eyes or they'd see their worst nightmare. The beast's weakness was its own reflection...

Dani noticed the reflection note was written in a different coloured pen with different handwriting to the rest of the page too. Maybe it was Dipper.

The Halfa glanced around and frowned, "Well I don't see any water nearby or some other reflecting thing so I guess it's just a matter of getting you to clear off!"

The Gremloblin removed itself from the tree at last and Dani rushed forward to deliver another hit, this time to its stomach, making it land hard on its back. As it fell, a large hand swatted out and whacked Dani into the floor a shortish distance away.

After shaking the cobwebs out of her head, the Halfa sat up with a grimace.

"Big mistake." She muttered before dissappearing from sight.

The Gremloblin made a confused grunt and looked around with bewilderment. While remaining invisible, the ravenette floated up behind the creature and kicked it forwards. It face-planted the ground and spat out some dirt with annoyance.

"I'll give you one last chance to go off now before I kick your butt okay?" Dani squatted with her hands on her knees beside it and outstretched a hand.

To the girl's initial relief, the Gremloblin too reached out a hand, but then decided to grab her hand forcefully and flicked its wrist outwards sending her across the clearing. Dani forced her feet into the ground, bringing her to a skidding stop before she ultimately crashed into something anyway.

Dani rolled her eyes at the beast, "Don't say I didn't warn you!"

Hopefully this would be her final attack. With a bolt of speed, she dashed into its stomach again and shoved it upwards into a higher point of a tree. She floated back to the ground as it collapsed onto the forest floor. It lifted its head weakly as she stood in front of it.

"Boo!" She whisper-yelled sarcastically and finally it seemed to back away from her.

It shot up and whimpered pathetically before darting off deeper into the greenery.

"Yeah you run!" The Halfa yelled at its retreating form, "Wuss." she muttered to herself.

So that went well? She proved that the book was right after all. There actually were more beings out in the world. Did Danny know that? Perhaps she could ask him at some point.

With a proud exhale of air, Dani released her transformation. Suddenly time seemed to slow down as she felt the rest of the air escape her lungs, like a ton of bricks has just been dropped onto her. Actually no, that she could carry, it felt more like two whales.

The Halfa held her head as it pounded continuously and braced herself briefly as a wave of nausea passed over her body.

"Please tell me I'm not destabilising again." She whined uncomfortably.

And then it stopped. The feeling passed and she felt okay again.

Dani stood there for a moment, trying to regather her thoughts.

Still a little shaken up but ready to walk, she figured it was time to go back to the Shack. She needed to get back to Mabel who was likely wondering where her little "stroll" had taken her to.

But then, maybe that conversation wouldn't be taking so long to happen as the ravenette had previously expected. As she turned around, there the older twin stood.

Mabel's mouth hung open in a silent cry of surprise and Dani stepped back awkwardly.

"I can explain!"