
Unexpectedly Yourss

Lisa Kirby’s life turns upside down when she accidentally summons Adrian, a fictional character, into the real world. Adrian warns her of catastrophic consequences if he isn’t sent back, but amidst the tension and chaos, an undeniable attraction sparks between them. As they race against time to restore balance, their connection deepens into a passionate romance. Caught between her love for Adrian and the urgent need to save both worlds, Lisa faces an impossible choice. Will love conquer all, or will duty tear them apart? Dive into a tale of romance, sacrifice, and the power of love across realms.

Freethoughts · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Chapter 06

Liza's POV

It was 7 AM when I finally stirred from my slumber, the early morning light filtering gently through the curtains. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I glanced around my room, taking in the familiar yet chaotic scene. My bed was a sea of scattered notes and an open laptop, remnants of my late-night study session that had stretched into the early hours. With a sigh, I sat up, stretching and yawning, feeling the dull ache of fatigue tugging at my eyelids. Despite the late hour at which I had finally succumbed to sleep, my internal clock had roused me early.

Reluctantly, I reached for my phone, hoping for a distraction to shake off the lingering grogginess. As the screen lit up, a notification caught my eye—a text message from Nate. In an instant, the last vestiges of sleepiness vanished, replaced by a flutter of excitement. My heart quickened as I saw his name, a smile spreading across my face. Eagerly, I opened his message, anticipation buzzing through me.

Nate: Hey, I heard about your leave. I hope you're good?

I couldn't help but smile wider at his text. He was genuinely concerned about me.

Quickly, I typed a reply.

Me: Yes, I'm fine. I wasn't feeling well for the past few days. Thought I could use a break!

I put aside the scattered work on my bed and was about to get up when my phone buzzed again. Nate had texted back almost immediately. This was the first time he had ever replied so quickly.

Nate: You didn't tell me about this. Never mind. I'm coming to see you!

A frown creased my forehead. This was the first time he had ever said he was coming to my house. The initial flutter of excitement I had felt quickly turned into a knot of anxiety. Butterflies that had been happily fluttering in my stomach now seemed unsettled. Why was he suddenly showing so much concern? Before I could dwell on it too long, another message from Nate appeared on my screen.

Nate: What's your address?

My fingers hovered over the keyboard, uncertain of how to respond. What should I say to him?

Nate: I'm already in my car. I just need to hit your address in my GPS.

I quickly typed back.

Me: It's okay, Nate. I'm fine. You don't have to come here.

Nate: I need to see you. I want to make sure you're fine.

My heart did a backflip at his words. A warm smile spread across my face, and my cheeks flushed a deep rose red. Hesitantly, I typed my address and sent it to him. Then, I fell back on my bed, my mind spinning with daydreams.

Could Nate have feelings for me too? Is he coming to see me because he misses my face? He seems to care about me so much.

Clutching my phone to my chest, I wiggled my legs in excitement, feeling my heart tickle with every beat. My thoughts raced, each one more thrilling than the last, as I imagined the possibilities that Nate's visit could hold. Was it possible that he harbored the same feelings I did, that he was coming here not just out of concern but because he wanted to be close to me?

The anticipation was almost too much to bear. I took a heavy breath, trying to steady myself, my chest rising and falling with the effort. The room felt charged with a new energy, every moment stretching into an eternity. I could hardly believe what was happening—Nate, the person who had occupied my thoughts for so long, was on his way to see me.

With a happy heart, I opened my eyes, only to scream in surprise.

"Jesus Christ! Why do you scream so much?" Adrian complains, his hands clamped over his ears. I sit up abruptly, shooting a fiery glare at him.

"Couldn't you knock?" I snap, my hand pressed against my racing heart. "Don't you know it's wrong to come into a girl's room without permission?"

"I did. Several times," he retorts, his voice sharp. "But you seemed lost somewhere because you didn't hear me calling your name!"

I open my mouth to argue, but the realization hits me like a tidal wave, silencing me. My eyes widen in panic. I had completely forgotten about him. No, no, no—Nate can't see him here. What am I going to tell Nate? Who is he? Why is he here?

"Why are you giving me that look? The same one you had when you first saw me in your house?" Adrian asks, his brows furrowing in confusion as he stares down at me.

"Nate is coming. You have to hide! I can't let him see you here with me!" I blurt out in a single, frantic breath.

"Whoa, wait. First of all, who's Nate? And why do I have to hide?" Adrian's confusion was evident, his brows furrowed as he tried to grasp the situation.

"Because you're a man. I live alone. Everyone knows that. What am I going to tell him when he sees you? Who are you?"

"A friend of yours who's staying over for a few days?" he suggested matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes, my panic mounting."Okay, fine. Relax. I'll stay out of the house until your boyfriend is gone. Okay?"

"Oh, he's—he's not my boyfriend!" I stammered, feeling a flush of embarrassment at the admission.

"If he's not, then why are you worried if he finds me here?"

"I don't want him to see any man around me," I confessed, hoping he would understand. "I like him."

There was a moment of silence before he responded, "You're weird." His annoyance was evident, but I couldn't help but smile at his blunt honesty. Then, a notification from my phone demanded my attention once more. It was another text from Nate.

"Nate - Oh, I forgot to mention. Norah is coming too!"

My smile faltered, replaced by a surge of anger as I clenched my jaw tightly, gripping the phone with intensity.

"That damned woman!" I muttered under my breath, my frustration palpable.

"Miss Kirby?" His voice broke through my thoughts, over concern etched on his features. "You're close to cracking your phone's screen with that aggression."

I looked back at my phone, before explaining through gritted teeth, "His girlfriend is coming with him."

"Nate is in a relationship?" His surprise was evident in both his voice and eyes. I nodded, "Yet, you like him?"

"It's perfectly okay to fall for someone who's committed," I remarked with a shrug, attempting to justify my feelings.

Adrian chuckled, his chuckle almost lifting my spirits. There was a certain beauty to his smile that I couldn't help but admire. "You sound like one of those who wreck marriages," he teased lightly, his words provoking a gasp from me.

"Every goal has a goalkeeper, alright?" I retorted, feeling a pang of offense. "I was just about to try my luck, but... never mind. And he's not even married. I would never ruin a marriage. Besides, he doesn't even seem to be in a happy relationship anyway. So, you better watch your words with me. I'm a nice person!"

Adrian chuckled once more, seemingly amused by my reaction. His laughter only served to irritate me further. But deep down, I was enjoying it too.

"Well," he continued, meeting my gaze with a playful smile, "Since you're helping me go back, I could help you too."

I raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued by his offer. "Help me with what?" I inquired, intrigued by his proposition.

"In getting Nate," he replied with a smirk, his hands casually tucked into the pockets of his beige pants. "Every goal has a goalkeeper, right? Let's see just how strong his is." With a wink, he injected a glimmer of hope into the conversation, eliciting a grin from me in response, "Okay, that smile confirms you're definitely a home wrecker!" he teased further, his words causing me to gasp in a mock offense.

Without hesitation, I grabbed a nearby pillow and playfully struck him with it. His laughter filled the room, easing the tension between us and igniting a sense of camaraderie.