
Chapter 1 (this life)

I smelled the pancakes before my other senses registered their presence. The homey smell of frying butter reached my nostrils and assaulted my brain with mouthwatering images of fluffy, warm goodness.

I rushed down the stair way of my home to see by the corner of my eye my robot flipping pancakes making sure it doesn't sense my presence I stuck around the kitchen aisle where I snagged a soft piece of heaven off the platter stacked deep with the round, tan things. I grabbed a plate and retreated with my prize towards the syrup. After slathering the still steaming treat with liquid sugar, I gingerly cut off a bite and lifted it towards my mouth.

Pure bliss.

The first flavor to unfold on my tongue was the sweetness of the syrup, quickly followed by the delicate, buttery flavor of the pancake itself. The coolness of the syrup and heat of the pancake complemented one another perfectly and only served to bring out the subtle flavor of the pancake itself. I scooped up another bite to replace the one which was quickly dissolving in my mouth, and then another. Before I knew it, all that remained on my plate was dribbles of syrup. I looked towards my robot whom I named Jeff hoping Jeff would serve me more pancakes but to my dismay Jeffry replied to my stare "master lily if I may, today is press conference for the new upcoming project, in which you are in charge of, I have ordered the limo to escort you there master lily. Be on your way then master"

Is it me or is Jeff looking down on me? it can't be he is a robot that I myself programmed. Whatever I buried the thought to the back of my head.