
Unexpected Love Mayhem

Mei Wen, an orphaned soul haunted by a painful past, believes she has reached the end of her rope until a chance encounter with the enigmatic Gu Yao changes the course of her life. Gu Yao, the formidable business magnate with a hidden darkness, unexpectedly intertwines his fate with Mei Wen's. As Mei Wen grapples with the wounds of love and the echoes of her lonely existence, she becomes entangled in a web of mysteries surrounding Gu Yao. Little does she know, their connection runs deeper than chance encounters. Unveiling unsolved mysteries and confronting buried secrets, Mei Wen and Gu Yao embark on a journey that challenges their perceptions of love, revenge, and the true meaning of belonging. In the labyrinth of Gushen City's elite, Mei Wen and Gu Yao navigate a delicate dance, with sparks flying and unsolved puzzles emerging. Will they succumb to the shadows of their past, or will a new spark ignite, bringing with it a chance at redemption and love? Join Mei Wen and Gu Yao as they navigate the intricacies of their intertwined destinies. Can they rewrite their stories, or are they destined to be forever haunted by the past Sneek peak at the novel.. Mei Wen "..." . This man was really capable of making people speechless . " Mr Gu ....I don't understand why you are doing this"  " Don't you want to take revenge Miss Wen " "Yes ..but...". " Then just sign the contract " . He looked up to see Mei Wen who was still hesitating about the whole deal 'this time ,I won't lose you again , you must be mine ' . A/N: Please support , this is my first novel hope you enjoy reading this

ruthie_obi · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Chapter 20

??? "You can't compare to my wife even in a thousand years to come,what gave you the confidence to think that I would 'fall at your feet'"

Everyone turned their heads towards the voice that suddenly echoed in every corner of the shop.

Adriana froze up and turned her head to look at Gu Yao who was walking towards her and Mei Wen .

" Do you want to go home?"

Gu Yao's warm gaze looked deeply into her eyes and it seemed to pierce her soul.

" Mm. let's go home...but..."

" I've already called the driver, he's outside"

With that they ignored Adriana who was looking at them angrily.

" Gu Yao,I will find you and you will be mine"

Some people scoffed at her words and some shot her a disgusted look.

" Just because, she's a princess,she thinks she's the most important person".

Adriana huffed and ran out in anger , she entered her pink Lamborghini , trying to cool off her anger.

Suddenly her phone rang and the caller ID showed that her mum was calling.

She felt her stomach churn and she had a bad feeling about her mother's unexpected call.

Immediately she picked it,she was hearing angry shoutings and abuses. When she couldn't take it anymore she shouted her mom's name.

" Mum!!!,why did you suddenly call, you didn't even greet me".

" Hmph, how dare you ,I arrange a date for you and you mess it up ,you scoundrel,are you trying to send me to my early grave,how dare you defy my order , you have to go apologize immediately,and do as he says "

Adriana was in shock, when did she meet the arranged old fart that her mum set up with her .

" Mum ,I haven't even met the old man yet ,and I will not repeat myself, I'm not going to marry an old lustful freak ".

"... You scoundrel,how dare you call Mr Gu an old lustful man ,gosh why did I give birth to a daughter like you..."

Huh... wait a minute,did she just say Mr GU!!!!,no ...it must be a coincidence right?!?

"Mum , what is his real name"

" Gu Yao,why are you asking, don't you already "

Adriana froze up in disbelief and shock.

" Gu....Yao , did you say Gu Yao"

" Didn't you read the profile I sent you,it has all his details and photos"

Mrs Liam began to calm down when she heard Adriana's strange tone.

"Mum....I didn't receive anything but Richard told me that he knows Mr Gu, that he is a stinky old business man who likes young ladies..."

Suddenly it occurred to both of them... Richard must have done something behind the scenes and made Adriana from not knowing how Gu Yao.

" I told you that, that Richard boy is crazy ,look at what he did now ,he messed up my plans"

" Mum...Gu Yao...is ...married "

Mrs Liam"..."

" Married?! ,Gu Ting, didn't tell me he was married "

" Huh,who..."

" His Aunt"

Mrs Liam began face turned black as she hung up on her daughter and called Gu Ting who picked up instantly.

" My darling, what's wrong, aren't you supposed to be asleep now".

" Gu Ting,why didn't you tell me that Gu Yao is married "

Gu Ting,who was enjoying her tea with her daughter, Gu Yan suddenly stood up in shock.

" Married ,how dare he marry without informing the elders , I'll look into this myself, don't worry our beloved Adriana will be the one to be his wife"

Mrs Liam raised her brows suspiciously. " Can your words be trusted" 

She was starting to believe that this Gu Ting words aren't too reliable.

" Of course, I'm his aunt ,he has to follow my words " she said confidently .

"Hmm, okay "

She hanged up the phone without even waiting to hear anything else.

Gu Ting's smiling face turned ferocious as she smashed her phone on the ground , scaring Gu Yan.

" That , stupid bastard,how dare he, mother in-law and eldest sister in-law can pick girls for but I can't,the audacity."

" Mum are you talking about cousin Gu Yao ,I saw him today with his so called wife , shopping for gifts for the family meeting we are having on Saturday. That girl was so proud and evil ,I don't like her , can't cousin Gu Yao marry someone like Xian Yin, someone who is gentle and kind ,not a wicked shrew"

Gu Yan,lied without even blinking,she was the one that was acting immorally but she didn't want to accept the truth so she tried to poison her mother's mind 

" Hmph,he thinks he can just marry anyone into the family without consulting the elders first , I'll show him and deal with the b**ch he married at the same time "