
Unexpected Fates

Have you ever been caught between a rock and a hard place? Riona had everything and is comfortable with her life until her parents decide she needs to be married. not to mention she really doesn't like the man they have picked out for her. Will she try to get out of this or will she choose to live with it?

SanyMarj · สมัยใหม่
9 Chs

Chapter 9

The preparations for the gala were long and tiring but not as nerve wracking as the journey to the venue with Bennie. She had rented a car to get her and Bennie to the gala. He was dressed in a dark almost black maroon suit without a tie, which made him look carefree and ragged. She in turn was wearing a maroon dress that tended toward red. It was long and flowing but had a slit cutting down the front that was disguised by the folds. It could be seen when she walked and it showed off her killer shoes and legs to perfection. It had a sweetheart neckline and was tight to her waist. Her hair was cut short to a long bob and was falling in big waves around her face. Her make up was simple but smoky, accentuating her eyes and lips which were a deep red.

"Have I told you, you look ravishing tonight?" Bennie said again

"Not quite like that," Ri almost laughed.

"Let's skip this shindig and I take you home." Bennie said as he licked his lips looking her up and down for the umpteenth time.

"O Bennie, you say the nicest things" Ri batted her eyelashes at him.

"There is nothing nice about what I want to do to you right now," Bennie scooted closer to her.

"O?" Ri asked leaning closer still. Just as Bennie was going to elaborate, The car came to a stop. They had arrived.

"Hold that thought Handsome," Ri said as she organised herself to get out. Bennie sighed heavily and she may have glimpsed him adjusting himself. She smiled secretly.

They got out into the flashing cameras. Of course the paps started asking questions right away. Ri just ignored them, put her arm through Bennie's and they made their way to the hotel entrance. It would be an eventful night, that was for certain.

Inside, there was soft music playing from the speakers and a din of murmurs from the people already in attendance. To wondered whether her family or her fiance had arrived yet. She started to make the rounds, introducing Bennie as well. She figured he could make connections and network even though she was using him. At the very least he would be getting something out of the outing.

When she was sure she had greeted those she knew, Her and Bennie found a corner and just talked with their drinks. After some minutes there was a commotion near the entrance. Ri rolled her eyes. She knew what that meant. Her fiance had arrived. She sighed.

"What are you sighing about Sweets?" Bennie asked, leaning toward her. She leaned in too, "My fiance has arrived." Bennie smiled and took the liberty to brush a non existent hair behind her ear. "I am ready when you are," he whispered. She smiled up at him.

She could actually follow Mr. Fletcher's movements because the crowd seemed to flow with them.

"You smell amazing," Ben observed. Ri just hummed. If she wasn't careful she might actually get caught up in whatever web Ben was weaving.

"Riona Barnes, as I live and breathe,"

Ri sighed

"Hello Brother," She extricated herself from Ben and turned to greet her brother.

Robert Barnes looked the epitome of a trust fund child, if he hadn't squandered it he would actually be one.

"And here I thought you wouldn't come to this event," he sneered

"Believe me, I thought about it," she murmured

"I haven't seen you at dinner in a while," he asked in faux concern. There was no way he actually cared whether she was there or not, "The parental want to have a word with you, you know."

Ri sighed again. This time Ben drew her closer to him with a hand round her waist. This is when Robert noticed him.

"And who might this be?" he asked, looking him up and down and appraising his value.

"My date for the evening, if you must know." Ri replied and decided she may as well get the parents out of the way as well. "Where are mother and father? I may as well say hello"

"They are close to the bar, as you know that is dad's go-to," he looked over Ben again, "Go find them, let me keep your date company,"

Not a chance in hell, Do thought as she grabbed Bennie's hand and dragged him along. She would not risk leaving him there with that particular vulture.

They weaved their way through the crowd of people. She was glad she had somehow escaped her fiance but she was sure he would find her soon enough, with the direction she was taking, her parents would rectify that.

"Slow down baby, where is the fire?" Ben groused.

"Behind you," she replied immediately.

In a few minutes she spotted her parents and braced herself. She slowed down to an elegant walk, squared her shoulders and pushed her hand into Bennie's, more for moral support really, and approached them.

"Mother," she gave her mother the obligated air kisses, "Father," she briefly inclined her head, "Lovely to see you,"

"Well," her mother started in her disapproving tone, "I am glad it takes an event like this to see my only daughter. And to think, I thought I raised you right."

Ri felt Bennie stiffen, she discreetly tapped his bicep in reassurance.

"Will you introduce us," He father directed.

"Ben, parents," she started turning to her date, "Parents, Ben"

"That is not the way you were taught..." Ri interrupted her

"Yes mother it isn't," she took a breath, "But I would rather you do not poison my date."

"Your date? Child you are..." her father started to lose his temper but her mom stopped him with an elbow and a look. "We will discuss this later," They stalked of, he mother dragging her father.

"That went well," said To after a moment. She turned to the bar tender and orders a large glass of wine.

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