

I have lost all hope in life. Why keep on fighting a lost battle against an almighty opponent who is life? When life give you apple make an apple pie but what if the apple is so rotten that it can’t be cook? ***** I’m completely useless. No matter how I try, no matter my efforts and struggle nothings change, I can’t just make thing happen!!! I’m block on the same level since years and lost everything that was dear to me. I’m all alone, why continue this endless pain. Death is the freedom I need. ***** Meet Leila and Karl, they both lost hope in life, all they wish is to stop the endless pain they have being living in. Is death they only way to get their wanted freedom? As darkness was swallowing them and they were dying themselves in despair, a glimpse of light was seen, bringing in an unexpected person in their life. Was it a gift from God or a curse of the devil?? ---- His gaze was so empty, with no hope, no attach, no emotions. He transpired no sadness, no sorrow, no pain but for some reason I knew he was screaming inside inside, he was burning, crying for help. His indifference was just a barrier to protect his broken soul. He was so different from me but somehow so alike - Leila Her eyes was burning, full of pain, rage and sadness. Through her smile I could see just how sad she really was. Those emotions made her seem alive but I knew how empty she was inside. The emotions she display was just a way to hide the hopelessness and emptyness in her. She was so different from me but somehow so alike - karl

Blissful_Smile · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs


A church bell rang. A woman dressed all in black, black gown, heels and bag. Her long black hair cascade on her shoulders. She had a pocket of red roses in her hands. She stopped in front of a tombstone.

"Hey, love. Sorry, I'm late. I had to go to that stupid therapy" she put the rose on the tombstone. It was written, Carl Evans on it.

"I cried a lot today you know to the point I most have exhausted the tears in me" she tried to smile but even a fake one couldn't be formed on her face.

"Yes I'm sad and it's all your fault, why did you leave me, why didn't you take me with you, I would have being so happy" she caressed the tombstone.

Carl was her first love, first kiss, first time, first everything. He was the only person she ever loved.

They met when she just entered college and he was a professor assistants as his part time job. She was graduating in science, to become a doctor while he was the assistant of the finance professor. The two courses was at each end of the campus, making it difficult for them to meet but fate has something planned for them and brought them closer. Since then, they never left each other side.

She didn't care he was a professor or about social status because nothing of that matter except their love. For the first time in her life, she felt understood.

"Do you remember the first time we met? Who would have thought we did become the most important person in each other life" he was all that matter to her.

They first time they met, Leila had skip class and was roaming around the football field, Carl saw her and brought her to the principal office, from then on life didn't stop making them meet, bringing them closer to each other.

"I never told you this but I felt for you the first time I saw you, you were so handsome while scolding me. To tell you the truth I wasn't listening at all, your eyes was so mesmerizing" if someone had asked her back then what he told her, she won't be capable to answer, her mind was else where. She felt something she never feel before.

After that, she searched everything she could on him and create every possible way so that their path meet.

She giggled, those memories always brought her joy and the poor Carl who was completely clueless.

"Yes, you heard right. All of that was meticulously planned by me. At least my hard work wasn't for nothing" a genuine smile greeted her face, like always only he can bring her happiness, she didn't has to fake in his presence.

"What are you doing here!!" a grumpy and cold woman voice asked from behind.

Leila recognize it in split of a second. She clenched her fist and stood up.


"Don't called me that, I can be the mother of a murderer" Leila lower her head, knowing what was coming next.

"You killed my son, it's because of you he died, if you never got in my son life, he with be living now" Leila gripped her dress, even after hearing it for the past three years, it still hurts because it was the truth, it was all her fault.

"Stop that, she isn't the cause of that. We lost our son but she lost her husband at such a young age she became a widow" Carl father said, trying to calm his wife.

He doesn't like her constantly blaming Leila. That accident already took a hold on her, she lost her husband and child at once, she was just twenty back then.

"If I care, why should I care about the person behind my son death and you too shouldn't" she pushed her husband away from her, she was angry. How can he defend Leila.

"You know it as well, she may not have kill him directly but her presence in his life did. It because he wanted to provide her with everything she had in her house that it happen. I should have never accepted that marriage, pregnant or not" she yelled. Seeing Leila only brought pain in her heart, she wondered how she could even like her at first.

Leila lifted up her head, her eyes wide open, she was shocked by what she heard.

"Was I such a burden for him' she wondered.

"Don't give me that looks, he works like crazy so that you don't lack of a thing. He exhausted himself so that he could give you the style of living you were used to have but that wasn't sufficient, madam had to want to go to piano concert that was out of his league but he never complained because he loved you but madam wasn't happy!! And when he finally find a well paid work who would have settle your life, you had to go against, you had to ask him not to go and because you were angry he brought you to your favorite restaurant and that cause his death, he should have just stay home and take that job. You're the most egoist person I ever saw in my life" she said in a breath, letting out what she had in her heart for so long.

Leila didn't know when she started crying, she just felt it running down her cheek. All her words was like knife going straight in her heart. She never knew it, he was struggling so much, why did he never tell her. All those desire of hers was dispensable, she could have do just fine without them, if only she knew.

The tears she thought she had exhausted them earlier kept on flowing out. Pouring like a waterfall.

"Stop those fake tears, it won't work on me"

Leila throat was choked, but she managed to say in between her sobs

"I didn't know, if I had.."

"What, what would you have done? Asking money to your father? Destroying Carl self esteem further ?"

"Stop it now Sofia" he had enough, he couldn't see Leila shed anymore tears.

"No, I didn't finished" Sofia said.

"Yes you did, what do you get making her in this state ?" for once he went against the woman he loved.

"We are going. Please excuse her" he said and walked away, dragging behind him, his unwilling wife.

Leila was left alone in tears. She felt nothing but pure regrets. She wasn't angry at Sofia because all she said was true. She was the cause of his death, she should have never crossed paths with him nor make their roads meet again.

"I'm sorry" she didn't have the courage to look at him. There she thought they were happy while he was suffering in silent, all because of her.

She ran away, never turning back and tears keep on flowing.