
Talk to him

Huang vigorously nodded his head and readily agreed, "We will do as you say." 

Taking out his handkerchief, he gave it to her. "Here use his." When Huiling gave him a weird look, he added, "This was inside my pocket so it hasn't been touched by her."

"You mean rubbed?" 

Scratching his forehead, Huang sighed, "I seriously had no idea she would do that but I swear I saw nothing." 

Just then the elevator door opened and Huiling stepped out of the elevator after taking the handkerchief from his hand.


Li mansion.

Qiangs room.

"I am sorry." Hugging her from behind, Guang placed his chin on her shoulder.

Dabbing the concealer on the multiple bite marks that he had left in her body, Qiang chuckled, "Well, I don't have a problem walking around flaunting them but dad is going to kill you so I am hiding them for your safety."

"Do you think uncle Singtan hates me?" Guang asked.