
Undying Devotion

A world filled with living beings having no idea what horrors walks amongst them. Do you ever think if it's possible that anyone you look at could be dead? Or a possible apparition that is apart of your imagination? However, a dark secret hides unseen and unheard of, but once found lost of questions will soon need to be answered. What is hiding in that cellar? And why does he keep it locked? Is he keeping something trapped down there for the safety of the Earth? Or is it just for his own personal gain? A cold hearted criminal.. There's only one way to find out. (Dan x missing hybrid oc)

GogetaFanUwU · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 2

On the day before Christmas Avery was being babysitted by one of Kai's friend called Vlad and he was having the Fenton family over for dinner along with the girl present who instantly took their hearts with her cute little smiles.

"Don't mind the little angel, I'm just babysitting her for a friend of mine while he's out of town for a few days" Vlad said to the Fentons as they headed inside along with some presences he wished never tagged along. A taller clear over 6 foot tall and much more bulky and muscular man with long fair skin, black hair with a goatee and blue eyes, as he wore a black shirt, black jeans, belt, fingerless gloves and combat boots. He wasn't exactly happy to be here silently glaring at Vlad as he walked inside going to one place and that was the library.

Avery was immediately intrigued by this new and instantly went after him as a crack in the library was left, allowing her to slip inside as he could be seen walking about trying to find something to pass the time, despite the little footsteps staggering from behind.

"Big bear" Avery called out as he jolted spinning around as he glanced down spotting the little child peering up at him in awe. His head looked open and glanced around unsure of what to do, as she came forward and pulled her arms up doing some grabbing gestures with her hands wanting to be picked up. "Up, up" she asked as he sighed before crouching down and lifting Avery up as she sat on his lower left arm while he continued to find a book.

"Why is this puny child pestering me?" he thought not really sure how deal with a little kid of this age or any for that matter, but she seemed to be pretty chill and stayed quiet without putting up a fuss a somewhat odd way a child should be acting. However, a ghost like essence came through triggering him to keep his mind on guard for anything suspicious or could possibly harm this innocent child, but when she glanced over his shoulder an image of something passing through some of the library bookshelves like it failed to do what most entities did best, to hide from the naked eye.

"Avery.." a voice silently whispered sounding desperate causing both himself and Avery to turn and search around somewhat drawn to this voice, like it was calling out nearby, but nothing could be found.

"Mama.." Avery muttered instantly becoming overly emotional as tears started to make a presence building up from her eyes as he slowly began to panic, unsure of what to do hearing her starting to sob and cry for the one thing she knows won't come to her aid.

"Was that..? No, it can't be" he thought quickly trying to settle Avery who began to quietly mutter 'mama' clearly distraught and won't easy calm down without them, but even he know it was impossible unless their ghost is still traveling around somewhere searching for their child. "You sick fuck" he muttered suddenly reaching out grabbing something within his grasps keeping Avery's face hidden in his chest. "Who are you?" he growled as his eyes turned red revealing those sharp ghostly fangs at whoever was stuck in his tight neck breaking grip, but they were struggling to mutter a single word. This unseeable figure quickly came into view, a smaller less muscular ghost like male with light orange skin, fiery spiky yellow hair and jasper coloured eyes before starting to tap on his arm wanting him to at least loosen his grip a little, and he did still making it impossible for this one to wiggle away. "Speak!" he growled again maintaining his intimidating appearance.

"The name is Felix and I'm just here to keep an eye on Avery for Kai while he's away to ensure that the old man is actually properly caring to her every need!" the intruder spoke their piece allowing him to be released, but it didn't make allow this stranger to come closer to the child in any way or he'll be thrown out either by the walls, windows or doors. "Your kind isn't usually welcomed from where I am from, so be careful on the next ghost you decide to grab by their neck. They might turn you into a pretzel" Felix added in a rather cocky tone as if warning him, but he wasn't exactly scared of whoever this next watcher is going to be. He will take down all who try to get in his way, let alone torment a child who is still suffering over the loss of their mother.

"I don't care, now go before I decide to turn your insides out and wear them like a sweater. As if I hear anyone else mimic this child's mother's voice I will rip out not only the windpipe, but their voice box too" he threatened starting to make his way towards Felix who started to stumble back before vanishing through the nearest wall giving the two some silence once more, without anyone to disturb them. "Who the heck even was that guy? He doesn't appear to be like the others, it was like he was alive in someway, but I can't exactly put my finger on it" he thought for a while keeping this weird confrontation secret until a better understanding of where this Felix guy came from and why he was so different from the rest of them.

"Bad.. He very bad" Avery randomly said referring to Felix in a way as her new unexpected babysitter found the book he was looking for, and sat down once she had something to occupy the child as well. "What is your name big bear?" she asked while peering up at him while they both sat on the sofa with a somewhat childlike book, giving him a childish nickname which was cute as he sighed looking back down at her from his book.

"Dan.. Now quit pestering me, I want to read my book in peace" He answered paying his full attention back to the book he picked, as she did the same paying oddly fully attention to every word as well without any help. His eyes glanced at Avery now and then seeing how she used her fingers to read, but nothing came out of her mouth, so could she be reading in her head at just 3 years old? "Something is seriously odd with this kid" he thought not liking how well behaved she was being with every command he gave her to follow, like a very obedient dog.

"Where did they go?" A familiar voice could be heard outside of the library as the door creaked open allowing Vlad's doppelgänger to come through, appearing to have lost something or someone until finally spotting Avery. "Ahah. There you are, I've got you some cookies for being such a good girl" he said not paying much attention to Dan who silently read his book, as a plate with a pile off cookie was placed on the table that sat in front of them between both sofas that surrounded it.

"Thank you, Vladie" Avery said in a sweet way liking it when he would bring her cookies whenever she came by, even if it was on rare occasions like Christmas or other holiday events, but Avery spent most of her time with the doppelgänger rather than with the real Vlad.

"Now be good, I'll be keeping a close eye on you" the doppelgänger said gently ruffling her hair before grabbing a few things and left the two to their own devices.

"Never give sugar to a child, it is a bad combination" Dan thought waiting for the sugar rush to start, but something unexpected happened as she brought the plate on the seat of the sofa between them. "What is this kid plotting? She doesn't think I'm that dumb do they?" He thought again seeing her hand go to grab a cookie before glancing over seeing that she actually wanted him to have some.

"Here. You can have some, 'cause sharing is caring" Avery said with a little laugh and smile with her kind offering as he kindly took the gesture and started to eat it. "You can get some more, I don't mind" she added and also started to eat a cookie as well, while gently kicking her legs back and forth enjoying every living moment she had with her new friend.

"That's it! I have already decided. This child is too innocent. She must be protected at all costs" Dan thought building some sort of protective friendship with this child, as not only did they both like cookies, but she was not afraid of him despite what happened earlier with Felix.

When the dinner ended Jasmine popped into library spotting her brother Dan getting along with Avery. A odd and rare sight for her to see, but their time together sadly has come to an end.

"Dan, it's time to go" she said as he perked over his shoulder letting out a sigh and picked up Avery before exiting the library, wanting to hand her over personally knowing she won't be wandering about, unsupervised in a huge not baby proof environment. "I see you've made a friend, and what is your name?" Jasmine asked adored when seeing this little girl as she shyly hid away on Dan's shoulder, taking small peeks at her.

"Her name is Avery and for now on if she's gets hurt or even bleed a single drop and she's a tear. Someone is going to be losing their head" Dan stated as they met up with the others where Vlad spotted Avery in Dan's arms.

"Allow me to take her, she is my responsibility until her uncle comes to pick her up. Unless you're willing enough to babysit her instead?" Vlad randomly suggested clearly not wanting to take care of this child as Dan instantly took Avery with him without a second thought.

"Wait, Dan!" Jasmine yelled chasing after him as he continued to walk off with a child in hand. "You know this is classed as kidnapping right?" She added trying to get him to bring her back, but nothing seemed to be encouraging him, as if a voice inside his head refuses to let this child go back to there or wherever she came from.

Avery was confused and cold shivering until snuggling up to Dan for at least some warmth, when he tried his best to hurry back before she could catch a cold, but the only option was to transform and fly so he did. Dan got back to the Fenton house and opened the window that was apart of his room, and crawled inside shutting it behind him keeping the cold out.

"Don't worry you'll warm up in no time, but for now rest up and I'll be right here for when you wake up" he quietly said pulling one of his pillows down and laid her down, as he laid down by her side protecting Avery from anything that dares to try and hurt her. She flipped around, and unexpectedly snuggled up against him feeling the warmth radiating from him, using it to warm herself up along with the pillow for comfort as she fell into a comfortable slumber.

Even if she was meant to be under Vlad's watch, Dan felt like he did the right thing and took the girl under his watch until things properly sort themselves out, but he knew there was something off and has questions that urgently need to be answered.